use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class SPL method invokeOperator.
* Invoke an SPL operator with an arbitrary number
* of input and output ports.
* <BR>
* Each input stream or window in {@code inputs} results in
* a input port for the operator with the input port index
* matching the position of the input in {@code inputs}.
* If {@code inputs} is {@code null} or empty then the operator will not
* have any input ports.
* <BR>
* Each SPL schema in {@code outputSchemas} an output port
* for the operator with the output port index
* matching the position of the schema in {@code outputSchemas}.
* If {@code outputSchemas} is {@code null} or empty then the operator will not
* have any output ports.
* @param te Reference to Topology the operator will be in.
* @param name Name for the operator invocation.
* @param kind
* SPL kind of the operator to be invoked.
* @param inputs Input streams to be connected to the operator. May be {@code null} if no input streams are required.
* @param outputSchemas Schemas of the output streams. May be {@code null} if no output streams are required.
* @param params
* Parameters for the SPL Java Primitive operator, ignored if {@code null}.
* @return List of {@code SPLStream} instances that represent the outputs of the operator.
public static List<SPLStream> invokeOperator(TopologyElement te, String name, String kind, List<? extends SPLInput> inputs, List<StreamSchema> outputSchemas, Map<String, ? extends Object> params) {
BOperatorInvocation op = te.builder().addSPLOperator(name, kind, fixParameters(params));
SourceInfo.setSourceInfo(op, SPL.class);
if (inputs != null && !inputs.isEmpty()) {
for (SPLInput input : inputs) SPL.connectInputToOperator(input, op);
if (outputSchemas == null || outputSchemas.isEmpty())
return Collections.emptyList();
List<SPLStream> streams = new ArrayList<>(outputSchemas.size());
for (StreamSchema outputSchema : outputSchemas) streams.add(newSPLStream(te, op, outputSchema, outputSchemas.size() == 1));
return streams;
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class JavaPrimitive method invokeJavaPrimitive.
* Invoke an SPL Java primitive operator with an arbitrary number
* of input and output ports.
* <BR>
* Each input stream or window in {@code inputs} results in
* a input port for the operator with the input port index
* matching the position of the input in {@code inputs}.
* If {@code inputs} is {@code null} or empty then the operator will not
* have any input ports.
* <BR>
* Each SPL schema in {@code outputSchemas} an output port
* for the operator with the output port index
* matching the position of the schema in {@code outputSchemas}.
* If {@code outputSchemas} is {@code null} or empty then the operator will not
* have any output ports.
* @param te Reference to Topology the operator will be in.
* @param opClass Class of the operator to be invoked.
* @param inputs Input streams to be connected to the operator. May be {@code null} if no input streams are required.
* @param outputSchemas Schemas of the output streams. May be {@code null} if no output streams are required.
* @param params
* Parameters for the SPL Java Primitive operator, ignored if {@code null}.
* @return List of {@code SPLStream} instances that represent the outputs of the operator.
public static List<SPLStream> invokeJavaPrimitive(TopologyElement te, Class<? extends Operator> opClass, List<? extends SPLInput> inputs, List<StreamSchema> outputSchemas, Map<String, ? extends Object> params) {
BOperatorInvocation op = te.builder().addOperator(getInvocationName(opClass), getKind(opClass), fixParameters(params));
op._json().addProperty(KIND_CLASS, opClass.getCanonicalName());
SourceInfo.setSourceInfo(op, JavaPrimitive.class);
if (inputs != null && !inputs.isEmpty()) {
for (SPLInput input : inputs) SPL.connectInputToOperator(input, op);
if (outputSchemas == null || outputSchemas.isEmpty())
return Collections.emptyList();
List<SPLStream> streams = new ArrayList<>(outputSchemas.size());
for (StreamSchema outputSchema : outputSchemas) streams.add(newSPLStream(te, op, outputSchema, outputSchemas.size() == 1));
return streams;
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class PythonFunctionalOperatorsTest method testReturnDict.
* Test that specific values in Python
* make their way into SPL correctly
* when returning as a dictionary.
