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Example 1 with Transaction

use of in project hedera-services by hashgraph.

the class FeeBuilderTest method assertGetSignatureSizeReturnsZero.

void assertGetSignatureSizeReturnsZero() {
    Transaction signedTxn = Transaction.newBuilder().setSignedTransactionBytes(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("Wrong value")).build();
    assertEquals(0, FeeBuilder.getSignatureSize(signedTxn));
Also used : Transaction( SignedTransaction( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 2 with Transaction

use of in project hedera-services by hashgraph.

the class PojoSigMapPubKeyToSigBytesTest method getsExpectedSigBytesForOtherParties.

void getsExpectedSigBytesForOtherParties() throws Throwable {
    // given:
    Transaction signedTxn = newSignedSystemDelete().payerKt(payerKt).nonPayerKts(otherKt).get();
    PubKeyToSigBytes subject = new PojoSigMapPubKeyToSigBytes(SignedTxnAccessor.uncheckedFrom(signedTxn).getSigMap());
    // expect:
    lookupsMatch(payerKt, defaultFactory, CommonUtils.extractTransactionBodyBytes(signedTxn), subject);
    lookupsMatch(otherKt, defaultFactory, CommonUtils.extractTransactionBodyBytes(signedTxn), subject);
Also used : Transaction( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 3 with Transaction

use of in project hedera-services by hashgraph.

the class SigVerifierRegressionTest method rejectsInvalidTxn.

void rejectsInvalidTxn() throws Throwable {
    // given:
    Transaction invalidSignedTxn = Transaction.newBuilder().setBodyBytes(ByteString.copyFrom("NONSENSE".getBytes())).build();
    // expect:
Also used : Transaction( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 4 with Transaction

use of in project hedera-services by hashgraph.

the class HapiQueryOp method fittedPayment.

private Transaction fittedPayment(HapiApiSpec spec) throws Throwable {
    if (explicitPayment.isPresent()) {
        return explicitPayment.get().signedTxnFor(spec);
    } else if (nodePaymentFn.isPresent()) {
        return finalizedTxn(spec, opDef(spec, nodePaymentFn.get().apply(spec)));
    } else if (nodePayment.isPresent()) {
        return finalizedTxn(spec, opDef(spec, nodePayment.get()));
    } else {
        long initNodePayment = costOnlyNodePayment(spec);
        Transaction payment = finalizedTxn(spec, opDef(spec, initNodePayment), true);
        if (!loggingOff) {
   + "Paying for COST_ANSWER of " + this + " with " + txnToString(payment));
        long realNodePayment = timedCostLookupWith(spec, payment);
        if (recordsNodePayment) {
            spec.registry().saveAmount(nodePaymentName, realNodePayment);
        if (!suppressStats) {
        if (expectedCostAnswerPrecheck() != OK) {
            return null;
        if (spec.setup().costSnapshotMode() != OFF) {
            spec.recordPayment(new Payment(initNodePayment, self().getClass().getSimpleName(), COST_ANSWER_QUERY_COST));
            spec.recordPayment(new Payment(realNodePayment, self().getClass().getSimpleName(), ANSWER_ONLY_QUERY_COST));
        txnSubmitted = payment;
        if (!loggingOff) {
   + "--> Node payment for " + this + " is " + realNodePayment + " tinyBars.");
        if (expectStrictCostAnswer) {
            Transaction insufficientPayment = finalizedTxn(spec, opDef(spec, realNodePayment - 1));
            submitWith(spec, insufficientPayment);
            if (INSUFFICIENT_TX_FEE != reflectForPrecheck(response)) {
                String errMsg = String.format("Strict cost of answer! suppose to be %s, but get %s", INSUFFICIENT_TX_FEE, reflectForPrecheck(response));
                throw new HapiQueryPrecheckStateException(errMsg);
            } else {
      "Query with node payment of {} tinyBars got INSUFFICIENT_TX_FEE as expected!", realNodePayment - 1);
        return finalizedTxn(spec, opDef(spec, realNodePayment));
Also used : Payment( Transaction( HapiQueryPrecheckStateException( TxnUtils.txnToString(

Example 5 with Transaction

use of in project hedera-services by hashgraph.

the class HapiQueryOp method submitOp.

protected boolean submitOp(HapiApiSpec spec) throws Throwable {
    Transaction payment = Transaction.getDefaultInstance();
    int retryCount = 1;
    while (true) {
        /* Note that HapiQueryOp#fittedPayment makes a COST_ANSWER query if necessary. */
        if (needsPayment()) {
            payment = fittedPayment(spec);
        if (stopAfterCostAnswer) {
            return false;
        /* If the COST_ANSWER query was expected to fail, we will not do anything else for this query. */
        if (needsPayment() && !nodePayment.isPresent() && expectedCostAnswerPrecheck() != OK) {
            return false;
        if (needsPayment() && !loggingOff) {
   + "Paying for " + this + " with " + txnToString(payment));
        timedSubmitWith(spec, payment);
        actualPrecheck = reflectForPrecheck(response);
        if (answerOnlyRetryPrechecks.isPresent() && answerOnlyRetryPrechecks.get().contains(actualPrecheck) && isWithInRetryLimit(retryCount)) {
        } else {
    if (permissibleAnswerOnlyPrechecks.isPresent()) {
        if (permissibleAnswerOnlyPrechecks.get().contains(actualPrecheck)) {
            answerOnlyPrecheck = Optional.of(actualPrecheck);
        } else {
            String errMsg = String.format("Answer-only precheck was %s, not one of %s!", actualPrecheck, permissibleAnswerOnlyPrechecks.get());
            if (!loggingOff) {
            throw new HapiQueryPrecheckStateException(errMsg);
    } else {
        if (expectedAnswerOnlyPrecheck() != actualPrecheck) {
            String errMsg = String.format("Bad answerOnlyPrecheck! expected %s, actual %s", expectedAnswerOnlyPrecheck(), actualPrecheck);
            if (!loggingOff) {
            throw new HapiQueryPrecheckStateException(errMsg);
    if (expectedCostAnswerPrecheck() != OK || expectedAnswerOnlyPrecheck() != OK) {
        return false;
    txnSubmitted = payment;
    return true;
Also used : Transaction( HapiQueryPrecheckStateException( TxnUtils.txnToString(


Transaction ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)128 ParameterizedTest (org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)108 TransactionBody ( RecordItem (com.hedera.mirror.common.domain.transaction.RecordItem)91 TransactionRecord ( SignedTransaction ( FileAppendTransactionBody ( FileCreateTransactionBody ( FileUpdateTransactionBody ( UtilityTest (com.hedera.mirror.importer.util.UtilityTest)26 CryptoUpdateTransactionBody ( CryptoAddLiveHashTransactionBody ( CryptoCreateTransactionBody ( CryptoDeleteLiveHashTransactionBody ( Entity (com.hedera.mirror.common.domain.entity.Entity)22 TokenTransferList ( ContractUpdateTransactionBody ( ContractCallTransactionBody ( ContractCreateTransactionBody (