use of com.helger.xsds.bdxr.smp1.SignedServiceMetadataType in project peppol-commons by phax.
the class BDXRClientReadOnlyTest method testReadTOOP.
@Ignore("Because it may take long to execute")
public void testReadTOOP() throws SMPDNSResolutionException, SMPClientException {
final IParticipantIdentifier aPI = PeppolIdentifierFactory.INSTANCE.createParticipantIdentifierWithDefaultScheme("9930:167064991");
final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocTypeID = SimpleIdentifierFactory.INSTANCE.createDocumentTypeIdentifier("toop-doctypeid-qns", "urn:eu:toop:ns:dataexchange-1p40::Response##urn:eu.toop.response.registeredorganization::1.40");
final ISMLInfo aSMLInfo = new SMLInfo("toop", "SMK", "", "", true);
// PEPPOL URL provider
final BDXRClientReadOnly aBDXRClient = new BDXRClientReadOnly(BDXLURLProvider.INSTANCE, aPI, aSMLInfo);
assertEquals("", aBDXRClient.getSMPHostURI());
if (false) {
final SignedServiceMetadataType aMetadata = aBDXRClient.getServiceMetadata(aPI, aDocTypeID);
use of com.helger.xsds.bdxr.smp1.SignedServiceMetadataType in project peppol-commons by phax.
the class BDXRClientReadOnlyTest method testReadDE4A.
@Ignore("Because it may take long to execute")
public void testReadDE4A() throws Exception {
final IParticipantIdentifier aPI = PeppolIdentifierFactory.INSTANCE.createParticipantIdentifierWithDefaultScheme("9999:at000000271");
final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocTypeID = SimpleIdentifierFactory.INSTANCE.createDocumentTypeIdentifier("urn:de4a-eu:CanonicalEvidenceType", "CompanyRegistration");
final KeyStore aTS = KeyStoreHelper.loadKeyStoreDirect(EKeyStoreType.JKS, "truststores/de4a-truststore-test-smp-pw-de4a.jks", "de4a");
final ISMLInfo aSMLInfo = new SMLInfo("dea4", "SMK", "", "", true);
// BDXL URL provider
final BDXRClientReadOnly aBDXRClient = new BDXRClientReadOnly(BDXLURLProvider.INSTANCE, aPI, aSMLInfo);
// Custom truststore is needed atm
assertEquals("", aBDXRClient.getSMPHostURI());
final SignedServiceMetadataType aMetadata = aBDXRClient.getServiceMetadata(aPI, aDocTypeID);
use of com.helger.xsds.bdxr.smp1.SignedServiceMetadataType in project peppol-commons by phax.
the class BDXR1MarshallerSignedServiceMetadataTypeTest method testIssue121.
public void testIssue121() {
final String s = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n" + "<SignedServiceMetadata\r\n" + " xmlns=\"\"\r\n" + " xmlns:ds=\"\">\r\n" + " <ServiceMetadata>\r\n" + " <ServiceInformation>\r\n" + " <ParticipantIdentifier scheme=\"iso6523-actorid-upis\">0106:{KvK}</ParticipantIdentifier>\r\n" + " <DocumentIdentifier scheme=\"busdox-docid-qns\"></DocumentIdentifier>\r\n" + " <ProcessList>\r\n" + " <Process>\r\n" + " <ProcessIdentifier scheme=\"cenbii-procid-ubl\"></ProcessIdentifier>\r\n" + " <ServiceEndpointList>\r\n" + " <Endpoint transportProfile=\"busdox-transport-as2-ver1p0\">\r\n" + " <EndpointURI></EndpointURI>\r\n" + " <RequireBusinessLevelSignature>true</RequireBusinessLevelSignature>\r\n" + " <ServiceActivationDate>\r\n" + " 2019-01-16T01:00:00.000+01:00\r\n" + " </ServiceActivationDate>\r\n" + " <ServiceExpirationDate>\r\n" + " 2026-03-15T01:00:00.000+01:00\r\n" + " </ServiceExpirationDate>\r\n" + " <Certificate>SGFsbG8=</Certificate>\r\n" + " <ServiceDescription>test</ServiceDescription>\r\n" + " <TechnicalContactUrl></TechnicalContactUrl>\r\n" + " <TechnicalInformationUrl></TechnicalInformationUrl>\r\n" + " </Endpoint>\r\n" + " </ServiceEndpointList>\r\n" + " </Process>\r\n" + " </ProcessList>\r\n" + " </ServiceInformation>\r\n" + " </ServiceMetadata>\r\n" + // Parsing would fail in Signature
" <ds:Signature/>\r\n" + "</SignedServiceMetadata>";
final SignedServiceMetadataType aObj = new BDXR1MarshallerSignedServiceMetadataType(false).read(s);
use of com.helger.xsds.bdxr.smp1.SignedServiceMetadataType in project peppol-commons by phax.
the class BDXRClientReadOnly method getServiceMetadata.
* Gets a signed service metadata object given by its service group id and its
* document type. This is a specification compliant method.
* @param aServiceGroupID
* The service group id of the service metadata to get. May not be
* <code>null</code>.
