use of com.helger.phase4.dump.IAS4OutgoingDumper in project phase4 by phax.
the class AS4BidirectionalClientHelper method sendAS4UserMessageAndReceiveAS4SignalMessage.
public static void sendAS4UserMessageAndReceiveAS4SignalMessage(@Nonnull final IAS4CryptoFactory aCryptoFactory, @Nonnull final IPModeResolver aPModeResolver, @Nonnull final IAS4IncomingAttachmentFactory aIAF, @Nonnull final IAS4IncomingProfileSelector aIncomingProfileSelector, @Nonnull final AS4ClientUserMessage aClientUserMsg, @Nonnull final Locale aLocale, @Nonnull final String sURL, @Nullable final IAS4ClientBuildMessageCallback aBuildMessageCallback, @Nullable final IAS4OutgoingDumper aOutgoingDumper, @Nullable final IAS4IncomingDumper aIncomingDumper, @Nullable final IAS4RetryCallback aRetryCallback, @Nullable final IAS4RawResponseConsumer aResponseConsumer, @Nullable final IAS4SignalMessageConsumer aSignalMsgConsumer) throws IOException, Phase4Exception, WSSecurityException, MessagingException {
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Sending AS4 UserMessage to '" + sURL + "' with max. " + aClientUserMsg.httpRetrySettings().getMaxRetries() + " retries");
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug(" ServiceType = '" + aClientUserMsg.getServiceType() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" Service = '" + aClientUserMsg.getServiceValue() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" Action = '" + aClientUserMsg.getAction() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" ConversationId = '" + aClientUserMsg.getConversationID() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" MessageProperties:");
for (final Ebms3Property p : aClientUserMsg.ebms3Properties()) LOGGER.debug(" [" + p.getName() + "] = [" + p.getValue() + "]");
LOGGER.debug(" Attachments (" + aClientUserMsg.attachments().size() + "):");
for (final WSS4JAttachment a : aClientUserMsg.attachments()) {
LOGGER.debug(" [" + a.getId() + "] with [" + a.getMimeType() + "] and [" + a.getCharsetOrDefault(null) + "] and [" + a.getCompressionMode() + "] and [" + a.getContentTransferEncoding() + "]");
final Wrapper<HttpResponse> aWrappedResponse = new Wrapper<>();
final ResponseHandler<byte[]> aResponseHdl = aHttpResponse -> {
// throws an ExtendedHttpResponseException on exception
final HttpEntity aEntity = ResponseHandlerHttpEntity.INSTANCE.handleResponse(aHttpResponse);
if (aEntity == null)
return null;
return EntityUtils.toByteArray(aEntity);
final AS4ClientSentMessage<byte[]> aResponseEntity = aClientUserMsg.sendMessageWithRetries(sURL, aResponseHdl, aBuildMessageCallback, aOutgoingDumper, aRetryCallback);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Successfully transmitted AS4 UserMessage with message ID '" + aResponseEntity.getMessageID() + "' to '" + sURL + "'");
if (aResponseConsumer != null)
// Try interpret result as SignalMessage
if (aResponseEntity.hasResponse() && aResponseEntity.getResponse().length > 0) {
final IAS4IncomingMessageMetadata aMessageMetadata = new AS4IncomingMessageMetadata(EAS4MessageMode.RESPONSE).setRemoteAddr(sURL);
// Read response as EBMS3 Signal Message
// Read it in any case to ensure signature validation etc. happens
final Ebms3SignalMessage aSignalMessage = AS4IncomingHandler.parseSignalMessage(aCryptoFactory, aPModeResolver, aIAF, aIncomingProfileSelector, aClientUserMsg.getAS4ResourceHelper(), aClientUserMsg.getPMode(), aLocale, aMessageMetadata, aWrappedResponse.get(), aResponseEntity.getResponse(), aIncomingDumper);
if (aSignalMessage != null && aSignalMsgConsumer != null)
} else"AS4 ResponseEntity is empty");
use of com.helger.phase4.dump.IAS4OutgoingDumper in project phase4 by phax.
the class BasicHttpPoster method sendGenericMessageWithRetries.
