use of com.helger.as2lib.exception.AS2Exception in project as2-lib by phax.
the class AS2SenderModule method _sendViaHTTP.
private void _sendViaHTTP(@Nonnull final AS2Message aMsg, @Nonnull final MimeBodyPart aSecuredMimePart, @Nullable final MIC aMIC, @Nullable final EContentTransferEncoding eCTE, @Nullable final IHTTPOutgoingDumper aOutgoingDumper, @Nullable final IHTTPIncomingDumper aIncomingDumper, @Nonnull final AS2ResourceHelper aResHelper) throws AS2Exception, IOException, MessagingException {
final Partnership aPartnership = aMsg.partnership();
// Create the HTTP connection
final String sUrl = aPartnership.getAS2URL();
final EHttpMethod eRequestMethod = EHttpMethod.POST;
// decide on the connection type to use according to the MimeBodyPart:
// If it contains the data, (and no DataHandler), then use HttpUrlClient,
// otherwise, use HttpClient
final AS2HttpClient aConn = getHttpClient(sUrl, eRequestMethod, getSession().getHttpProxy());
try {
if (aOutgoingDumper != null)
aOutgoingDumper.start(sUrl, aMsg);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Connecting to " + sUrl + aMsg.getLoggingText());
final boolean bQuoteHeaderValues = isQuoteHeaderValues();
updateHttpHeaders(new AS2HttpHeaderSetter(aConn, aOutgoingDumper, bQuoteHeaderValues), aMsg);
if (aOutgoingDumper != null)
aMsg.attrs().putIn(CNetAttribute.MA_DESTINATION_IP, aConn.getURL().getHost());
aMsg.attrs().putIn(CNetAttribute.MA_DESTINATION_PORT, aConn.getURL().getPort());
final InputStream aMsgIS = aSecuredMimePart.getInputStream();
// Transfer the data
final StopWatch aSW = StopWatch.createdStarted();
final long nBytes = aConn.send(aMsgIS, eCTE, aOutgoingDumper, aResHelper);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"AS2 Message transferred " + AS2IOHelper.getTransferRate(nBytes, aSW) + aMsg.getLoggingText());
if (aOutgoingDumper != null)
final int nHttpResponseCode = aConn.getResponseCode();
if (getOutgoingHttpCallback() != null)
getOutgoingHttpCallback().onOutgoingHttpMessage(true, aMsg.getAS2From(), aMsg.getAS2To(), aMsg.getMessageID(), aMIC == null ? null : aMIC.getClone(), eCTE, sUrl, nHttpResponseCode);
// Check the HTTP Response code
if (AS2HttpClient.isErrorResponseCode(nHttpResponseCode)) {
if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled())
LOGGER.error("Error URL '" + sUrl + "' - HTTP " + nHttpResponseCode + " " + aConn.getResponseMessage() + " " + aMsg.getLoggingText());
throw new AS2HttpResponseException(sUrl, nHttpResponseCode, aConn.getResponseMessage());
// Receive an MDN
try {
// Receive an MDN
if (aMsg.isRequestingMDN()) {
// Check if the AsyncMDN is required
if (aPartnership.getAS2ReceiptDeliveryOption() == null) {
// Note: If an MDN is requested, a MIC is present
assert aMIC != null;
receiveSyncMDN(aMsg, aConn, aMIC, aIncomingDumper, aResHelper);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"message sent" + aMsg.getLoggingText());
} catch (final AS2DispositionException ex) {
// was not successful
throw ex;
} catch (final AS2Exception ex) {
// Don't re-send or fail, just log an error if one occurs while
// receiving the MDN
onReceivedMDNError(aMsg, ex);
} finally {
// Closes all resources
use of com.helger.as2lib.exception.AS2Exception in project as2-lib by phax.
the class MessageFileModule method handle.
