use of com.helger.jaxb.validation.WrappedCollectingValidationEventHandler in project phase4 by phax.
the class Phase4PeppolServletMessageProcessorSPI method processAS4UserMessage.
public AS4MessageProcessorResult processAS4UserMessage(@Nonnull final IAS4IncomingMessageMetadata aMessageMetadata, @Nonnull final HttpHeaderMap aHttpHeaders, @Nonnull final Ebms3UserMessage aUserMessage, @Nonnull final IPMode aSrcPMode, @Nullable final Node aPayload, @Nullable final ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aIncomingAttachments, @Nonnull final IAS4MessageState aState, @Nonnull final ICommonsList<Ebms3Error> aProcessingErrorMessages) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Invoking processAS4UserMessage");
final String sMessageID = aUserMessage.getMessageInfo().getMessageId();
final String sService = aUserMessage.getCollaborationInfo().getServiceValue();
final String sAction = aUserMessage.getCollaborationInfo().getAction();
final String sConversationID = aUserMessage.getCollaborationInfo().getConversationId();
final String sLogPrefix = "[" + sMessageID + "] ";
final Locale aDisplayLocale = aState.getLocale();
// Debug log
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (aSrcPMode == null)
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " No Source PMode present");
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " Source PMode = " + aSrcPMode.getID());
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " AS4 Message ID = '" + sMessageID + "'");
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " AS4 Service = '" + sService + "'");
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " AS4 Action = '" + sAction + "'");
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " AS4 ConversationId = '" + sConversationID + "'");
// Log source properties
if (aUserMessage.getMessageProperties() != null && aUserMessage.getMessageProperties().hasPropertyEntries()) {
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " AS4 MessageProperties:");
for (final Ebms3Property p : aUserMessage.getMessageProperties().getProperty()) LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " [" + p.getName() + "] = [" + p.getValue() + "]");
} else
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " No AS4 Mesage Properties present");
if (aPayload == null)
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " No SOAP Body Payload present");
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " SOAP Body Payload = " + XMLWriter.getNodeAsString(aPayload));
// Read all attachments
final ICommonsList<ReadAttachment> aReadAttachments = new CommonsArrayList<>();
if (aIncomingAttachments != null) {
int nAttachmentIndex = 0;
for (final IAS4Attachment aIncomingAttachment : aIncomingAttachments) {
final ReadAttachment a = new ReadAttachment();
a.m_sID = aIncomingAttachment.getId();
a.m_sMimeType = aIncomingAttachment.getMimeType();
a.m_sUncompressedMimeType = aIncomingAttachment.getUncompressedMimeType();
a.m_aCharset = aIncomingAttachment.getCharset();
a.m_eCompressionMode = aIncomingAttachment.getCompressionMode();
try (final InputStream aSIS = aIncomingAttachment.getSourceStream()) {
final NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream aBAOS = new NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream();
if (StreamHelper.copyInputStreamToOutputStreamAndCloseOS(aSIS, aBAOS).isSuccess()) {
a.m_aPayloadBytes = aBAOS.getBufferOrCopy();
} catch (final IOException | AS4DecompressException ex) {
// Fall through
if (a.m_aPayloadBytes == null) {
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + "Failed to decompress the payload");
aProcessingErrorMessages.add(EEbmsError.EBMS_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE.getAsEbms3Error(aDisplayLocale, aState.getMessageID()));
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(null);
// Read data as SBDH
// Hint for production systems: this may take a huge amount of memory,
// if the payload is large
final ErrorList aSBDHErrors = new ErrorList();
a.m_aSBDH = SBDHReader.standardBusinessDocument().setValidationEventHandler(new WrappedCollectingValidationEventHandler(aSBDHErrors)).read(a.m_aPayloadBytes);
if (a.m_aSBDH == null) {
if (aSBDHErrors.isEmpty()) {
final String sMsg = "Failed to read the provided SBDH document";
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
aProcessingErrorMessages.add(EEbmsError.EBMS_OTHER.getAsEbms3Error(aDisplayLocale, aState.getMessageID(), sMsg));
} else {
for (final IError aError : aSBDHErrors) {
final String sMsg = "Peppol SBDH Issue: " + aError.getAsString(aDisplayLocale);
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
aProcessingErrorMessages.add(EEbmsError.EBMS_OTHER.getAsEbms3Error(aDisplayLocale, aState.getMessageID(), sMsg));
