use of com.helger.as2lib.exception.AS2Exception in project as2-lib by phax.
the class DispositionOptions method createFromString.
* Parse Strings like <code>signed-receipt-protocol=optional, pkcs7-signature;
* signed-receipt-micalg=optional, sha1</code>
* @param sOptions
* The string to parse. May be <code>null</code> in which case an empty
* object will be returned.
* @return Never <code>null</code>.
* @throws AS2Exception
* In the very unlikely case of a programming error in
* {@link StringTokenizer}.
public static DispositionOptions createFromString(@Nullable final String sOptions) throws AS2Exception {
final DispositionOptions ret = new DispositionOptions();
if (StringHelper.hasTextAfterTrim(sOptions)) {
try {
// Split options into parameters by ";"
for (final String sParameter : StringHelper.getExplodedArray(';', sOptions.trim())) {
// Split parameter into name and value by "="
final String[] aParts = StringHelper.getExplodedArray('=', sParameter.trim(), 2);
if (aParts.length == 2) {
final String sAttribute = aParts[0].trim();
// Split the value into importance and the main values by ","
final String[] aValues = StringHelper.getExplodedArray(',', aParts[1].trim(), 2);
if (aValues.length == 2) {
if (sAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(SIGNED_RECEIPT_PROTOCOL)) {
} else if (sAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(SIGNED_RECEIPT_MICALG)) {
} else {
if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled())
LOGGER.warn("Unsupported disposition attribute '" + sAttribute + "' with value '" + aParts[1].trim() + "' found!");
} else {
if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled())
LOGGER.warn("Failed to split disposition options parameter '" + sParameter + "' value '" + aParts[1].trim() + "' into importance and values");
} else {
if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled())
LOGGER.warn("Failed to split disposition options parameter '" + sParameter + "' into attribute and values");
} catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) {
throw new AS2Exception("Invalid disposition options format: " + sOptions);
return ret;
use of com.helger.as2lib.exception.AS2Exception in project as2-lib by phax.
the class DispositionType method createFromString.
public static DispositionType createFromString(@Nullable final String sDisposition) throws AS2Exception {
if (StringHelper.hasNoText(sDisposition))
throw new AS2Exception("Disposition type is empty");
try {
final StringTokenizer aDispTokens = new StringTokenizer(sDisposition, "/;:", false);
final String sAction = aDispTokens.nextToken().toLowerCase(Locale.US);
final String sMDNAction = aDispTokens.nextToken().toLowerCase(Locale.US);
final String sStatus = aDispTokens.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US);
String sStatusModifier = null;
String sStatusDescription = null;
if (aDispTokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
sStatusModifier = aDispTokens.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US);
if (aDispTokens.hasMoreTokens())
sStatusDescription = aDispTokens.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US);
return new DispositionType(sAction, sMDNAction, sStatus, sStatusModifier, sStatusDescription);
} catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) {
throw new AS2Exception("Invalid disposition type format '" + sDisposition + "'", ex);
use of com.helger.as2lib.exception.AS2Exception in project as2-lib by phax.
the class XMLPartnershipFactory method loadPartnerIDs.
protected void loadPartnerIDs(@Nonnull final IMicroElement ePartnership, @Nonnull final IPartnerMap aAllPartners, @Nonnull final Partnership aPartnership, final boolean bIsSender) throws AS2Exception {
final String sPartnerType = bIsSender ? "sender" : "receiver";
final IMicroElement ePartner = ePartnership.getFirstChildElement(sPartnerType);
if (ePartner == null)
throw new AS2Exception("Partnership '" + aPartnership.getName() + "' is missing '" + sPartnerType + "' child element");
final IStringMap aPartnerAttrs = AS2XMLHelper.getAllAttrsWithLowercaseName(ePartner);
// check for a partner name, and look up in partners list if one is found
final String sPartnerName = aPartnerAttrs.getAsString(ATTR_PARTNER_NAME);
if (sPartnerName != null) {
// Resolve name from existing partners
final IPartner aPartner = aAllPartners.getPartnerOfName(sPartnerName);
if (aPartner == null) {
throw new AS2Exception("Partnership '" + aPartnership.getName() + "' has a non-existing " + sPartnerType + " partner: '" + sPartnerName + "'");
// Set all attributes from the stored partner
if (bIsSender)
// the ones present in the partner element
if (bIsSender)
use of com.helger.as2lib.exception.AS2Exception in project as2-lib by phax.