public void handle(@Nonnull final String sAction, @Nonnull final IMessage aMsg, @Nullable final Map<String, Object> aOptions) throws AS2Exception {
// store message content
try {
final File aMsgFile = getFile(aMsg, getAttributeAsStringRequired(ATTR_FILENAME));
try (final InputStream aIS = aMsg.getData().getInputStream()) {
store(aMsgFile, aIS);
aMsg.attrs().put(MessageParameters.ATTR_STORED_FILE_NAME, aMsgFile.getAbsolutePath());"stored message to " + aMsgFile.getAbsolutePath() + aMsg.getLoggingText());
} catch (final AS2DispositionException ex) {
// Re-throw "as is"
throw ex;
} catch (final Exception ex) {
throw AS2DispositionException.wrap(ex, () -> DispositionType.createError("error-storing-transaction"), () -> AbstractActiveNetModule.DISP_STORAGE_FAILED);
// Store message headers and attributes
final String sHeaderFilename = getHeaderFilename();
if (sHeaderFilename != null) {
try {
final File aHeaderFile = getFile(aMsg, sHeaderFilename);
try (final InputStream aIS = getHeaderStream(aMsg, getCharset())) {
store(aHeaderFile, aIS);
}"stored headers to " + aHeaderFile.getAbsolutePath() + aMsg.getLoggingText());
} catch (final IOException ex) {
throw WrappedAS2Exception.wrap(ex);
use of com.helger.as2lib.exception.AS2Exception in project as2-lib by phax.
the class AS2HttpClient method getResponseHeaderFields.
public HttpHeaderMap getResponseHeaderFields() throws AS2Exception {
// message was not sent yet, not response
if (m_aCloseableHttpResponse == null)
throw new AS2Exception("No response as message was yet sent");
final Header[] aHeaders = m_aCloseableHttpResponse.getAllHeaders();
final HttpHeaderMap ret = new HttpHeaderMap();
for (final Header aHeader : aHeaders) ret.addHeader(aHeader.getName(), aHeader.getValue());
return ret;
use of com.helger.as2lib.exception.AS2Exception in project as2-lib by phax.
the class DirectoryResenderModule method resendFile.
protected void resendFile(@Nonnull final File aFile) throws AS2Exception {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Processing " + aFile.getAbsolutePath());
final CompositeParameters aParams = new CompositeParameters(false).add("date", new DateParameters());
IMessage aMsg = null;
try {
try {
final String sResendAction;
String sRetries;
try (final FileInputStream aFIS = new FileInputStream(aFile);
final ObjectInputStream aOIS = new ObjectInputStream(aFIS)) {
sResendAction = (String) aOIS.readObject();
sRetries = (String) aOIS.readObject();
aMsg = (IMessage) aOIS.readObject();
// Decrement retries
sRetries = Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(sRetries) - 1);
// Transmit the message
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"loaded message for resend." + aMsg.getLoggingText());
final ICommonsMap<String, Object> aOptions = new CommonsHashMap<>();
aOptions.put(IProcessorResenderModule.OPTION_RETRIES, sRetries);
getSession().getMessageProcessor().handle(sResendAction, aMsg, aOptions);
if (AS2IOHelper.getFileOperationManager().deleteFile(aFile).isFailure()) {
// again
throw new AS2Exception("File was successfully sent but not deleted: " + aFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"deleted " + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + aMsg.getLoggingText());
} catch (final IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) {
// caught 3 lines below
throw WrappedAS2Exception.wrap(ex);
} catch (final AS2Exception ex) {
ex.terminate(aFile, aMsg);
final String sErrorDirectory = aParams.format(getAttributeAsStringRequired(ATTR_ERROR_DIRECTORY));
// Use the source name as the default
final String sErrorFilename = StringHelper.getNotEmpty(aParams.format(attrs().getAsString(ATTR_STORED_ERROR_FILENAME)), aFile.getName());
AS2IOHelper.handleError(aFile, sErrorDirectory, sErrorFilename);
use of com.helger.as2lib.exception.AS2Exception in project as2-lib by phax.
the class AbstractDirectoryPollingModule method processFile.
