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Example 1 with J9MemTagPointer

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class J9MemTagIterator method internalNext.

private J9MemTagPointer internalNext() {
    long result;
    this.isFooterCorrupted = false;
    /* Hunt for the header eyecatcher */
    do {
        result = DataType.getProcess().findPattern(headerEyecatcherBytes, UDATA.SIZEOF, currentSearchAddress);
        if (result == -1) {
            return null;
        if (Addresses.greaterThan(result, topAddress)) {
            return null;
        /* Move the current search address beyond the current result */
        currentSearchAddress = result + UDATA.SIZEOF;
        /* Address is in range - does it point to a valid block? */
        VoidPointer memoryBase = j9mem_get_memory_base(J9MemTagPointer.cast(result));
        try {
            IDATA corruption = j9mem_check_tags(VoidPointer.cast(memoryBase), headerEyecatcher, footerEyecatcher);
            if (corruption.allBitsIn(J9PORT_MEMTAG_NOT_A_TAG.longValue())) {
                /* This is not a memory tag */
            if (corruption.allBitsIn(J9PORT_MEMTAG_FOOTER_TAG_CORRUPTED.longValue()) || corruption.allBitsIn(J9PORT_MEMTAG_FOOTER_PADDING_CORRUPTED.longValue())) {
					 * A block with corrupted footer is accepted only and only if 
					 * we are dealing with freed memory. Therefore, following check is double check.
					 * If we are here, then it is freed memory is being looked for with the current algorithm. 
                if (headerEyecatcher == J9MEMTAG_EYECATCHER_FREED_HEADER && footerEyecatcher == J9MEMTAG_EYECATCHER_FREED_FOOTER) {
                    this.isFooterCorrupted = true;
                    return J9MemTagPointer.cast(result);
        } catch (J9MemTagCheckError e) {
            /* Tag is readable, but corrupt */
            if (!lookingForFreedCallSites) {
                EventManager.raiseCorruptDataEvent("Corrupt memory section found", e, false);
            /* Find the next section */
        return J9MemTagPointer.cast(result);
    } while (true);
Also used : VoidPointer( IDATA(

Example 2 with J9MemTagPointer

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class J9MemTagHelper method j9mem_check_tags.

 * Performs validation checks on the memory block starting at memoryPointer.
 * The memory passed in could fall into one of three categories:
 * 1) It could be a valid J9MemTag region with valid headers and footers
 * 2) It could be not be a J9MemTag region
 * 3) It could be a J9MemTag region with some corruption in either the header, footer or padding
 * @param[in] portLibrary The port library
 * @param[in] memoryPointer address returned by @ref j9mem_allocate_memory()
 * @throws CorruptDataException if the tags are corrupted, or the memory is inaccessible. (Option 3)
 * @return J9PORT_MEMTAG_NOT_A_TAG if memoryPointer address is not a tag
 * 		   J9PORT_MEMTAG_HEADER_TAG_CORRUPTED if memoryPointer address is valid tag region but header tag is corrupted.
 * 		   J9PORT_MEMTAG_FOOTER_TAG_CORRUPTED if memoryPointer address is valid tag region but footer tag is corrupted.
 * 		   J9PORT_MEMTAG_FOOTER_PADDING_CORRUPTED if memoryPointer address is valid tag region but footer padding is corrupted.
 * 		   J9PORT_MEMTAG_VALID_TAG if memoryPointer address is valid tag and header/footer are not corrupted.
 * @note memoryPointer may not be NULL.
public static IDATA j9mem_check_tags(VoidPointer memoryPointer, long headerEyecatcher, long footerEyecatcher) throws J9MemTagCheckError {
    J9MemTagPointer headerTagAddress, footerTagAddress = J9MemTagPointer.NULL;
    headerTagAddress = j9mem_get_header_tag(memoryPointer);
    try {
        footerTagAddress = j9mem_get_footer_tag(headerTagAddress);
        checkTagSumCheck(headerTagAddress, headerEyecatcher);
    } catch (J9MemTagCheckError e) {
        /* Corruption here either means the header tag is mangled, or the header eyecatcher isn't actually the start of a 
			 * J9MemTag block.
			 * If we can find a valid footerTag, then we'll believe this is a mangled header.
        try {
            if (checkEyecatcher(footerTagAddress, footerEyecatcher)) {
                /* Footer eyecatcher is valid - header tag is corrupt */
                throw e;
            } else {
                /* Footer eyecatcher is invalid - this isn't a memory tag */
                return J9PORT_MEMTAG_NOT_A_TAG;
        } catch (CorruptDataException e1) {
            /* Can't read the footer tag - assume memoryPointer isn't a tag */
            return J9PORT_MEMTAG_NOT_A_TAG;
    } catch (CorruptDataException e) {
        /* CorruptDataException here will mean MemoryFault. Which means we can't read the 
			 * entire header tag - so we assume this isn't a valid J9MemTag
        return J9PORT_MEMTAG_NOT_A_TAG;
    try {
        checkTagSumCheck(footerTagAddress, footerEyecatcher);
    } catch (J9MemTagCheckError e) {
        if (headerEyecatcher == J9MEMTAG_EYECATCHER_FREED_HEADER && footerEyecatcher == J9MEMTAG_EYECATCHER_FREED_FOOTER) {
            /* When dealing with already freed memory, it is reasonable to accept
				 * a block that is missing the footer instead of throwing an exception.
        } else {
            throw e;
    } catch (CorruptDataException e) {
        /* If we got here, the header was valid. A memory fault here suggests
			 * we're missing the storage for the footer - which is corruption
        throw new J9MemTagCheckError(headerTagAddress, e);
    try {
    } catch (J9MemTagCheckError e) {
        if (headerEyecatcher == J9MEMTAG_EYECATCHER_FREED_HEADER && footerEyecatcher == J9MEMTAG_EYECATCHER_FREED_FOOTER) {
            /* When dealing with already freed memory, it is reasonable to accept
				 * a block that is missing the footer instead of throwing an exception.
        } else {
            throw e;
    } catch (CorruptDataException e) {
        /* If we got here, the header was valid. A memory fault here suggests
			 * we're missing the storage for the padding - which is corruption
        throw new J9MemTagCheckError(headerTagAddress, e);
Also used : AddressedCorruptDataException( CorruptDataException( J9MemTagPointer(

