use of com.helger.css.decl.CSSExpression in project ph-css by phax.
the class CSSVisitorForUrl method onDeclaration.
public void onDeclaration(@Nonnull final CSSDeclaration aDeclaration) {
final ICSSTopLevelRule aTopLevelRule = m_aTopLevelRule.isEmpty() ? null : m_aTopLevelRule.peek();
final CSSExpression aExpr = aDeclaration.getExpression();
for (final ICSSExpressionMember aMember : aExpr.getAllMembers()) if (aMember instanceof CSSExpressionMemberTermURI) {
final CSSExpressionMemberTermURI aExprTerm = (CSSExpressionMemberTermURI) aMember;
m_aVisitor.onUrlDeclaration(aTopLevelRule, aDeclaration, aExprTerm);
use of com.helger.css.decl.CSSExpression in project ph-css by phax.
the class WikiCreateFontFaceRule method createFontFace.
* Create a single font-face rule.
* <pre>
* @font-face {
* font-family: "Your typeface";
* src: url("path/basename.eot");
* src: local("local font name"),
* url("path/basename.woff") format("woff"),
* url("path/basename.otf") format("opentype"),
* url("path/basename.svg#filename") format("svg");
* }
* </pre>
* @param sTypefaceName
* The name of the font-face in CSS. May neither be <code>null</code>
* nor empty.
* @param sLocalName
* The name of the local font to be used. May be <code>null</code>.
* @param sPath
* The server-relative path, where the font files reside. May not be
* <code>null</code>.
* @param sBasename
* the base name of the font-files (without extension). May neither be
* <code>null</code> nor empty
* @return The created {@link CascadingStyleSheet}.
public static CascadingStyleSheet createFontFace(@Nonnull @Nonempty final String sTypefaceName, @Nullable final String sLocalName, @Nonnull final String sPath, @Nonnull final String sBasename) {
final CascadingStyleSheet aCSS = new CascadingStyleSheet();
final CSSFontFaceRule aFFR = new CSSFontFaceRule();
// The font-family
aFFR.addDeclaration("font-family", CSSExpression.createString(sTypefaceName), false);
// The special EOT file
aFFR.addDeclaration("src", CSSExpression.createURI(sPath + sBasename + ".eot"), false);
// The generic rules
final CSSExpression aExpr = new CSSExpression();
if (StringHelper.hasText(sLocalName))
aExpr.addMember(new CSSExpressionMemberFunction("local", CSSExpression.createString(sLocalName))).addMember(ECSSExpressionOperator.COMMA);
aExpr.addURI(sPath + sBasename + ".woff").addMember(_createFormatFct("woff")).addMember(ECSSExpressionOperator.COMMA).addURI(sPath + sBasename + ".otf").addMember(_createFormatFct("opentype")).addMember(ECSSExpressionOperator.COMMA).addURI(sPath + sBasename + ".svg#" + sBasename).addMember(_createFormatFct("svg"));
aFFR.addDeclaration("src", aExpr, false);
// Add the font-face rule to the main CSS
return aCSS;
use of com.helger.css.decl.CSSExpression in project ph-css by phax.
the class CSSShortHandDescriptor method getSplitIntoPieces.
public ICommonsList<CSSDeclaration> getSplitIntoPieces(@Nonnull final CSSDeclaration aDeclaration) {
ValueEnforcer.notNull(aDeclaration, "Declaration");
// Check that declaration matches this property
if (!aDeclaration.hasProperty(m_eProperty))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot split a '" + aDeclaration.getProperty() + "' as a '" + m_eProperty.getName() + "'");
// global
final int nSubProperties = m_aSubProperties.size();
final ICommonsList<CSSDeclaration> ret = new CommonsArrayList<>();
final ICommonsList<ICSSExpressionMember> aExpressionMembers = aDeclaration.getExpression().getAllMembers();
// Modification for margin and padding
final int nExpressionMembers = aExpressionMembers.size();
final CSSWriterSettings aCWS = new CSSWriterSettings(ECSSVersion.CSS30, false);
final boolean[] aHandledSubProperties = new boolean[nSubProperties];
// For all expression members
for (int nExprMemberIndex = 0; nExprMemberIndex < nExpressionMembers; ++nExprMemberIndex) {
final ICSSExpressionMember aMember = aExpressionMembers.get(nExprMemberIndex);
// For all unhandled sub-properties
for (int nSubPropIndex = 0; nSubPropIndex < nSubProperties; ++nSubPropIndex) if (!aHandledSubProperties[nSubPropIndex]) {
final CSSPropertyWithDefaultValue aSubProp = m_aSubProperties.get(nSubPropIndex);
final ICSSProperty aProperty = aSubProp.getProperty();
final int nMinArgs = aProperty.getMinimumArgumentCount();
// Always use minimum number of arguments
if (nExprMemberIndex + nMinArgs - 1 < nExpressionMembers) {
// Build sum of all members
final StringBuilder aSB = new StringBuilder();
for (int k = 0; k < nMinArgs; ++k) {
final String sValue = aMember.getAsCSSString(aCWS);
if (aSB.length() > 0)
aSB.append(' ');
if (aProperty.isValidValue(aSB.toString())) {
// We found a match
final CSSExpression aExpr = new CSSExpression();
for (int k = 0; k < nMinArgs; ++k) aExpr.addMember(aExpressionMembers.get(nExprMemberIndex + k));
ret.add(new CSSDeclaration(aSubProp.getProperty().getPropertyName(), aExpr));
nExprMemberIndex += nMinArgs - 1;
// Remember as handled
aHandledSubProperties[nSubPropIndex] = true;
// Next expression member
// Assign all default values that are not present
for (int nSubPropIndex = 0; nSubPropIndex < nSubProperties; ++nSubPropIndex) if (!aHandledSubProperties[nSubPropIndex]) {
final CSSPropertyWithDefaultValue aSubProp = m_aSubProperties.get(nSubPropIndex);
// assign default value
final CSSExpression aExpr = new CSSExpression();
aExpr.addMember(new CSSExpressionMemberTermSimple(aSubProp.getDefaultValue()));
ret.add(new CSSDeclaration(aSubProp.getProperty().getPropertyName(), aExpr));
return ret;