protected void processFile(@Nonnull final File aFile) throws AS2Exception {"processing " + aFile.getAbsolutePath());
final IMessage aMsg = createMessage();
aMsg.attrs().putIn(CFileAttribute.MA_FILEPATH, aFile.getAbsolutePath());
aMsg.attrs().putIn(CFileAttribute.MA_FILENAME, aFile.getName());
* asynch mdn logic 2007-03-12 save the file name into message object, it
* will be stored into pending information file
aMsg.attrs().putIn(CFileAttribute.MA_PENDING_FILENAME, aFile.getName());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("AS2Message was created");
final CompositeParameters aParams = new CompositeParameters(false).add("date", new DateParameters()).add("msg", new MessageParameters(aMsg));
try {
updateMessage(aMsg, aFile);"file assigned to message " + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + aMsg.getLoggingText());
if (aMsg.getData() == null)
throw new AS2InvalidMessageException("No Data");
// Transmit the message - requires a module installed that implements the
// "send" action (like com.helger.as2lib.processor.sender.AS2SenderModule)
getSession().getMessageProcessor().handle(IProcessorSenderModule.DO_SEND, aMsg, null);
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("AS2Message was successfully handled my the MessageProcessor");
* asynch mdn logic 2007-03-12 If the return status is pending in msg's
* attribute "status" then copy the transmitted file to pending folder and
* wait for the receiver to make another HTTP call to post AsyncMDN
if (CFileAttribute.MA_STATUS_PENDING.equals(aMsg.attrs().getAsString(CFileAttribute.MA_STATUS))) {
// Copy the file to the pending folder
final String sFolderName = AS2IOHelper.getSafeFileAndFolderName(aMsg.partnership().getAttribute(CFileAttribute.MA_STATUS_PENDING));
final String sFilename = FilenameHelper.getAsSecureValidASCIIFilename(aMsg.attrs().getAsString(CFileAttribute.MA_PENDING_FILENAME));
final File aPendingFile = new File(sFolderName, sFilename);
final FileIOError aIOErr = AS2IOHelper.getFileOperationManager().copyFile(aFile, aPendingFile);
if (aIOErr.isFailure())
throw new AS2Exception("File was successfully sent but not copied to pending folder: " + aPendingFile + " - " + aIOErr.toString());"Copied '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' to pending folder '" + aPendingFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'" + aMsg.getLoggingText());
if (attrs().containsKey(ATTR_SENT_DIRECTORY)) {
// If the Sent Directory option is set, move the transmitted file to
// the sent directory
File aSentFile = null;
try {
final String sSentDirectory = AS2IOHelper.getSafeFileAndFolderName(aParams.format(attrs().getAsString(ATTR_SENT_DIRECTORY)));
// Default to the original filename
final String sSentFilename = StringHelper.getNotEmpty(FilenameHelper.getAsSecureValidASCIIFilename(aParams.format(attrs().getAsString(ATTR_STORED_SENT_FILENAME))), aFile.getName());
aSentFile = new File(AS2IOHelper.getDirectoryFile(sSentDirectory), sSentFilename);
aSentFile = AS2IOHelper.moveFile(aFile, aSentFile, false, true);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Moved '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' to '" + aSentFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'" + aMsg.getLoggingText());
} catch (final IOException ex) {
new AS2Exception("File was successfully sent but not moved to sent folder: '" + aSentFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'", ex).terminate();
} else {
// The "Sent Directory" option was not set - so delete the file
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Trying to delete file " + aFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (AS2IOHelper.getFileOperationManager().deleteFileIfExisting(aFile).isFailure()) {
// Delete the file if a sent directory isn't set
throw new AS2Exception("File was successfully sent but not deleted: '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Deleted file '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'" + aMsg.getLoggingText());
} catch (final AS2Exception ex) {
ex.terminate(aFile, aMsg);
final String sErrorDirectory = AS2IOHelper.getSafeFileAndFolderName(aParams.format(getAttributeAsStringRequired(ATTR_ERROR_DIRECTORY)));
// Use the source name as the default
final String sErrorFilename = StringHelper.getNotEmpty(FilenameHelper.getAsSecureValidASCIIFilename(aParams.format(attrs().getAsString(ATTR_STORED_ERROR_FILENAME))), aFile.getName());
AS2IOHelper.handleError(aFile, sErrorDirectory, sErrorFilename);