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(null);
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + "AS4 Attachment " + nAttachmentIndex + " with ID [" + a.m_sID + "] uses [" + a.m_sMimeType + (a.m_sUncompressedMimeType == null ? null : " - uncompressed " + a.m_sUncompressedMimeType) + "] and [" + StringHelper.getToString(a.m_aCharset, "no charset") + "] and length is " + (a.m_aPayloadBytes == null ? "<error>" : Integer.toString(a.m_aPayloadBytes.length)) + " bytes" + (a.m_eCompressionMode == null ? "" : " of compressed payload"));
if (aReadAttachments.size() != 1) {
// In Peppol there must be exactly one payload
final String sMsg = "In Peppol exactly one payload attachment is expected. This request has " + aReadAttachments.size() + " attachments";
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(sMsg);
// The one and only
final ReadAttachment aReadAttachment = aReadAttachments.getFirst();
// Extract Peppol values from SBD
final PeppolSBDHDocument aPeppolSBD;
try {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + "Now evaluating the SBDH against Peppol rules");
final boolean bPerformValueChecks = Phase4PeppolServletConfiguration.isPerformSBDHValueChecks();
aPeppolSBD = new PeppolSBDHDocumentReader(SimpleIdentifierFactory.INSTANCE).setPerformValueChecks(bPerformValueChecks).extractData(aReadAttachment.standardBusinessDocument());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + "The provided SBDH is valid according to Peppol rules, with value checks being " + (bPerformValueChecks ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
} catch (final PeppolSBDHDocumentReadException ex) {
final String sMsg = "Failed to extract the Peppol data from SBDH. Technical details: " + ex.getClass().getName() + " - " + ex.getMessage();
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(sMsg);
if (m_aHandlers.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + "No SPI handler is present - the message is unhandled and discarded");
} else {
// Start consistency checks?
final Phase4PeppolReceiverCheckData aReceiverCheckData = m_aReceiverCheckData != null ? m_aReceiverCheckData : Phase4PeppolServletConfiguration.getAsReceiverCheckData();
if (aReceiverCheckData != null) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Performing check if the provided data is registered in our SMP");
try {
// Get the endpoint information required from the recipient
// Check if an endpoint is registered
final IParticipantIdentifier aReceiverID = aPeppolSBD.getReceiverAsIdentifier();
final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocTypeID = aPeppolSBD.getDocumentTypeAsIdentifier();
final IProcessIdentifier aProcessID = aPeppolSBD.getProcessAsIdentifier();
final EndpointType aReceiverEndpoint = _getReceiverEndpoint(sLogPrefix, aReceiverCheckData.getSMPClient(), aReceiverID, aDocTypeID, aProcessID);
if (aReceiverEndpoint == null) {
final String sMsg = "Failed to resolve SMP endpoint for provided receiver ID (" + (aReceiverID == null ? "null" : aReceiverID.getURIEncoded()) + ")/documentType ID (" + (aDocTypeID == null ? "null" : aDocTypeID.getURIEncoded()) + ")/process ID (" + (aProcessID == null ? "null" : aProcessID.getURIEncoded()) + ")/transport profile (" + m_aTransportProfile.getID() + ") - not handling incoming AS4 document";
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(sMsg);
// Check if the message is for us
_checkIfReceiverEndpointURLMatches(sLogPrefix, aReceiverCheckData.getAS4EndpointURL(), aReceiverEndpoint);
// Get the recipient certificate from the SMP
_checkIfEndpointCertificateMatches(sLogPrefix, aReceiverCheckData.getAPCertificate(), aReceiverEndpoint);
} catch (final Phase4Exception ex) {
final String sMsg = "The addressing data contained in the SBDH could not be verified. Technical details: " + ex.getClass().getName() + " - " + ex.getMessage();
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(sMsg);
} else { + "Endpoint checks for incoming AS4 messages are disabled");
for (final IPhase4PeppolIncomingSBDHandlerSPI aHandler : m_aHandlers) {
try {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + "Invoking Peppol handler " + aHandler);
aHandler.handleIncomingSBD(aMessageMetadata, aHttpHeaders.getClone(), aUserMessage.clone(), aReadAttachment.payloadBytes(), aReadAttachment.standardBusinessDocument(), aPeppolSBD, aState);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + "Error invoking Peppol handler " + aHandler, ex);
if (aHandler.exceptionTranslatesToAS4Error()) {
final String sMsg = "The incoming Peppol message could not be processed. Technical details: " + ex.getClass().getName() + " - " + ex.getMessage();
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createSuccess();