public <T> T sendGenericMessageWithRetries(@Nonnull final String sURL, @Nullable final HttpHeaderMap aCustomHttpHeaders, @Nonnull final HttpEntity aHttpEntity, @Nonnull final String sMessageID, @Nonnull final HttpRetrySettings aRetrySettings, @Nonnull final ResponseHandler<? extends T> aResponseHandler, @Nullable final IAS4OutgoingDumper aOutgoingDumper, @Nullable final IAS4RetryCallback aRetryCallback) throws IOException {
// Parameter or global one - may still be null
final IAS4OutgoingDumper aRealOutgoingDumper = aOutgoingDumper != null ? aOutgoingDumper : AS4DumpManager.getOutgoingDumper();
// This class holds the effective OutputStream to which the dump is written
final Wrapper<OutputStream> aDumpOSHolder = new Wrapper<>();
try {
if (aRetrySettings.isRetryEnabled()) {
// Send with retry
if (!aHttpEntity.isRepeatable())
throw new IllegalStateException("If retry is enabled, a repeatable entity must be provided");
final int nMaxRetries = aRetrySettings.getMaxRetries();
final int nMaxTries = 1 + nMaxRetries;
Duration aDurationBeforeRetry = aRetrySettings.getDurationBeforeRetry();
for (int nTry = 0; nTry < nMaxTries; nTry++) {
if (nTry > 0)"Retry #" + nTry + "/" + nMaxRetries + " for sending message with ID '" + sMessageID + "'");
try {
// Create a new one every time (for new filename, new timestamp,
// etc.)
final HttpEntity aDumpingEntity = createDumpingHttpEntity(aRealOutgoingDumper, aHttpEntity, sMessageID, aCustomHttpHeaders, nTry, aDumpOSHolder);
// Dump only for the first try - the remaining tries
return sendGenericMessage(sURL, aCustomHttpHeaders, aDumpingEntity, aResponseHandler);
} catch (final IOException ex) {
// Last try? -> propagate exception
if (nTry == nMaxTries - 1)
throw ex;
// After the first retry, increase the waiting time
if (nTry > 1)
aDurationBeforeRetry = HttpRetrySettings.getIncreased(aDurationBeforeRetry, aRetrySettings.getRetryIncreaseFactor());
if (aRetryCallback != null)
if (aRetryCallback.onBeforeRetry(sMessageID, sURL, nTry, nMaxTries, aDurationBeforeRetry.toMillis(), ex).isBreak()) {
// Explicitly interrupt retry
LOGGER.warn("Error sending message '" + sMessageID + "' to '" + sURL + ": " + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - " + ex.getMessage() + " - retrying was explicitly stopped by the RetryCallback");
// Propagate Exception as if it would be the last retry
throw ex;
LOGGER.warn("Error sending message '" + sMessageID + "' to '" + sURL + "': " + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - " + ex.getMessage() + " - waiting " + aDurationBeforeRetry.toMillis() + " ms, than retrying");
// Sleep and try again afterwards
} finally {
// Flush and close the dump output stream (if any)
throw new IllegalStateException("Should never be reached (after maximum of " + nMaxTries + " tries)!");
// else non retry
final HttpEntity aDumpingEntity = createDumpingHttpEntity(aRealOutgoingDumper, aHttpEntity, sMessageID, aCustomHttpHeaders, 0, aDumpOSHolder);
try {
// Send without retry
return sendGenericMessage(sURL, aCustomHttpHeaders, aDumpingEntity, aResponseHandler);
} finally {
// Close the dump output stream (if any)
} finally {
// Add the possibility to close open resources
if (aRealOutgoingDumper != null && aDumpOSHolder.isSet())
try {
aRealOutgoingDumper.onEndRequest(EAS4MessageMode.REQUEST, null, null, sMessageID);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
LOGGER.error("OutgoingDumper.onEndRequest failed. Dumper=" + aRealOutgoingDumper + "; MessageID=" + sMessageID, ex);
use of com.helger.phase4.dump.IAS4OutgoingDumper in project phase4 by phax.
the class DropFolderUserMessage method _send.
