use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class RamClassWalker method allSlotsIniTableDo.
private void allSlotsIniTableDo() throws CorruptDataException {
J9ITablePointer iTable = J9ITablePointer.cast(ramClass.iTable());
int interfaceSize = 0;
final J9ITablePointer superclassITable;
final J9ClassPointer superclass = J9ClassHelper.superclass(ramClass);
if (superclass.isNull()) {
superclassITable = J9ITablePointer.NULL;
} else {
superclassITable = J9ITablePointer.cast(superclass.iTable());
* Loops through the linked list of interfaces until it hit it's
* superclass'itable
while (!iTable.eq(superclassITable)) {
classWalkerCallback.addSlot(clazz, SlotType.J9_UDATA, iTable.interfaceClassEA(), "iTable->interfaceClass", "!j9class");
classWalkerCallback.addSlot(clazz, SlotType.J9_UDATA, iTable.nextEA(), "iTable->next", "!j9itable");
* The iTables for the interface classes do not contain entries for
* methods.
if (!ramClass.romClass().modifiers().allBitsIn(J9Consts.J9_JAVA_INTERFACE)) {
int methodCount = iTable.interfaceClass().romClass().romMethodCount().intValue();
for (int i = 0; i < methodCount; i++) {
* Add the method after the iTable. We add i + 1 to the
* iTable.nextEA() because we do not want to print the
* iTable.nextEA() but actually the value after it which
* will be a method
classWalkerCallback.addSlot(clazz, SlotType.J9_iTableMethod, iTable.nextEA().add(i + 1), "method", "!j9method");
interfaceSize += UDATA.SIZEOF;
iTable =;
interfaceSize += J9ITable.SIZEOF;
classWalkerCallback.addSection(clazz, ramClass.iTable(), interfaceSize, "iTable", false);
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class ITableSizeCommand method iTableExtendedSize.
public long iTableExtendedSize(J9ITablePointer startTable, J9ITablePointer superTable) throws CorruptDataException {
long size = 0;
J9ITablePointer iTable = startTable;
while (!iTable.eq(superTable)) {
size += J9ITable.SIZEOF;
J9ClassPointer interfaceClass = iTable.interfaceClass();
J9ROMClassPointer romClass = interfaceClass.romClass();
J9ITablePointer allInterfaces = J9ITablePointer.cast(interfaceClass.iTable());
do {
size += (UDATA.SIZEOF * allInterfaces.interfaceClass().romClass().romMethodCount().intValue());
allInterfaces =;
} while (!allInterfaces.eq(J9ITablePointer.NULL));
iTable =;
return size;
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class J9ClassHelper method size.
public static UDATA size(J9ClassPointer clazz, J9JavaVMPointer vm) throws CorruptDataException {
* Size includes up to 7 fragments:
* 0. RAM class header = J9Class struct + vTable + JIT vTable
* 1. RAM methods + extended method block
* 2. Superclasses
* 3. Instance description
* 4. iTable
* 5. Static slots
* 6. Constant pool
* Array classes omit 1, 3, 5 and 6.
// Fragment 0. RAM class header = J9Class struct + vTable + JIT vTable
UDATA size = new UDATA(J9Class.SIZEOF);
UDATA vTableSlotCount = vTable(clazz).at(0);
size = size.add(Scalar.convertSlotsToBytes(vTableSlotCount));
if (vm.jitConfig().notNull()) {
UDATA jitVTableSlotCount = vTableSlotCount.sub(1);
size = size.add(Scalar.convertSlotsToBytes(jitVTableSlotCount));
if (!J9ROMClassHelper.isArray(clazz.romClass())) {
// Fragment 1. RAM methods + extended method block
U32 ramMethodsSize = clazz.romClass().romMethodCount().mult((int) J9Method.SIZEOF);
size = size.add(ramMethodsSize);
if (vm.runtimeFlags().allBitsIn(J9Consts.J9_RUNTIME_EXTENDED_METHOD_BLOCK)) {
UDATA extendedMethodBlockSize = Scalar.roundToSizeofUDATA(new UDATA(clazz.romClass().romMethodCount()));
size = size.add(extendedMethodBlockSize);
// Fragment 3. Instance description
if (!clazz.instanceDescription().anyBitsIn(1)) {
UDATA highestBitInSlot = new UDATA(UDATA.SIZEOF * 8 - 1);
UDATA instanceDescriptionSize = clazz.totalInstanceSize().rightShift((int) (ObjectReferencePointer.SIZEOF >> 2) + 1);
instanceDescriptionSize = instanceDescriptionSize.add(highestBitInSlot).bitAnd(highestBitInSlot.bitNot());
if (J9BuildFlags.gc_leafBits) {
instanceDescriptionSize = instanceDescriptionSize.mult(2);
size = size.add(instanceDescriptionSize);
// Fragment 5. Static slots
