use of com.helger.commons.http.EHttpMethod in project as2-lib by phax.
the class AS2SenderModule method _sendViaHTTP.
private void _sendViaHTTP(@Nonnull final AS2Message aMsg, @Nonnull final MimeBodyPart aSecuredMimePart, @Nullable final MIC aMIC, @Nullable final EContentTransferEncoding eCTE, @Nullable final IHTTPOutgoingDumper aOutgoingDumper, @Nullable final IHTTPIncomingDumper aIncomingDumper, @Nonnull final AS2ResourceHelper aResHelper) throws AS2Exception, IOException, MessagingException {
final Partnership aPartnership = aMsg.partnership();
// Create the HTTP connection
final String sUrl = aPartnership.getAS2URL();
final EHttpMethod eRequestMethod = EHttpMethod.POST;
// decide on the connection type to use according to the MimeBodyPart:
// If it contains the data, (and no DataHandler), then use HttpUrlClient,
// otherwise, use HttpClient
final AS2HttpClient aConn = getHttpClient(sUrl, eRequestMethod, getSession().getHttpProxy());
try {
if (aOutgoingDumper != null)
aOutgoingDumper.start(sUrl, aMsg);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Connecting to " + sUrl + aMsg.getLoggingText());
final boolean bQuoteHeaderValues = isQuoteHeaderValues();
updateHttpHeaders(new AS2HttpHeaderSetter(aConn, aOutgoingDumper, bQuoteHeaderValues), aMsg);
if (aOutgoingDumper != null)
aMsg.attrs().putIn(CNetAttribute.MA_DESTINATION_IP, aConn.getURL().getHost());
aMsg.attrs().putIn(CNetAttribute.MA_DESTINATION_PORT, aConn.getURL().getPort());
final InputStream aMsgIS = aSecuredMimePart.getInputStream();
// Transfer the data
final StopWatch aSW = StopWatch.createdStarted();
final long nBytes = aConn.send(aMsgIS, eCTE, aOutgoingDumper, aResHelper);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"AS2 Message transferred " + AS2IOHelper.getTransferRate(nBytes, aSW) + aMsg.getLoggingText());
if (aOutgoingDumper != null)
final int nHttpResponseCode = aConn.getResponseCode();
if (getOutgoingHttpCallback() != null)
getOutgoingHttpCallback().onOutgoingHttpMessage(true, aMsg.getAS2From(), aMsg.getAS2To(), aMsg.getMessageID(), aMIC == null ? null : aMIC.getClone(), eCTE, sUrl, nHttpResponseCode);
// Check the HTTP Response code
if (AS2HttpClient.isErrorResponseCode(nHttpResponseCode)) {
if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled())
LOGGER.error("Error URL '" + sUrl + "' - HTTP " + nHttpResponseCode + " " + aConn.getResponseMessage() + " " + aMsg.getLoggingText());
throw new AS2HttpResponseException(sUrl, nHttpResponseCode, aConn.getResponseMessage());
// Receive an MDN
try {
// Receive an MDN
if (aMsg.isRequestingMDN()) {
// Check if the AsyncMDN is required
if (aPartnership.getAS2ReceiptDeliveryOption() == null) {
// Note: If an MDN is requested, a MIC is present
assert aMIC != null;
receiveSyncMDN(aMsg, aConn, aMIC, aIncomingDumper, aResHelper);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"message sent" + aMsg.getLoggingText());
} catch (final AS2DispositionException ex) {
// was not successful
throw ex;
} catch (final AS2Exception ex) {
// Don't re-send or fail, just log an error if one occurs while
// receiving the MDN
onReceivedMDNError(aMsg, ex);
} finally {
// Closes all resources
use of com.helger.commons.http.EHttpMethod in project as2-lib by phax.
the class AsynchMDNSenderModule method _sendViaHTTP.
private void _sendViaHTTP(@Nonnull final AS2Message aMsg, @Nonnull final DispositionType aDisposition, @Nullable final IHTTPOutgoingDumper aOutgoingDumper, @Nonnull final AS2ResourceHelper aResHelper) throws AS2Exception, IOException, MessagingException {
final IMessageMDN aMdn = aMsg.getMDN();
// Create a HTTP connection
final String sUrl = aMsg.getAsyncMDNurl();
final EHttpMethod eRequestMethod = EHttpMethod.POST;
// MDN is a small message. We will always use CHttp
final AS2HttpClient aConn = getHttpClient(sUrl, eRequestMethod, getSession().getHttpProxy());
try {
if (aOutgoingDumper != null)
aOutgoingDumper.start(sUrl, aMsg);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Connecting to " + sUrl + aMsg.getLoggingText());
// Set all custom headers first (so that they are overridden with the
// mandatory ones in here)
// Use HttpHeaderMap and not String to ensure name casing is identical!
