use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class DumpAllRomClassLinearCommand method run.
public void run(String command, String[] args, Context context, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
long nestingThreashold;
if (args.length > 1) {
throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException("This debug extension accepts none or one argument!");
} else if (args.length == 1) {
nestingThreashold = Long.valueOf(args[0]);
} else {
nestingThreashold = 1;
try {
J9JavaVMPointer vm = J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer());
if (null != vm) {
out.println("!j9javavm " + vm.getHexAddress());
} else {
throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException("Unable to find the VM in core dump!");
ROMClassesIterator iterator = new ROMClassesIterator(out, vm.classMemorySegments());
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
J9ROMClassPointer classPointer =;
out.println("!dumpromclasslinear " + classPointer.getHexAddress());
// ROM Class 'org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/MessageBytes' at 0x0DCF9008:
out.println(String.format("ROM Class '%s' at %s", J9UTF8Helper.stringValue(classPointer.className()), classPointer.getHexAddress()));
ClassWalker classWalker = new RomClassWalker(classPointer, context);
new LinearDumper().gatherLayoutInfo(out, classWalker, nestingThreashold);
} catch (CorruptDataException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class DumpRomMethodCommand method romMethodIteratorFromRamMethod.
private Iterable<J9ROMClassAndMethod> romMethodIteratorFromRamMethod(J9MethodPointer ramMethod) throws CorruptDataException {
Iterable<J9ROMClassAndMethod> methodIterator;
J9ClassPointer ramClass = ConstantPoolHelpers.J9_CLASS_FROM_METHOD(ramMethod);
J9ROMMethodPointer romMethod = J9MethodHelper.romMethod(ramMethod);
J9ROMClassPointer romClass = ramClass.romClass();
Vector<J9ROMClassAndMethod> methodInfoVector = new Vector<J9ROMClassAndMethod>(1);
methodInfoVector.add(new J9ROMClassAndMethod(romMethod, romClass));
methodIterator = methodInfoVector;
return methodIterator;
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class ITableSizeCommand method iTableExtendedSize.
public long iTableExtendedSize(J9ITablePointer startTable, J9ITablePointer superTable) throws CorruptDataException {
long size = 0;
J9ITablePointer iTable = startTable;
while (!iTable.eq(superTable)) {
size += J9ITable.SIZEOF;
J9ClassPointer interfaceClass = iTable.interfaceClass();
J9ROMClassPointer romClass = interfaceClass.romClass();
J9ITablePointer allInterfaces = J9ITablePointer.cast(interfaceClass.iTable());
do {
size += (UDATA.SIZEOF * allInterfaces.interfaceClass().romClass().romMethodCount().intValue());
allInterfaces =;
} while (!allInterfaces.eq(J9ITablePointer.NULL));
iTable =;
return size;
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class J9BCUtil method dumpCallSiteData.
* This method is Java implementation of rdump.c#dumpCallSiteData function.
* This method is called when dumping a ROMClass.
* This method has only affect for invokedDynamic stuff,
* for other ROMClasses, there wont be anything to print since their callsite and bsm count are zero.
* @param out PrintStream to print the user info to the console
* @param romClass ROMClass address in the dump file.
* @throws CorruptDataException
private static void dumpCallSiteData(PrintStream out, J9ROMClassPointer romClass) throws CorruptDataException {
int HEX_RADIX = 16;
long callSiteCount = romClass.callSiteCount().longValue();
long bsmCount = romClass.bsmCount().longValue();
SelfRelativePointer callSiteData = SelfRelativePointer.cast(romClass.callSiteData());
U16Pointer bsmIndices = U16Pointer.cast(callSiteData.addOffset(4 * callSiteCount));
if (0 != callSiteCount) {
out.println(String.format(" Call Sites (%d):\n", callSiteCount));
for (int i = 0; i < callSiteCount; i++) {
J9ROMNameAndSignaturePointer nameAndSig = J9ROMNameAndSignaturePointer.cast(callSiteData.add(i).get());
out.println(" Name: " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue(;
out.println(" Signature: " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue(nameAndSig.signature()));
out.println(" Bootstrap Method Index: " +;
if (0 != bsmCount) {
J9ROMConstantPoolItemPointer constantPool = ConstantPoolHelpers.J9_ROM_CP_FROM_ROM_CLASS(romClass);
U32Pointer cpShapeDescription = romClass.cpShapeDescription();
U16Pointer bsmDataCursor = bsmIndices.add(callSiteCount);
out.println(String.format(" Bootstrap Methods (%d):", bsmCount));
for (int i = 0; i < bsmCount; i++) {
J9ROMMethodHandleRefPointer methodHandleRef = J9ROMMethodHandleRefPointer.cast(constantPool.add(;
bsmDataCursor = bsmDataCursor.add(1);
/* methodRef will be either a field or a method ref - they both have the same shape so we can pretend it is always a methodref */
J9ROMMethodRefPointer methodRef = J9ROMMethodRefPointer.cast(constantPool.add(methodHandleRef.methodOrFieldRefIndex().longValue()));
J9ROMClassRefPointer classRef = J9ROMClassRefPointer.cast(constantPool.add(methodRef.classRefCPIndex().longValue()));
J9ROMNameAndSignaturePointer nameAndSig = methodRef.nameAndSignature();
long bsmArgumentCount =;
bsmDataCursor = bsmDataCursor.add(1);
out.println(" Name: " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue( + "." + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue(;
out.println(" Signature: " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue(nameAndSig.signature()));
out.println(String.format(" Bootstrap Method Arguments (%d):", bsmArgumentCount));