Example 3 with J9MemTagPointer

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class J9MemTagCommands method runFindHeader.

private void runFindHeader(String command, String[] args, Context context) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
    long address = 0;
    J9MemTagPointer header = null;
    if (args.length != 1) {
        out.println("Usage: ");
        out.println("  !findheader <address> (e.g. !findheader 0xa2b4c6d8)");
    address = CommandUtils.parsePointer(args[0], J9BuildFlags.env_data64);
    out.println(String.format("Searching memory allocation header for %s", U8Pointer.cast(address).getHexAddress()));
		 * Search for an eyecatcher on or before the specified address. Start
		 * the search on the specified address since an eyecatcher may start on
		 * the address. Ensure that the eyecatcher that is found is on or before
		 * the address. If this condition is not satisfied, start searching for
		 * an eyecatcher 1K before the previous start address. Continue until an
		 * eyecatcher is found, or the start address of 0 is reached.
    long searchBase = address - SEARCH_SLAB_SIZE;
    SEARCH_LOOP: do {
        /* Add 3 (length of eyecatcher - 1) to the top address, to catch eyecatchers written between search slabs */
        J9MemTagIterator it = J9MemTagIterator.iterateAllocatedHeaders(searchBase, searchBase + SEARCH_SLAB_SIZE + 3);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            J9MemTagPointer potential =;
            if (Addresses.greaterThan(potential.getAddress(), address)) {
                /* Walked past address */
            VoidPointer start = J9MemTagHelper.j9mem_get_memory_base(potential);
            VoidPointer end;
            try {
                end = start.addOffset(potential.allocSize().longValue());
            } catch (CorruptDataException e) {
            if (Addresses.greaterThanOrEqual(address, start.getAddress()) && Addresses.lessThan(address, end.getAddress())) {
                /* Match */
                header = potential;
                break SEARCH_LOOP;
        if (Addresses.lessThan(searchBase, SEARCH_SLAB_SIZE)) {
            searchBase = 0;
        } else {
            searchBase = searchBase - SEARCH_SLAB_SIZE;
    } while (searchBase != 0);
    if (header == null) {
        out.println("No memory allocation header found");
    } else {
        String callsite;
        try {
            callsite = header.callSite().getCStringAtOffset(0);
        } catch (CorruptDataException ex) {
            callsite = "<FAULT> reading callsite string: " + ex.getMessage();
        String categoryName;
        try {
            categoryName = header.category().name().getCStringAtOffset(0);
        } catch (CorruptDataException ex) {
            categoryName = "<FAULT> reading category name string: " + ex.getMessage();
        try {
            out.println(String.format("Found memory allocation header, !j9x %s,0x%#x", J9MemTagHelper.j9mem_get_memory_base(header).getHexAddress(), header.allocSize().longValue()));
            out.println(String.format("J9MemTag at %s {", header.getHexAddress()));
            out.println(String.format("    U_32 eyeCatcher = 0x%x;", header.eyeCatcher().longValue()));
            out.println(String.format("    U_32 sumCheck = 0x%x;", header.sumCheck().longValue()));
            out.println(String.format("    UDATA allocSize = 0x%x;", header.allocSize().longValue()));
            out.println(String.format("    char* callSite = %s;", callsite));
            out.println(String.format("    struct OMRMemCategory* category = !omrmemcategory 0x%x (%s);", header.category().longValue(), categoryName));
        } catch (CorruptDataException ex) {
            out.println("CDE formatting J9MemTag at " + header.getHexAddress());
Also used : VoidPointer( CorruptDataException( J9MemTagPointer( J9MemTagIterator(

Example 4 with J9MemTagPointer

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class J9MemTagIterator method next.

public J9MemTagPointer next() {
    if (hasNext()) {
        J9MemTagPointer toReturn = current;
        current = null;
        return toReturn;
    } else {
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
Also used : J9MemTagPointer( NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException)

Example 5 with J9MemTagPointer

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class J9MemTagHelper method j9mem_get_footer_padding.

 * Given the address of the headerEyecatcher for the memory block, return
 * the address of the footer padding.
 * Note that there not be any padding, in which case this returns the same
 * as @ref j9mem_get_footer_tag(), the address of the footer tag.
 * @throws CorruptDataException
public static VoidPointer j9mem_get_footer_padding(J9MemTagPointer headerEyeCatcherAddress) throws CorruptDataException {
    UDATA cursor = UDATA.cast(U8Pointer.cast(headerEyeCatcherAddress).add(J9MemTag.SIZEOF));
    U8Pointer padding = U8Pointer.cast(cursor.add(headerEyeCatcherAddress.allocSize()));
    return VoidPointer.cast(padding);
Also used : UDATA( U8Pointer(


J9MemTagPointer ( CorruptDataException ( J9MemTagIterator ( VoidPointer ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 AddressedCorruptDataException ( U32Pointer ( U8Pointer ( IDATA ( U32 ( UDATA ( NoSuchElementException (java.util.NoSuchElementException)1 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)1