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Example 1 with WSSConfigManager

use of com.helger.phase4.wss.WSSConfigManager in project phase4 by phax.

the class SOAPHeaderElementProcessorWSS4J method processHeaderElement.

public ESuccess processHeaderElement(@Nonnull final Document aSOAPDoc, @Nonnull final Element aSecurityNode, @Nonnull final ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aAttachments, @Nonnull final AS4MessageState aState, @Nonnull final ErrorList aErrorList) {
    IPMode aPMode = aState.getPMode();
    if (aPMode == null)
        aPMode = m_aFallbackPMode;
    // Safety Check
    if (aPMode == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("No PMode contained in AS4 state - seems like Ebms3 Messaging header is missing!");
    // Default is Leg 1, gets overwritten when a reference to a message id
    // exists and then uses leg2
    final Locale aLocale = aState.getLocale();
    PModeLeg aPModeLeg = aPMode.getLeg1();
    final Ebms3UserMessage aUserMessage = aState.getEbmsUserMessage();
    if (aUserMessage != null && StringHelper.hasText(aUserMessage.getMessageInfo().getRefToMessageId()))
        aPModeLeg = aPMode.getLeg2();
    // Does security - leg part checks if not <code>null</code>
    if (aPModeLeg.getSecurity() != null) {
        // Get Signature Algorithm
        Element aSignedNode = XMLHelper.getFirstChildElementOfName(aSecurityNode, CAS4.DS_NS, "Signature");
        if (aSignedNode != null) {
            // Go through the security nodes to find the algorithm attribute
            aSignedNode = XMLHelper.getFirstChildElementOfName(aSignedNode, CAS4.DS_NS, "SignedInfo");
            final Element aSignatureAlgorithm = XMLHelper.getFirstChildElementOfName(aSignedNode, CAS4.DS_NS, "SignatureMethod");
            String sAlgorithm = aSignatureAlgorithm == null ? null : aSignatureAlgorithm.getAttribute("Algorithm");
            final ECryptoAlgorithmSign eSignAlgo = ECryptoAlgorithmSign.getFromURIOrNull(sAlgorithm);
            if (eSignAlgo == null) {
                LOGGER.error("Error processing the Security Header, your signing algorithm '" + sAlgorithm + "' is incorrect. Expected one of the following '" + Arrays.asList(ECryptoAlgorithmSign.values()) + "' algorithms");
                return ESuccess.FAILURE;
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Using signature algorithm " + eSignAlgo);
            // Get Signature Digest Algorithm
            aSignedNode = XMLHelper.getFirstChildElementOfName(aSignedNode, CAS4.DS_NS, "Reference");
            aSignedNode = XMLHelper.getFirstChildElementOfName(aSignedNode, CAS4.DS_NS, "DigestMethod");
            sAlgorithm = aSignedNode == null ? null : aSignedNode.getAttribute("Algorithm");
            final ECryptoAlgorithmSignDigest eSignDigestAlgo = ECryptoAlgorithmSignDigest.getFromURIOrNull(sAlgorithm);
            if (eSignDigestAlgo == null) {
                LOGGER.error("Error processing the Security Header, your signing digest algorithm is incorrect. Expected one of the following'" + Arrays.toString(ECryptoAlgorithmSignDigest.values()) + "' algorithms");
                return ESuccess.FAILURE;
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Using signature digest algorithm " + eSignDigestAlgo);
        // Check attachment validity only if a PartInfo element is available
        if (aUserMessage != null) {
            final boolean bBodyPayloadPresent = aState.isSoapBodyPayloadPresent();
            // Check if Attachment IDs are the same
            for (int i = 0; i < aAttachments.size(); i++) {
                String sAttachmentID = aAttachments.get(i).getHeaders().get(AttachmentUtils.MIME_HEADER_CONTENT_ID);
                if (StringHelper.hasNoText(sAttachmentID)) {
                    LOGGER.error("The provided attachment ID in the 'Content-ID' header may not be empty.");
                    return ESuccess.FAILURE;
                if (!sAttachmentID.startsWith(WSS4JAttachment.CONTENT_ID_PREFIX)) {
                    LOGGER.error("The provided attachment ID '" + sAttachmentID + "' in the 'Content-ID' header does not start with the required prefix '" + WSS4JAttachment.CONTENT_ID_PREFIX + "'");
                    return ESuccess.FAILURE;
                if (!sAttachmentID.endsWith(WSS4JAttachment.CONTENT_ID_SUFFIX)) {
                    LOGGER.error("The provided attachment ID '" + sAttachmentID + "' in the 'Content-ID' header does not end with the required suffix '" + WSS4JAttachment.CONTENT_ID_SUFFIX + "'");
                    return ESuccess.FAILURE;
                // Strip prefix and suffix
                sAttachmentID = sAttachmentID.substring(WSS4JAttachment.CONTENT_ID_PREFIX.length(), sAttachmentID.length() - WSS4JAttachment.CONTENT_ID_SUFFIX.length());
                // Add +1 because the payload has index 0
                final String sHref = aUserMessage.getPayloadInfo().getPartInfoAtIndex((bBodyPayloadPresent ? 1 : 0) + i).getHref();
                if (!sHref.contains(sAttachmentID)) {
                    LOGGER.error("The usermessage part information '" + sHref + "' does not reference the respective attachment ID '" + sAttachmentID + "'");
                    return ESuccess.FAILURE;
        final ESuccess eSuccess;
        if (AS4Configuration.isWSS4JSynchronizedSecurity()) {
            // Use static WSSConfig creation
            eSuccess = -> _verifyAndDecrypt(aSOAPDoc, aAttachments, aState, aErrorList, WSSConfigManager::createStaticWSSConfig));
        } else {
            // Use instance WSSConfig creation
            eSuccess = _verifyAndDecrypt(aSOAPDoc, aAttachments, aState, aErrorList, WSSConfigManager.getInstance()::createWSSConfig);
        if (eSuccess.isFailure())
            return ESuccess.FAILURE;
    return ESuccess.SUCCESS;
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) ESuccess(com.helger.commons.state.ESuccess) PModeLeg(com.helger.phase4.model.pmode.leg.PModeLeg) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) IPMode(com.helger.phase4.model.pmode.IPMode) ECryptoAlgorithmSignDigest(com.helger.phase4.crypto.ECryptoAlgorithmSignDigest) WSSConfigManager(com.helger.phase4.wss.WSSConfigManager) Ebms3UserMessage(com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3UserMessage) ECryptoAlgorithmSign(com.helger.phase4.crypto.ECryptoAlgorithmSign) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)


ESuccess (com.helger.commons.state.ESuccess)1 ECryptoAlgorithmSign (com.helger.phase4.crypto.ECryptoAlgorithmSign)1 ECryptoAlgorithmSignDigest (com.helger.phase4.crypto.ECryptoAlgorithmSignDigest)1 Ebms3UserMessage (com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3UserMessage)1 IPMode (com.helger.phase4.model.pmode.IPMode)1 PModeLeg (com.helger.phase4.model.pmode.leg.PModeLeg)1 WSSConfigManager (com.helger.phase4.wss.WSSConfigManager)1 Locale (java.util.Locale)1 Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)1 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)1