U32 staticSlotCount = clazz.romClass().objectStaticCount().add(clazz.romClass().singleScalarStaticCount());
if (J9BuildFlags.env_data64) {
staticSlotCount = staticSlotCount.add(clazz.romClass().doubleScalarStaticCount());
} else {
staticSlotCount = staticSlotCount.add(1).bitAnd(~1L).add(clazz.romClass().doubleScalarStaticCount().mult(2));
size = size.add(Scalar.convertSlotsToBytes(new UDATA(staticSlotCount)));
// Fragment 6. Constant pool
U32 constantPoolSlotCount = clazz.romClass().ramConstantPoolCount().mult(2);
size = size.add(Scalar.convertSlotsToBytes(new UDATA(constantPoolSlotCount)));
// Fragment 2. Superclasses
UDATA classDepth = classDepthAndFlags(clazz).bitAnd(J9JavaAccessFlags.J9AccClassDepthMask);
if (classDepth.eq(0)) {
// java/lang/Object has a single slot superclasses array
size = size.add(UDATA.SIZEOF);
} else {
size = size.add(Scalar.convertSlotsToBytes(classDepth));
// Fragment 4. iTable
if (clazz.iTable().notNull()) {
J9ClassPointer superclass = J9ClassPointer.cast(clazz.superclasses().at(classDepth.sub(1)));
if (superclass.isNull() || !superclass.iTable().eq(clazz.iTable())) {
J9ITablePointer iTable = J9ITablePointer.cast(clazz.iTable());
// Scan to the last iTable belonging to classPointer
if (superclass.isNull()) {
while ( {
iTable =;
} else {
while ( && ! {
iTable =;
// Find the end of the last iTable
if (clazz.romClass().modifiers().allBitsIn(J9Consts.J9_JAVA_INTERFACE)) {
iTable = iTable.add(1);
} else {
iTable = iTable.add(1).addOffset(iTable.interfaceClass().romClass().romMethodCount().mult(UDATA.SIZEOF));
size = size.add(iTable.getAddress() - clazz.iTable().getAddress());
return size;
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class ITableSizeCommand method iTableChainSize.
public long iTableChainSize(J9ITablePointer startTable, J9ITablePointer superTable) throws CorruptDataException {
long size = 0;
J9ITablePointer iTable = startTable;
while (!iTable.eq(superTable)) {
size += J9ITable.SIZEOF;
J9ClassPointer interfaceClass = iTable.interfaceClass();
J9ROMClassPointer romClass = interfaceClass.romClass();
size += (UDATA.SIZEOF * romClass.romMethodCount().intValue());
iTable =;
return size;
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class ITableSizeCommand method run.
public void run(String command, String[] args, Context context, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
long currentSize = 0;
long duplicatedSize = 0;
long extendedSize = 0;
try {
J9JavaVMPointer vm = J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer());
ClassSegmentIterator classSegmentIterator = new ClassSegmentIterator(vm.classMemorySegments());
while (classSegmentIterator.hasNext()) {
J9ClassPointer clazz = (J9ClassPointer);
int classDepth = clazz.classDepthAndFlags().bitAnd(J9_JAVA_CLASS_DEPTH_MASK).intValue();
J9ITablePointer superITable = J9ITablePointer.NULL;
J9ITablePointer startITable = J9ITablePointer.cast(clazz.iTable());
if (0 != classDepth) {
PointerPointer superclasses = clazz.superclasses();
J9ClassPointer superclazz = J9ClassPointer.cast( - 1));
superITable = J9ITablePointer.cast(superclazz.iTable());
currentSize += iTableChainSize(startITable, superITable);
duplicatedSize += iTableChainSize(superITable, J9ITablePointer.NULL);
extendedSize += iTableExtendedSize(startITable, superITable);
} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException(e);
long totalSize = duplicatedSize + currentSize;
double percent = (double) totalSize / (double) currentSize;
out.append("iTable duplication" + nl);
out.append("------------------" + nl);
out.append("current iTable size : " + currentSize + nl);
out.append("additional iTable size : " + duplicatedSize + nl);
out.append("total iTable size : " + totalSize + nl);
out.append("growth factor : " + percent + nl);
percent = (double) extendedSize / (double) currentSize;
out.append("iTable contains extends" + nl);
out.append("-----------------------" + nl);
out.append("current iTable size : " + currentSize + nl);
out.append("new iTable size : " + extendedSize + nl);
out.append("growth factor : " + percent + nl);