use of com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.errors.UnsupportedSchemaTypeException in project registry by hortonworks.
the class SchemaVersionLifecycleManager method createSchemaVersion.
private SchemaVersionInfo createSchemaVersion(String schemaBranchName, SchemaMetadata schemaMetadata, Long schemaMetadataId, SchemaVersion schemaVersion) throws IncompatibleSchemaException, InvalidSchemaException, SchemaNotFoundException, SchemaBranchNotFoundException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(schemaBranchName, "schemaBranchName must not be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(schemaMetadataId, "schemaMetadataId must not be null");
String type = schemaMetadata.getType();
if (getSchemaProvider(type) == null) {
throw new UnsupportedSchemaTypeException("Given schema type " + type + " not supported");
SchemaBranch schemaBranch = null;
try {
schemaBranch = schemaBranchCache.get(SchemaBranchCache.Key.of(new SchemaBranchKey(schemaBranchName, schemaMetadata.getName())));
} catch (SchemaBranchNotFoundException e) {
// Ignore this error
if (schemaBranch == null) {
if (getAllVersions(schemaBranchName, schemaMetadata.getName()).size() != 0)
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Schema name : '%s' and branch name : '%s' has schema version, yet failed to obtain schema branch instance", schemaMetadata.getName(), schemaBranchName));
// generate fingerprint, it parses the schema and checks for semantic validation.
// throws InvalidSchemaException for invalid schemas.
final String fingerprint = getFingerprint(type, schemaVersion.getSchemaText());
final String schemaName = schemaMetadata.getName();
SchemaVersionStorable schemaVersionStorable = new SchemaVersionStorable();
final Long schemaVersionStorableId = storageManager.nextId(schemaVersionStorable.getNameSpace());
if (!schemaBranchName.equals(SchemaBranch.MASTER_BRANCH)) {
// take a lock for a schema with same name.
int retryCt = 0;
while (true) {
try {
Integer version = 0;
Byte initialState = schemaVersion.getInitialState();
if (schemaMetadata.isEvolve()) {
// if the given version is added with enabled or initiated state then only check for compatibility
if (SchemaVersionLifecycleStates.ENABLED.getId().equals(initialState) || SchemaVersionLifecycleStates.INITIATED.getId().equals(initialState)) {
CompatibilityResult compatibilityResult = checkCompatibility(schemaBranchName, schemaName, schemaVersion.getSchemaText());
if (!compatibilityResult.isCompatible()) {
String errMsg = String.format("Given schema is not compatible with latest schema versions. \n" + "Error location: [%s] \n" + "Error encountered is: [%s]", compatibilityResult.getErrorLocation(), compatibilityResult.getErrorMessage());
throw new IncompatibleSchemaException(errMsg);
SchemaVersionInfo latestSchemaVersionInfo = getLatestSchemaVersionInfo(schemaName);
if (latestSchemaVersionInfo != null) {
version = latestSchemaVersionInfo.getVersion();
schemaVersionStorable.setVersion(version + 1);
updateSchemaVersionState(schemaVersionStorable.getId(), 1, initialState, schemaVersion.getStateDetails());
} catch (StorageException e) {
// optimistic to try the next try would be successful. When retry attempts are exhausted, throw error back to invoker.
if (++retryCt == DEFAULT_RETRY_CT) {
LOG.error("Giving up after retry attempts [{}] while trying to add new version of schema with metadata [{}]", retryCt, schemaMetadata, e);
throw e;
LOG.debug("Encountered storage exception while trying to add a new version, attempting again : [{}] with error: [{}]", retryCt, e);
// fetching this as the ID may have been set by storage manager.