* @param aDocumentTypeID
* The document type of the service metadata to get. May not be
* <code>null</code>.
* @return A signed service metadata object. Never <code>null</code>.
* @throws SMPClientException
* in case something goes wrong
* @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException
* A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen.
* @throws SMPClientNotFoundException
* The service group id or document type did not exist.
* @throws SMPClientBadRequestException
* The request was not well formed.
* @see #getServiceMetadataOrNull(IParticipantIdentifier,
* IDocumentTypeIdentifier)
* @since v8.0.0
public SignedServiceMetadataType getServiceMetadata(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID, @Nonnull final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocumentTypeID) throws SMPClientException {
ValueEnforcer.notNull(aServiceGroupID, "ServiceGroupID");
ValueEnforcer.notNull(aDocumentTypeID, "DocumentTypeID");
final String sURI = getSMPHostURI() + aServiceGroupID.getURIPercentEncoded() + "/" + URL_PART_SERVICES + "/" + aDocumentTypeID.getURIPercentEncoded();
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("BDXRClient getServiceRegistration@" + sURI);
final boolean bXSDValidation = isXMLSchemaValidation();
final boolean bVerifySignature = isVerifySignature();
final KeyStore aTrustStore = getTrustStore();
HttpGet aRequest = new HttpGet(sURI);
BDXR1MarshallerSignedServiceMetadataType aMarshaller = new BDXR1MarshallerSignedServiceMetadataType(bXSDValidation);
SignedServiceMetadataType aMetadata = executeGenericRequest(aRequest, new SMPHttpResponseHandlerSigned<>(aMarshaller, aTrustStore).setVerifySignature(bVerifySignature));
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Received response: " + aMetadata);
// If the Redirect element is present, then follow 1 redirect.
if (isFollowSMPRedirects()) {
if (aMetadata.getServiceMetadata() != null && aMetadata.getServiceMetadata().getRedirect() != null) {
final RedirectType aRedirect = aMetadata.getServiceMetadata().getRedirect();
// Follow the redirect
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Following a redirect from '" + sURI + "' to '" + aRedirect.getHref() + "'");
aRequest = new HttpGet(aRedirect.getHref());
// Create a new Marshaller to make sure customization is easy
aMarshaller = new BDXR1MarshallerSignedServiceMetadataType(bXSDValidation);
aMetadata = executeGenericRequest(aRequest, new SMPHttpResponseHandlerSigned<>(aMarshaller, aTrustStore).setVerifySignature(bVerifySignature));
// Check that the certificateUID is correct
boolean bCertificateSubjectFound = false;
for (final Object aObj : aMetadata.getSignature().getKeyInfo().getContent()) {
final Object aInfoValue = ((JAXBElement<?>) aObj).getValue();
if (aInfoValue instanceof X509DataType) {
final X509DataType aX509Data = (X509DataType) aInfoValue;
if (containsRedirectSubject(aX509Data, aRedirect.getCertificateUID())) {
bCertificateSubjectFound = true;
if (!bCertificateSubjectFound)
throw new SMPClientException("The X509 certificate did not contain a certificate subject.");
} else {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Following SMP redirects is disabled");
return aMetadata;
use of com.helger.xsds.bdxr.smp1.SignedServiceMetadataType in project peppol-commons by phax.
the class IBDXRServiceMetadataProvider method getEndpoint.
* Retrieve the service metadata from the provided service group ID and
* document type ID. Than find the matching endpoint from the process ID and
* transport profile.<br>
* This is a specification compliant method.
* @param aServiceGroupID
* The service group id of the service metadata to get. May not be
* <code>null</code>.
* @param aDocumentTypeID
* The document type of the service metadata to get. May not be
* <code>null</code>.
* @param aProcessID
* The process ID of the service metadata to get. May not be
* <code>null</code>.
* @param aTransportProfile
* The transport profile of the service metadata to get. May not be
* <code>null</code>.
* @return The endpoint from the signed service metadata object or
* <code>null</code> if no such registration is present.
* @throws SMPClientException
* in case something goes wrong
* @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException
* A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen.
* @throws SMPClientBadRequestException
* The request was not well formed.
* @see #getServiceMetadataOrNull(IParticipantIdentifier,IDocumentTypeIdentifier)
default EndpointType getEndpoint(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID, @Nonnull final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocumentTypeID, @Nonnull final IProcessIdentifier aProcessID, @Nonnull final ISMPTransportProfile aTransportProfile) throws SMPClientException {
ValueEnforcer.notNull(aServiceGroupID, "ServiceGroupID");
ValueEnforcer.notNull(aDocumentTypeID, "DocumentTypeID");
ValueEnforcer.notNull(aProcessID, "ProcessID");
ValueEnforcer.notNull(aTransportProfile, "TransportProfile");
// Get meta data for participant/documentType
final SignedServiceMetadataType aSignedServiceMetadata = getServiceMetadataOrNull(aServiceGroupID, aDocumentTypeID);
return aSignedServiceMetadata == null ? null : BDXRClientReadOnly.getEndpoint(aSignedServiceMetadata, aProcessID, aTransportProfile);