use of com.hp.mwtests.ts.jta.recovery.TestXAResourceWrapper in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class ImportedTransactionRecoveryUnitTest method testMultipleXAResourceForImportedJcaTransaction.
* <p>
* Testing that multiple {@link XAResource}s could be used under imported transaction.<br>
* Previously there was no check of xid format which resulted to fact of merging usage of multiple XAResources
* under one Xid even when the subordinate transaction was under management of Narayana (meaning created by Narayana).
* That could lead to non-recoverable behavior for particular XAResource.
* <p>
* By adding check for format of xid Narayana generates new Xid for any XAResource used under transaction
* created by Narayana. If transaction comes from EIS there is returned the same Xid (as expected).
public void testMultipleXAResourceForImportedJcaTransaction() throws Exception {
final Xid xid = XidUtils.getXid(new Uid(), true);
SubordinateTransaction subordinateTransaction = SubordinationManager.getTransactionImporter().importTransaction(xid);
TestXAResourceWrapper xar1 = new TestXAResourceWrapper("narayana", "narayana", "java:/test1") {
boolean wasThrown = false;
public void commit(Xid xid, boolean onePhase) throws XAException {
if (!wasThrown) {
wasThrown = true;
throw new XAException(XAException.XAER_RMFAIL);
} else {
super.commit(xid, onePhase);
TestXAResourceWrapper xar2 = new TestXAResourceWrapper("narayana", "narayana", "java:/test2") {
boolean wasThrown = false;
public void commit(Xid xid, boolean onePhase) throws XAException {
if (!wasThrown) {
wasThrown = true;
throw new XAException(XAException.XAER_RMFAIL);
} else {
super.commit(xid, onePhase);
assertTrue("Fail to enlist first test XAResource", subordinateTransaction.enlistResource(xar1));
assertTrue("Fail to enlist second XAResource", subordinateTransaction.enlistResource(xar2));
assertEquals("transaction should be prepared", TwoPhaseOutcome.PREPARE_OK, subordinateTransaction.doPrepare());
assertFalse("first resource should fail on transaction commit, thus whole txn can't be committed", subordinateTransaction.doCommit());
assertNotEquals("XAResources should be enlisted with different xids", xar1.getXid(), xar2.getXid());
((XARecoveryModule) recoveryManager.getModules().get(0)).addXAResourceRecoveryHelper(new TestXARecoveryHelper(xar1, xar2));
assertEquals("XAResource1 can't be rolled-back", 0, xar1.rollbackCount());
assertEquals("XAResource2 can't be rolled-back", 0, xar2.rollbackCount());
assertEquals("XAResource1 has to be committed", 1, xar1.commitCount());
assertEquals("XAResource2 has to be committed", 1, xar2.commitCount());
use of com.hp.mwtests.ts.jta.recovery.TestXAResourceWrapper in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class XARecoveryModuleUnitTest method testEmptyResourceEnlistmentParams.
* Test which uses method {@link TransactionImple#enlistResource(XAResource, Object[])} could be used
* with empty object array and still works.
public void testEmptyResourceEnlistmentParams() throws Exception {
final Uid uid = new Uid();
final Xid xid = XidUtils.getXid(uid, true);
SubordinateTransaction subordinateTransaction = SubordinationManager.getTransactionImporter().importTransaction(xid);
TransactionImple subordinateTransactionImple = (TransactionImple) subordinateTransaction;
TestXAResourceWrapper xar = new TestXAResourceWrapper("narayana", "narayana", "java:/test1");
subordinateTransactionImple.enlistResource(xar, new Object[] {});
int statusPrepare = subordinateTransaction.doPrepare();
assertEquals("transaction should be prepared", TwoPhaseOutcome.PREPARE_OK, statusPrepare);
assertEquals("XAResource can't be rolled-back", 0, xar.rollbackCount());
assertEquals("XAResource has to be committed", 1, xar.commitCount());