use of com.helger.photon.bootstrap4.uictrls.datetimepicker.BootstrapDateTimePicker in project phoss-smp by phax.
the class PageSecureSMLCertificateUpdate method fillContent.
protected void fillContent(@Nonnull final WebPageExecutionContext aWPEC) {
final HCNodeList aNodeList = aWPEC.getNodeList();
final Locale aDisplayLocale = aWPEC.getDisplayLocale();
final FormErrorList aFormErrors = new FormErrorList();
aNodeList.addChild(info().addChildren(div("Prepare the update of your SMP certificate in the future."), div("Note: this is a custom SML extension that only works with the CEF SML instances!")));
// check for expired certificate
boolean bShowForm = true;
final X509Certificate aEntry = SMPKeyManager.getInstance().getPrivateKeyCertificate();
if (aEntry != null) {
try {
aNodeList.addChild(info("Your SMP certificate is still valid until " + PDTToString.getAsString(PDTFactory.createLocalDateTime(aEntry.getNotAfter()), aDisplayLocale) + "."));
} catch (final CertificateExpiredException ex) {
aNodeList.addChild(error("Your SMP certificate is already expired." + " This functionality works only if your SMP certificate is NOT expired yet." + " Please contact with your SMP ID, the new certificate and the requested exchange date!"));
bShowForm = false;
} catch (final CertificateNotYetValidException ex) {
aNodeList.addChild(warn("Your SMP certificate is not valid yet." + " For this page to work you need to have your old certificate (the one that will expire soon) configured." + " Most likely the certificate change will not work."));
if (aWPEC.hasAction(CPageParam.ACTION_PERFORM)) {
_updateSMPCertAtSML(aWPEC, aFormErrors);
// Update SMP certificate in SML
if (bShowForm) {
final BootstrapForm aForm = getUIHandler().createFormFileUploadSelf(aWPEC);
aForm.addChild(warn("It is your responsibility to actually perform the update of the certificate in this SMP at the specified time! This does NOT happen automatically."));
final BootstrapDateTimePicker aDTP = BootstrapDateTimePicker.create(FIELD_PM_MIGRATION_DATE, (LocalDate) null, aDisplayLocale);
aForm.addFormGroup(new BootstrapFormGroup().setLabel("Certificate migration date").setCtrl(aDTP).setHelpText("The SML will replace the certificate at this date." + " It must be in the future and within the validity period of the provided new public certificate." + " If not provided, the 'valid from' part of the new certificate is used.").setErrorList(aFormErrors.getListOfField(FIELD_PM_MIGRATION_DATE)));
aForm.addFormGroup(new BootstrapFormGroup().setLabelMandatory("New public certificate").setCtrl(new HCTextArea(new RequestField(FIELD_PM_PUBLIC_CERT)).setRows(10)).setHelpText(span("Paste the public part of your new certificate here (using PEM encoding)." + " Do NOT paste your new private key here." + " Must start with ").addChild(code(CertificateHelper.BEGIN_CERTIFICATE)).addChild(" and end with ").addChild(code(CertificateHelper.END_CERTIFICATE))).setErrorList(aFormErrors.getListOfField(FIELD_PM_PUBLIC_CERT)));
final BootstrapButtonToolbar aToolbar = aForm.addAndReturnChild(new BootstrapButtonToolbar(aWPEC));
aToolbar.addHiddenField(CPageParam.PARAM_ACTION, CPageParam.ACTION_PERFORM);
aToolbar.addSubmitButton("Prepare certificate update");