the class AS2SenderModule method handle.
public void handle(@Nonnull final String sAction, @Nonnull final IMessage aBaseMsg, @Nullable final Map<String, Object> aOptions) throws AS2Exception {
final AS2Message aMsg = (AS2Message) aBaseMsg;
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Submitting message" + aMsg.getLoggingText());
// verify all required information is present for sending
final int nRetries = getRetryCount(aMsg.partnership(), aOptions);
try (final AS2ResourceHelper aResHelper = new AS2ResourceHelper()) {
// Get Content-Transfer-Encoding to use
final String sContentTransferEncoding = aMsg.partnership().getContentTransferEncodingSend(EContentTransferEncoding.AS2_DEFAULT.getID());
final EContentTransferEncoding eCTE = EContentTransferEncoding.getFromIDCaseInsensitiveOrDefault(sContentTransferEncoding, EContentTransferEncoding.AS2_DEFAULT);
// compress and/or sign and/or encrypt the message if needed
final MimeBodyPart aSecuredData = secure(aMsg, eCTE);
// Calculate MIC after compress/sign/crypt was handled, because the
// message data might change if compression before signing is active.
final MIC aMIC;
if (aMsg.isRequestingMDN())
aMIC = calculateAndStoreMIC(aMsg);
aMIC = null;
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Setting message content type to '" + aSecuredData.getContentType() + "'");
try (final IHTTPOutgoingDumper aOutgoingDumper = getHttpOutgoingDumper(aMsg)) {
final IHTTPIncomingDumper aIncomingDumper = getEffectiveHttpIncomingDumper();
// Use no CTE, because it was set on all MIME parts
_sendViaHTTP(aMsg, aSecuredData, aMIC, true ? null : eCTE, aOutgoingDumper, aIncomingDumper, aResHelper);
} catch (final AS2HttpResponseException ex) {
if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled())
LOGGER.error("Http Response Error " + ex.getMessage());
if (!doResend(IProcessorSenderModule.DO_SEND, aMsg, ex, nRetries))
throw ex;
} catch (final IOException ex) {
// Re-send if a network error occurs during transmission
final AS2Exception wioe = WrappedAS2Exception.wrap(ex).setSourceMsg(aMsg).terminate();
if (!doResend(IProcessorSenderModule.DO_SEND, aMsg, wioe, nRetries))
throw wioe;
} catch (final Exception ex) {
// Propagate error if it can't be handled by a re-send
throw WrappedAS2Exception.wrap(ex);
use of com.helger.as2lib.exception.AS2Exception in project as2-lib by phax.
the class AbstractHttpSenderModule method getHttpClient.
* Generate a HttpClient connection. It works with streams and avoids holding
* whole message in memory. note that bOutput, bInput, and bUseCaches are not
* supported
* @param sUrl
* URL to connect to
* @param eRequestMethod
* HTTP Request method to use. May not be <code>null</code>.
* @param aProxy
* Optional proxy to use. May be <code>null</code>.
* @return a {@link AS2HttpClient} object to work with
* @throws AS2Exception
* If something goes wrong
public AS2HttpClient getHttpClient(@Nonnull @Nonempty final String sUrl, @Nonnull final EHttpMethod eRequestMethod, @Nullable final Proxy aProxy) throws AS2Exception {
ValueEnforcer.notEmpty(sUrl, "URL");
final SSLContext aSSLCtx;
final HostnameVerifier aHV;
if (isUseSSL(sUrl)) {
// Create SSL context and HostnameVerifier
try {
aSSLCtx = createSSLContext();
} catch (final GeneralSecurityException ex) {
throw new AS2Exception("Error creating SSL Context", ex);
aHV = createHostnameVerifier();
} else {
aSSLCtx = null;
aHV = null;
final int nConnectTimeoutMS = getConnectionTimeoutMilliseconds();
final int nReadTimeoutMS = getReadTimeoutMilliseconds();
return new AS2HttpClient(sUrl, nConnectTimeoutMS, nReadTimeoutMS, eRequestMethod, aProxy, aSSLCtx, aHV);