final HttpHeaderMap aHeaderMap = aMdn.headers().getClone();
aHeaderMap.setHeader(CHttpHeader.CONNECTION, CAS2Header.DEFAULT_CONNECTION);
aHeaderMap.setHeader(CHttpHeader.USER_AGENT, CAS2Header.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT);
final boolean bQuoteHeaderValues = isQuoteHeaderValues();
final AS2HttpHeaderSetter aHeaderSetter = new AS2HttpHeaderSetter(aConn, aOutgoingDumper, bQuoteHeaderValues);
// Copy all the header from mdn to the RequestProperties of conn
// Unification needed, because original MDN headers may contain newlines
aHeaderMap.forEachSingleHeader(aHeaderSetter::setHttpHeader, true, false);
if (aOutgoingDumper != null)
aMsg.attrs().putIn(CNetAttribute.MA_DESTINATION_IP, aConn.getURL().getHost());
aMsg.attrs().putIn(CNetAttribute.MA_DESTINATION_PORT, aConn.getURL().getPort());
final InputStream aMsgIS = aMdn.getData().getInputStream();
// Transfer the data
final StopWatch aSW = StopWatch.createdStarted();
final long nBytes = aConn.send(aMsgIS, (EContentTransferEncoding) null, aOutgoingDumper, aResHelper);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"AS2 MDN transferred " + AS2IOHelper.getTransferRate(nBytes, aSW) + aMsg.getLoggingText());
if (aOutgoingDumper != null)
final int nHttpResponseCode = aConn.getResponseCode();
if (getOutgoingHttpCallback() != null)
getOutgoingHttpCallback().onOutgoingHttpMessage(false, aMsg.getAS2From(), aMsg.getAS2To(), aMsg.getMessageID(), (MIC) null, (EContentTransferEncoding) null, sUrl, nHttpResponseCode);
// Check the HTTP Response code
if (AS2HttpClient.isErrorResponseCode(nHttpResponseCode)) {
if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled())
LOGGER.error("sent AsyncMDN [" + aDisposition.getAsString() + "] Fail(" + nHttpResponseCode + ") " + aMsg.getLoggingText());
throw new AS2HttpResponseException(sUrl, nHttpResponseCode, aConn.getResponseMessage());
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"sent AsyncMDN [" + aDisposition.getAsString() + "] OK(" + nHttpResponseCode + ") " + aMsg.getLoggingText());
// log & store mdn into backup folder.
try {
getSession().getMessageProcessor().handle(IProcessorStorageModule.DO_STOREMDN, aMsg, null);
} catch (final AS2ComponentNotFoundException | AS2NoModuleException ex) {
// No message processor found
// Or no module found in message processor
} finally {
use of com.helger.commons.http.EHttpMethod in project ph-web by phax.
the class AbstractXFilterUnifiedResponse method onFilterBefore.
public final EContinue onFilterBefore(@Nonnull final HttpServletRequest aHttpRequest, @Nonnull final HttpServletResponse aHttpResponse, @Nonnull final IRequestWebScope aRequestScope) throws IOException, ServletException {
// Check HTTP version
final EHttpVersion eHTTPVersion = RequestHelper.getHttpVersion(aHttpRequest);
if (eHTTPVersion == null) {
return EContinue.BREAK;
// Check HTTP Method
final EHttpMethod eHTTPMethod = RequestHelper.getHttpMethod(aHttpRequest);
if (eHTTPMethod == null) {
if (eHTTPVersion.is10())
return EContinue.BREAK;
// Start unified response handling
final UnifiedResponse aUnifiedResponse = new UnifiedResponse(eHTTPVersion, eHTTPMethod, aHttpRequest);
if (onFilterBefore(aRequestScope, aUnifiedResponse).isBreak()) {
// Filter ended chain -> send response
return EContinue.BREAK;
// Discard the content of the unified response
return EContinue.CONTINUE;
use of com.helger.commons.http.EHttpMethod in project ph-web by phax.
the class RequestHelper method getHttpMethodOrDefault.
* Get the HTTP method associated with the given HTTP request
* @param aHttpRequest
* The http request to query. May not be <code>null</code>.
* @param eDefault
* The default to be returned, if no HTTP method could be found. May be
* <code>null</code>.
* @return <code>null</code> if no supported HTTP method is contained
* @since 9.1.6
public static EHttpMethod getHttpMethodOrDefault(@Nonnull final HttpServletRequest aHttpRequest, @Nullable final EHttpMethod eDefault) {
ValueEnforcer.notNull(aHttpRequest, "HttpRequest");
final String sMethod = aHttpRequest.getMethod();
final EHttpMethod ret = EHttpMethod.getFromNameOrNull(sMethod);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Unknown HTTP request method '" + sMethod + "' used in request " + aHttpRequest);
return eDefault;
use of com.helger.commons.http.EHttpMethod in project ph-web by phax.
the class AbstractXServlet method service.
* Dispatches client requests to the protected <code>service</code> method.
* There's no need to override this method.