private static void _send(@Nonnull final IAS4CryptoFactory aCF, final Path aSendFile, final Path aIncomingDir) {
final StopWatch aSW = StopWatch.createdStarted();
boolean bSuccess = false;"Trying to send " + aSendFile.toString());
try (final AS4ResourceHelper aResHelper = new AS4ResourceHelper()) {
// Read generic SBD
final StandardBusinessDocument aSBD = SBDHReader.standardBusinessDocument().read(Files.newInputStream(aSendFile));
if (aSBD == null) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to read " + aSendFile.toString() + " as SBDH document!");
} else {
// Extract Peppol specific data
final PeppolSBDHDocument aSBDH = new PeppolSBDHDocumentReader(IF).extractData(aSBD);
final ISMPServiceMetadataProvider aSMPClient = new SMPClient(UP, aSBDH.getReceiverAsIdentifier(), ESML.DIGIT_TEST);
final EndpointType aEndpoint = aSMPClient.getEndpoint(aSBDH.getReceiverAsIdentifier(), aSBDH.getDocumentTypeAsIdentifier(), aSBDH.getProcessAsIdentifier(), ESMPTransportProfile.TRANSPORT_PROFILE_BDXR_AS4);
if (aEndpoint == null) {
LOGGER.error("Found no endpoint for:\n Receiver ID: " + aSBDH.getReceiverAsIdentifier().getURIEncoded() + "\n Document type ID: " + aSBDH.getDocumentTypeAsIdentifier().getURIEncoded() + "\n Process ID: " + aSBDH.getProcessAsIdentifier().getURIEncoded());
} else {
final KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry aOurCert = aCF.getPrivateKeyEntry();
final X509Certificate aTheirCert = CertificateHelper.convertStringToCertficate(aEndpoint.getCertificate());
final AS4ClientUserMessage aClient = new AS4ClientUserMessage(aResHelper);
// Keystore data
// FIXME Action, Service etc. are missing
aClient.setFromPartyID(PeppolCertificateHelper.getSubjectCN((X509Certificate) aOurCert.getCertificate()));
aClient.ebms3Properties().setAll(MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3Property(CAS4.ORIGINAL_SENDER, aSBDH.getSenderScheme(), aSBDH.getSenderValue()), MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3Property(CAS4.FINAL_RECIPIENT, aSBDH.getReceiverScheme(), aSBDH.getReceiverValue()));
final IAS4ClientBuildMessageCallback aCallback = null;
final IAS4OutgoingDumper aOutgoingDumper = null;
final IAS4RetryCallback aRetryCallback = null;
final AS4ClientSentMessage<byte[]> aResponseEntity = aClient.sendMessageWithRetries(W3CEndpointReferenceHelper.getAddress(aEndpoint.getEndpointReference()), new ResponseHandlerByteArray(), aCallback, aOutgoingDumper, aRetryCallback);"Successfully transmitted document with message ID '" + aResponseEntity.getMessageID() + "' for '" + aSBDH.getReceiverAsIdentifier().getURIEncoded() + "' to '" + W3CEndpointReferenceHelper.getAddress(aEndpoint.getEndpointReference()) + "' in " + aSW.stopAndGetMillis() + " ms");
if (aResponseEntity.hasResponse()) {
final String sMessageID = aResponseEntity.getMessageID();
final String sFilename = FilenameHelper.getAsSecureValidASCIIFilename(sMessageID) + "-response.xml";
final File aResponseFile = aIncomingDir.resolve(sFilename).toFile();
if (SimpleFileIO.writeFile(aResponseFile, aResponseEntity.getResponse()).isSuccess())"Response file was written to '" + aResponseFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
LOGGER.error("Error writing response file to '" + aResponseFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
bSuccess = true;
} catch (final Exception ex) {
LOGGER.error("Error sending " + aSendFile.toString(), ex);
// After the exception handler!
// Move to done or error directory?
final Path aDest = aSendFile.resolveSibling(bSuccess ? PATH_DONE : PATH_ERROR).resolve(aSendFile.getFileName());
try {
Files.move(aSendFile, aDest);
} catch (final IOException ex) {
LOGGER.error("Error moving from '" + aSendFile.toString() + "' to '" + aDest + "'", ex);