use of com.helger.phase4.dump.IAS4IncomingDumper in project phase4 by phax.
the class AS4BidirectionalClientHelper method sendAS4UserMessageAndReceiveAS4SignalMessage.
public static void sendAS4UserMessageAndReceiveAS4SignalMessage(@Nonnull final IAS4CryptoFactory aCryptoFactory, @Nonnull final IPModeResolver aPModeResolver, @Nonnull final IAS4IncomingAttachmentFactory aIAF, @Nonnull final IAS4IncomingProfileSelector aIncomingProfileSelector, @Nonnull final AS4ClientUserMessage aClientUserMsg, @Nonnull final Locale aLocale, @Nonnull final String sURL, @Nullable final IAS4ClientBuildMessageCallback aBuildMessageCallback, @Nullable final IAS4OutgoingDumper aOutgoingDumper, @Nullable final IAS4IncomingDumper aIncomingDumper, @Nullable final IAS4RetryCallback aRetryCallback, @Nullable final IAS4RawResponseConsumer aResponseConsumer, @Nullable final IAS4SignalMessageConsumer aSignalMsgConsumer) throws IOException, Phase4Exception, WSSecurityException, MessagingException {
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Sending AS4 UserMessage to '" + sURL + "' with max. " + aClientUserMsg.httpRetrySettings().getMaxRetries() + " retries");
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug(" ServiceType = '" + aClientUserMsg.getServiceType() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" Service = '" + aClientUserMsg.getServiceValue() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" Action = '" + aClientUserMsg.getAction() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" ConversationId = '" + aClientUserMsg.getConversationID() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" MessageProperties:");
for (final Ebms3Property p : aClientUserMsg.ebms3Properties()) LOGGER.debug(" [" + p.getName() + "] = [" + p.getValue() + "]");
LOGGER.debug(" Attachments (" + aClientUserMsg.attachments().size() + "):");
for (final WSS4JAttachment a : aClientUserMsg.attachments()) {
LOGGER.debug(" [" + a.getId() + "] with [" + a.getMimeType() + "] and [" + a.getCharsetOrDefault(null) + "] and [" + a.getCompressionMode() + "] and [" + a.getContentTransferEncoding() + "]");
final Wrapper<HttpResponse> aWrappedResponse = new Wrapper<>();
final ResponseHandler<byte[]> aResponseHdl = aHttpResponse -> {
// throws an ExtendedHttpResponseException on exception
final HttpEntity aEntity = ResponseHandlerHttpEntity.INSTANCE.handleResponse(aHttpResponse);
if (aEntity == null)
return null;
return EntityUtils.toByteArray(aEntity);
final AS4ClientSentMessage<byte[]> aResponseEntity = aClientUserMsg.sendMessageWithRetries(sURL, aResponseHdl, aBuildMessageCallback, aOutgoingDumper, aRetryCallback);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Successfully transmitted AS4 UserMessage with message ID '" + aResponseEntity.getMessageID() + "' to '" + sURL + "'");
if (aResponseConsumer != null)
// Try interpret result as SignalMessage
if (aResponseEntity.hasResponse() && aResponseEntity.getResponse().length > 0) {
final IAS4IncomingMessageMetadata aMessageMetadata = new AS4IncomingMessageMetadata(EAS4MessageMode.RESPONSE).setRemoteAddr(sURL);
// Read response as EBMS3 Signal Message
// Read it in any case to ensure signature validation etc. happens
final Ebms3SignalMessage aSignalMessage = AS4IncomingHandler.parseSignalMessage(aCryptoFactory, aPModeResolver, aIAF, aIncomingProfileSelector, aClientUserMsg.getAS4ResourceHelper(), aClientUserMsg.getPMode(), aLocale, aMessageMetadata, aWrappedResponse.get(), aResponseEntity.getResponse(), aIncomingDumper);
if (aSignalMessage != null && aSignalMsgConsumer != null)
} else"AS4 ResponseEntity is empty");