Long schemaInstanceId = schemaVersionStorable.getId();
SchemaBranchVersionMapping schemaBranchVersionMapping = new SchemaBranchVersionMapping(schemaBranch.getId(), schemaInstanceId);
String storableNamespace = new SchemaFieldInfoStorable().getNameSpace();
List<SchemaFieldInfo> schemaFieldInfos = getSchemaProvider(type).generateFields(schemaVersionStorable.getSchemaText());
for (SchemaFieldInfo schemaFieldInfo : schemaFieldInfos) {
final Long fieldInstanceId = storageManager.nextId(storableNamespace);
SchemaFieldInfoStorable schemaFieldInfoStorable = SchemaFieldInfoStorable.fromSchemaFieldInfo(schemaFieldInfo, fieldInstanceId);
return schemaVersionStorable.toSchemaVersionInfo();
use of com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.errors.UnsupportedSchemaTypeException in project registry by hortonworks.
the class ConfluentSchemaRegistryCompatibleResource method registerSchemaVersion.
@ApiOperation(value = "Register a new version of the schema", notes = "Registers the given schema version to schema with subject if the given schemaText is not registered as a version for this schema, " + "and returns respective unique id." + "In case of incompatible schema errors, it throws error message like 'Unable to read schema: <> using schema <>' ", response = Id.class, tags = OPERATION_GROUP_CONFLUENT_SR)
public Response registerSchemaVersion(@ApiParam(value = "subject", required = true) @PathParam("subject") String subject, @ApiParam(value = "Details about the schema", required = true) String schema, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) {"registerSchema for [{}] is [{}]", subject);
return handleLeaderAction(uriInfo, () -> {
Response response;
try {"registerSchema for [{}] is [{}]", subject);
SchemaMetadataInfo schemaMetadataInfo = schemaRegistry.getSchemaMetadataInfo(subject);
if (schemaMetadataInfo == null) {
SchemaMetadata schemaMetadata = new SchemaMetadata.Builder(subject).type(AvroSchemaProvider.TYPE).schemaGroup("Kafka").build();
schemaMetadataInfo = schemaRegistry.getSchemaMetadataInfo(subject);
SchemaIdVersion schemaVersionInfo = schemaRegistry.addSchemaVersion(schemaMetadataInfo.getSchemaMetadata(), new SchemaVersion(schemaStringFromJson(schema).getSchema(), null));
Id id = new Id();
response = WSUtils.respondEntity(id, Response.Status.OK);
} catch (InvalidSchemaException ex) {
LOG.error("Invalid schema error encountered while adding subject [{}]", subject, ex);
response = invalidSchemaError();
} catch (IncompatibleSchemaException ex) {
LOG.error("Incompatible schema error encountered while adding subject [{}]", subject, ex);
response = incompatibleSchemaError();
} catch (UnsupportedSchemaTypeException ex) {
LOG.error("Unsupported schema type encountered while adding subject [{}]", subject, ex);
response = incompatibleSchemaError();
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Encountered error while adding subject [{}]", subject, ex);
response = serverError();
return response;
use of com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.errors.UnsupportedSchemaTypeException in project registry by hortonworks.
the class SchemaRegistryResource method addSchemaVersion.
@ApiOperation(value = "Register a new version of the schema", notes = "Registers the given schema version to schema with name if the given schemaText is not registered as a version for this schema, " + "and returns respective version number." + "In case of incompatible schema errors, it throws error message like 'Unable to read schema: <> using schema <>' ", response = Integer.class, tags = OPERATION_GROUP_SCHEMA)
public Response addSchemaVersion(@QueryParam("branch") @DefaultValue(MASTER_BRANCH) String schemaBranchName, @ApiParam(value = "Schema name", required = true) @PathParam("name") String schemaName, @ApiParam(value = "Details about the schema", required = true) SchemaVersion schemaVersion, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
return handleLeaderAction(uriInfo, () -> {
Response response;
try {"adding schema version for name [{}] with [{}]", schemaName, schemaVersion);
SchemaIdVersion version = schemaRegistry.addSchemaVersion(schemaBranchName, schemaName, schemaVersion);
response = WSUtils.respondEntity(version.getVersion(), Response.Status.CREATED);
} catch (InvalidSchemaException ex) {
LOG.error("Invalid schema error encountered while adding schema [{}] with key [{}]", schemaVersion, schemaName, ex);
response = WSUtils.respond(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, CatalogResponse.ResponseMessage.INVALID_SCHEMA, ex.getMessage());
} catch (IncompatibleSchemaException ex) {
LOG.error("Incompatible schema error encountered while adding schema [{}] with key [{}]", schemaVersion, schemaName, ex);
response = WSUtils.respond(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, CatalogResponse.ResponseMessage.INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMA, ex.getMessage());
} catch (UnsupportedSchemaTypeException ex) {
LOG.error("Unsupported schema type encountered while adding schema [{}] with key [{}]", schemaVersion, schemaName, ex);
response = WSUtils.respond(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, CatalogResponse.ResponseMessage.UNSUPPORTED_SCHEMA_TYPE, ex.getMessage());
} catch (SchemaBranchNotFoundException e) {
return WSUtils.respond(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, CatalogResponse.ResponseMessage.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, e.getMessage());
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Encountered error while adding schema [{}] with key [{}]", schemaVersion, schemaName, ex, ex);
response = WSUtils.respond(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, CatalogResponse.ResponseMessage.EXCEPTION, ex.getMessage());
return response;
use of com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.errors.UnsupportedSchemaTypeException in project registry by hortonworks.