for (; 0 != bsmArgumentCount; bsmArgumentCount--) {
long argCPIndex =;
bsmDataCursor = bsmDataCursor.add(1);
J9ROMConstantPoolItemPointer item = constantPool.add(argCPIndex);
long shapeDesc = ConstantPoolHelpers.J9_CP_TYPE(cpShapeDescription, (int) argCPIndex);
if (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_CLASS) {
J9ROMClassRefPointer romClassRef = J9ROMClassRefPointer.cast(item);
out.println(" Class: " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue(;
} else if (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_STRING) {
J9ROMStringRefPointer romStringRef = J9ROMStringRefPointer.cast(item);
out.println(" String: " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue(romStringRef.utf8Data()));
} else if (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_INT) {
J9ROMSingleSlotConstantRefPointer singleSlotConstantRef = J9ROMSingleSlotConstantRefPointer.cast(item);
out.println(" Int: " +;
} else if (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_FLOAT) {
J9ROMSingleSlotConstantRefPointer singleSlotConstantRef = J9ROMSingleSlotConstantRefPointer.cast(item);
FloatPointer floatPtr = FloatPointer.cast(singleSlotConstantRef.dataEA());
out.println(" Float: " + floatPtr.getHexValue() + " (" + floatPtr.floatAt(0) + ")");
} else if (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_LONG) {
String hexValue = "";
if (J9BuildFlags.env_littleEndian) {
hexValue += item.slot2().getHexValue();
hexValue += item.slot1().getHexValue().substring(2);
} else {
hexValue += item.slot1().getHexValue();
hexValue += item.slot2().getHexValue().substring(2);
long longValue = Long.parseLong(hexValue.substring(2), HEX_RADIX);
out.println(" Long: " + hexValue + "(" + longValue + ")");
} else if (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_DOUBLE) {
String hexValue = "";
if (J9BuildFlags.env_littleEndian) {
hexValue += item.slot2().getHexValue();
hexValue += item.slot1().getHexValue().substring(2);
} else {
hexValue += item.slot1().getHexValue();
hexValue += item.slot2().getHexValue().substring(2);
long longValue = Long.parseLong(hexValue.substring(2), HEX_RADIX);
double doubleValue = Double.longBitsToDouble(longValue);
out.println(" Double: " + hexValue + "(" + Double.toString(doubleValue) + ")");
} else if (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_FIELD) {
J9ROMFieldRefPointer romFieldRef = J9ROMFieldRefPointer.cast(item);
classRef = J9ROMClassRefPointer.cast(constantPool.add(romFieldRef.classRefCPIndex()));
nameAndSig = romFieldRef.nameAndSignature();
out.println(" Field: " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue( + "." + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue( + " " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue(nameAndSig.signature()));
} else if ((shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_INSTANCE_METHOD) || (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_STATIC_METHOD) || (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_HANDLE_METHOD) || (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_INTERFACE_METHOD)) {
J9ROMMethodRefPointer romMethodRef = J9ROMMethodRefPointer.cast(item);
classRef = J9ROMClassRefPointer.cast(constantPool.add(romMethodRef.classRefCPIndex()));
nameAndSig = romMethodRef.nameAndSignature();
out.println(" Method: " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue( + "." + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue( + " " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue(nameAndSig.signature()));
} else if (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_METHOD_TYPE) {
J9ROMMethodTypeRefPointer romMethodTypeRef = J9ROMMethodTypeRefPointer.cast(item);
out.println(" Method Type: " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue(J9UTF8Pointer.cast(romMethodTypeRef.signature())));
} else if (shapeDesc == J9CPTYPE_METHODHANDLE) {
methodHandleRef = J9ROMMethodHandleRefPointer.cast(item);
methodRef = J9ROMMethodRefPointer.cast(constantPool.add(methodHandleRef.methodOrFieldRefIndex()));
classRef = J9ROMClassRefPointer.cast(constantPool.add(methodRef.classRefCPIndex()));
nameAndSig = methodRef.nameAndSignature();
out.print(" Method Handle: " + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue( + "." + J9UTF8Helper.stringValue(;
long methodType = methodHandleRef.handleTypeAndCpType().rightShift((int) J9DescriptionCpTypeShift).longValue();
if ((methodType == MH_REF_GETFIELD) || (methodType == MH_REF_PUTFIELD) || (methodType == MH_REF_GETSTATIC) || (methodType == MH_REF_PUTSTATIC)) {
out.print(" ");
} else {
out.println(" <unknown type>");
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class J9BCUtil method dumpSourceDebugExtension.
private static void dumpSourceDebugExtension(PrintStream out, J9ROMClassPointer romClass, long flags) throws CorruptDataException {
if (J9BuildFlags.opt_debugInfoServer) {
U8Pointer current;
U32 temp;
if ((flags & J9BCTranslationData.BCT_StripDebugAttributes) == 0) {
J9SourceDebugExtensionPointer sde = OptInfo.getSourceDebugExtensionForROMClass(romClass);
if (!sde.isNull()) {
temp = sde.size();
if (!temp.eq(0)) {
current = U8Pointer.cast(sde.add(1));
out.append(String.format(" Source debug extension (%d bytes): ", temp.longValue()));
while (!temp.eq(0)) {
temp = temp.sub(1);
U8 c =;
current = current.add(1);
if (c.eq('\015')) {
if (!temp.eq(0)) {
if ('\012')) {
current = current.add(1);
out.append(nl + " ");
} else if (c.eq('\012')) {
out.append(nl + " ");
} else {
out.append((char) c.intValue());