use of in project Singularity by HubSpot.
the class SandboxResource method read.
@ApiOperation("Retrieve part of the contents of a file in a specific task's sandbox.")
public MesosFileChunkObject read(@Auth SingularityUser user, @ApiParam("The task ID of the sandbox to read from") @PathParam("taskId") String taskId, @ApiParam("The path to the file to be read") @QueryParam("path") String path, @ApiParam("Optional string to grep for") @QueryParam("grep") Optional<String> grep, @ApiParam("Byte offset to start reading from") @QueryParam("offset") Optional<Long> offset, @ApiParam("Maximum number of bytes to read") @QueryParam("length") Optional<Long> length) {
authorizationHelper.checkForAuthorizationByTaskId(taskId, user, SingularityAuthorizationScope.READ);
final SingularityTaskHistory history = checkHistory(taskId, user);
checkBadRequest(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(path), "Must specify 'path'");
final String slaveHostname = history.getTask().getHostname();
final String fullPath = new File(history.getDirectory().get(), path).toString();
try {
final Optional<MesosFileChunkObject> maybeChunk =, fullPath, offset, length);
checkNotFound(maybeChunk.isPresent(), "File %s does not exist for task ID %s", fullPath, taskId);
if (grep.isPresent() && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(grep.get())) {
final Pattern grepPattern = Pattern.compile(grep.get());
final StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(maybeChunk.get().getData().length());
for (String line : Splitter.on("\n").split(maybeChunk.get().getData())) {
if (grepPattern.matcher(line).find()) {
return new MesosFileChunkObject(strBuilder.toString(), maybeChunk.get().getOffset(), Optional.of(maybeChunk.get().getOffset() + maybeChunk.get().getData().length()));
return maybeChunk.get();
} catch (SlaveNotFoundException snfe) {
throw notFound("Slave @ %s was not found, it is probably offline", slaveHostname);
use of in project Singularity by HubSpot.
the class SandboxResource method browse.
@ApiOperation("Retrieve information about a specific task's sandbox.")
public SingularitySandbox browse(@Auth SingularityUser user, @ApiParam("The task ID to browse") @PathParam("taskId") String taskId, @ApiParam("The path to browse from") @QueryParam("path") String path) {
authorizationHelper.checkForAuthorizationByTaskId(taskId, user, SingularityAuthorizationScope.READ);
// Remove all trailing slashes from the path
if (path != null) {
path = path.replaceAll("\\/+$", "");
final String currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(taskId, path);
final SingularityTaskHistory history = checkHistory(taskId, user);
final String slaveHostname = history.getTask().getHostname();
final String pathToRoot = history.getDirectory().get();
final String fullPath = new File(pathToRoot, currentDirectory).toString();
final int substringTruncationLength = currentDirectory.length() == 0 ? pathToRoot.length() + 1 : pathToRoot.length() + currentDirectory.length() + 2;
try {
Collection<MesosFileObject> mesosFiles = sandboxManager.browse(slaveHostname, fullPath);
List<SingularitySandboxFile> sandboxFiles = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.transform(mesosFiles, new Function<MesosFileObject, SingularitySandboxFile>() {
public SingularitySandboxFile apply(MesosFileObject input) {
return new SingularitySandboxFile(input.getPath().substring(substringTruncationLength), input.getMtime(), input.getSize(), input.getMode());
return new SingularitySandbox(sandboxFiles, pathToRoot, currentDirectory, slaveHostname);
} catch (SlaveNotFoundException snfe) {
throw notFound("Slave @ %s was not found, it is probably offline", slaveHostname);