the class DefaultSchemaRegistry method addSchemaMetadata.
public Long addSchemaMetadata(SchemaMetadata schemaMetadata, boolean throwErrorIfExists) throws UnsupportedSchemaTypeException {
SchemaMetadataStorable givenSchemaMetadataStorable = SchemaMetadataStorable.fromSchemaMetadataInfo(new SchemaMetadataInfo(schemaMetadata));
String type = schemaMetadata.getType();
if (schemaTypeWithProviders.get(type) == null) {
throw new UnsupportedSchemaTypeException("Given schema type " + type + " not supported");
if (!throwErrorIfExists) {
Storable schemaMetadataStorable = storageManager.get(givenSchemaMetadataStorable.getStorableKey());
if (schemaMetadataStorable != null) {
return schemaMetadataStorable.getId();
final Long nextId = storageManager.nextId(givenSchemaMetadataStorable.getNameSpace());
// Add a schema branch for this metadata
SchemaBranchStorable schemaBranchStorable = new SchemaBranchStorable(SchemaBranch.MASTER_BRANCH, schemaMetadata.getName(), String.format(SchemaBranch.MASTER_BRANCH_DESC, schemaMetadata.getName()), System.currentTimeMillis());
return givenSchemaMetadataStorable.getId();
use of com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.errors.UnsupportedSchemaTypeException in project registry by hortonworks.
the class SchemaRegistryResource method addSchemaInfo.
@ApiOperation(value = "Create a schema if it does not already exist", notes = "Creates a schema with the given schema information if it does not already exist." + " A unique schema identifier is returned.", response = Long.class, tags = OPERATION_GROUP_SCHEMA)
public Response addSchemaInfo(@ApiParam(value = "Schema to be added to the registry", required = true) SchemaMetadata schemaMetadata, @Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Context HttpHeaders httpHeaders) {
return handleLeaderAction(uriInfo, () -> {
Response response;
try {
checkValueAsNullOrEmpty("Schema name", schemaMetadata.getName());
checkValueAsNullOrEmpty("Schema type", schemaMetadata.getType());
boolean throwErrorIfExists = isThrowErrorIfExists(httpHeaders);
Long schemaId = schemaRegistry.addSchemaMetadata(schemaMetadata, throwErrorIfExists);
response = WSUtils.respondEntity(schemaId, Response.Status.CREATED);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
LOG.error("Expected parameter is invalid", schemaMetadata, ex);
response = WSUtils.respond(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, CatalogResponse.ResponseMessage.BAD_REQUEST_PARAM_MISSING, ex.getMessage());
} catch (UnsupportedSchemaTypeException ex) {
LOG.error("Unsupported schema type encountered while adding schema metadata [{}]", schemaMetadata, ex);
response = WSUtils.respond(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, CatalogResponse.ResponseMessage.UNSUPPORTED_SCHEMA_TYPE, ex.getMessage());
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Error encountered while adding schema info [{}] ", schemaMetadata, ex);
response = WSUtils.respond(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, CatalogResponse.ResponseMessage.EXCEPTION, String.format("Storing the given SchemaMetadata [%s] is failed", schemaMetadata.toString()));
return response;