* @param aHttpRequest
* the {@link HttpServletRequest} object that contains the request the
* client made of the servlet
* @param aHttpResponse
* the {@link HttpServletResponse} object that contains the response
* the servlet returns to the client
* @exception IOException
* if an input or output error occurs while the servlet is handling
* the HTTP request
* @exception ServletException
* if the HTTP request cannot be handled
* @see javax.servlet.Servlet#service
protected final void service(@Nonnull final HttpServletRequest aHttpRequest, @Nonnull final HttpServletResponse aHttpResponse) throws ServletException, IOException {
// Increase counter
// Increase per servlet invocation
// Ensure a valid HTTP version is provided
final String sProtocol = aHttpRequest.getProtocol();
final EHttpVersion eHttpVersion = EHttpVersion.getFromNameOrNull(sProtocol);
if (eHttpVersion == null) {
// HTTP version disallowed
logInvalidRequestSetup("Request has unsupported HTTP version (" + sProtocol + ")!", aHttpRequest);
// Ensure a valid HTTP method is provided
final String sMethod = aHttpRequest.getMethod();
final EHttpMethod eHttpMethod = EHttpMethod.getFromNameOrNull(sMethod);
if (eHttpMethod == null) {
// HTTP method unknown
logInvalidRequestSetup("Request has unsupported HTTP method (" + sMethod + ")!", aHttpRequest);
// May already be set in test cases!
if (FIRST_REQUEST.getAndSet(false) && !StaticServerInfo.isSet()) {
// First set the default web server info
StaticServerInfo.init(aHttpRequest.getScheme(), aHttpRequest.getServerName(), aHttpRequest.getServerPort(), ServletContextPathHolder.getContextPath());
// Create a wrapper around the Servlet Response that saves the status code
final StatusAwareHttpResponseWrapper aHttpResponseWrapper = StatusAwareHttpResponseWrapper.wrap(aHttpResponse);
// Create effective filter list with all internal filters as well
final ICommonsList<IXServletLowLevelFilter> aEffectiveFilterList = new CommonsArrayList<>(4 + m_aFilterLowLevelList.size());
// Add internal filters - always first
if (m_aSettings.hasHttpReferrerPolicy())
aEffectiveFilterList.add(new XServletFilterSecurityHttpReferrerPolicy(m_aSettings.getHttpReferrerPolicy()));
if (m_aSettings.hasXFrameOptions())
aEffectiveFilterList.add(new XServletFilterSecurityXFrameOptions(m_aSettings.getXFrameOptionsType(), m_aSettings.getXFrameOptionsDomain()));
// Add custom filters
// Filter before request scope is created!
boolean bInvokeHandler = true;
for (final IXServletLowLevelFilter aFilter : aEffectiveFilterList) if (aFilter.beforeRequest(aHttpRequest, aHttpResponseWrapper, eHttpVersion, eHttpMethod).isBreak()) {
bInvokeHandler = false;
boolean bIsHandledAsync = false;
Exception aCaughtException = null;
try {
if (bInvokeHandler) {
// Create request scope
final BiFunction<? super HttpServletRequest, ? super HttpServletResponse, IRequestWebScope> aFactory;
aFactory = m_aSettings.isMultipartEnabled() ? RequestWebScopeMultipart::new : RequestWebScope::new;
try (final RequestScopeInitializer aRequestScopeInitializer = RequestScopeInitializer.create(aHttpRequest, aHttpResponseWrapper, aFactory)) {
final IRequestWebScope aRequestScope = aRequestScopeInitializer.getRequestScope();
aRequestScope.attrs().putIn(REQUEST_ATTR_SCOPE_CREATED, aRequestScopeInitializer.isNew());
// Find and invoke handler
_invokeHandler(aHttpRequest, aHttpResponseWrapper, eHttpVersion, eHttpMethod, aRequestScope);
bIsHandledAsync = aRequestScope.attrs().getAsBoolean(AbstractXServlet.REQUEST_ATTR_HANDLED_ASYNC, false);
if (bIsHandledAsync) {
// The request scope is needed in the async handler!
} catch (final Exception ex) {
// Remember
aCaughtException = ex;
// This log entry is mainly present to have an overview on how often
// this really happens
log("Servlet exception propagated to the outside", ex);
// Ensure only exceptions with the correct type are propagated
if (ex instanceof IOException)
throw (IOException) ex;
if (ex instanceof ServletException)
throw (ServletException) ex;
throw new ServletException("Wrapped " + ex.getClass().getName(), ex);
} finally {
// Filter after
for (final IXServletLowLevelFilter aFilter : aEffectiveFilterList) try {
aFilter.afterRequest(aHttpRequest, aHttpResponseWrapper, eHttpVersion, eHttpMethod, bInvokeHandler, aCaughtException, bIsHandledAsync);
} catch (final ServletException | IOException ex) {
LOGGER.error("Exception in low-level filter afterRequest of " + aFilter + " - re-thrown", ex);
// Don't re-throw in finally
// throw ex;