* @throws Exception
public void testReturnDict() throws Exception {
Topology topology = new Topology("testReturnDict");
// getConfig().put(ContextProperties.KEEP_ARTIFACTS, true);
StreamSchema schema = Type.Factory.getStreamSchema("tuple<int32 a, int32 b, int32 c, int32 d, int32 e>");
SPLStream pyds = SPL.invokeSource(topology, "", null, schema);
SPLStream pydm = SPL.invokeOperator("", pyds, schema, null);
Tester tester = topology.getTester();
Condition<?> expectedCount = tester.tupleCount(pyds, 4).and(tester.tupleCount(pydm, 4));
Condition<List<Tuple>> outTuples = tester.tupleContents(pyds);
Condition<List<Tuple>> outTuplesMap = tester.tupleContents(pydm);
complete(tester, expectedCount, 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Dict tuple handling - source
Tuple r1 = outTuples.getResult().get(0);
assertEquals(3245, r1.getInt("a"));
assertEquals(0, r1.getInt("b"));
assertEquals(93, r1.getInt("c"));
assertEquals(0, r1.getInt("d"));
assertEquals(0, r1.getInt("e"));
Tuple r2 = outTuples.getResult().get(1);
assertEquals(831, r2.getInt("a"));
assertEquals(421, r2.getInt("b"));
assertEquals(0, r2.getInt("c"));
assertEquals(-4455, r2.getInt("d"));
assertEquals(0, r2.getInt("e"));
Tuple r3 = outTuples.getResult().get(2);
assertEquals(1, r3.getInt("a"));
assertEquals(2, r3.getInt("b"));
assertEquals(3, r3.getInt("c"));
assertEquals(4, r3.getInt("d"));
assertEquals(5, r3.getInt("e"));
Tuple r4 = outTuples.getResult().get(3);
assertEquals(0, r4.getInt("a"));
assertEquals(-32, r4.getInt("b"));
assertEquals(0, r4.getInt("c"));
assertEquals(0, r4.getInt("d"));
assertEquals(-64, r4.getInt("e"));
// Now the map
Tuple m1 = outTuplesMap.getResult().get(0);
assertEquals(3245, m1.getInt("a"));
assertEquals(120, m1.getInt("b"));
assertEquals(93, m1.getInt("c"));
assertEquals(0, m1.getInt("d"));
assertEquals(0, m1.getInt("e"));
Tuple m2 = outTuplesMap.getResult().get(1);
assertEquals(1, m2.getInt("a"));
assertEquals(2, m2.getInt("b"));
assertEquals(3, m2.getInt("c"));
assertEquals(4, m2.getInt("d"));
assertEquals(5, m2.getInt("e"));
Tuple m3 = outTuplesMap.getResult().get(2);
assertEquals(1, m3.getInt("a"));
assertEquals(2, m3.getInt("b"));
assertEquals(23, m3.getInt("c"));
assertEquals(24, m3.getInt("d"));
assertEquals(25, m3.getInt("e"));
Tuple m4 = outTuplesMap.getResult().get(3);
assertEquals(0, m4.getInt("a"));
assertEquals(-39, m4.getInt("b"));
assertEquals(0, m4.getInt("c"));
assertEquals(0, m4.getInt("d"));
assertEquals(-64, m4.getInt("e"));
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class PythonFunctionalOperatorsTest method testStatefulOperator.
public void testStatefulOperator() throws Exception {
Topology topology = new Topology("testPositionalSampleSimpleFilterUsingSPLType");
SPLStream tuples = testTupleStream(topology, false);
StreamSchema outSchema = tuples.getSchema().extend("int32", "sequence_using_py");
SPLStream viaPython = SPL.invokeOperator("", tuples, outSchema, null);
// Add a second count to make sure that the states are independent.
SPLStream filtered = tuples.filter(t -> t.getInt("i32") < 10000);
SPLStream viaPythonFiltered = SPL.invokeOperator("", filtered, outSchema, null);
Tester tester = topology.getTester();
Condition<Long> expectedCount = tester.tupleCount(viaPython, TUPLE_COUNT);
Condition<List<Tuple>> outTuples = tester.tupleContents(viaPython);
Condition<List<Tuple>> outFilteredTuples = tester.tupleContents(viaPythonFiltered);
complete(tester, expectedCount, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertTrue(expectedCount.getResult().toString(), expectedCount.valid());
List<Tuple> result = outTuples.getResult();
assertEquals(TUPLE_COUNT, result.size());
for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_COUNT; i++) assertEquals(i, result.get(i).getInt("sequence_using_py"));
List<Tuple> filteredResult = outFilteredTuples.getResult();
assertTrue(filteredResult.size() <= TUPLE_COUNT);
for (int i = 0; i < filteredResult.size(); i++) assertEquals(i, filteredResult.get(i).getInt("sequence_using_py"));
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class PythonFunctionalOperatorsTest method testValuesForOptionalTypes.
* Test that specific values in Python for optional types
* make their way into SPL correctly
* when returning as a tuple.
* @throws Exception
public void testValuesForOptionalTypes() throws Exception {
Topology topology = new Topology("testValuesForOptionalTypes");
SPLStream pysrc = SPL.invokeSource(topology, "", null, Type.Factory.getStreamSchema(PYTHON_OPTIONAL_TYPES_SCHEMA_STRING));
StreamSchema sparseSchema = Type.Factory.getStreamSchema("tuple<optional<int32> a, optional<int32> b, optional<int32> c, optional<int32> d, optional<int32> e, optional<int32> f, int32 g, int32 h, optional<int32> i>");
StreamSchema sparseSchemaMap = Type.Factory.getStreamSchema("tuple<optional<int32> a, optional<int32> b, optional<int32> c, optional<int32> d, optional<int32> e, int32 f, int32 g, optional<int32> h, optional<int32> i>");
Tester tester = topology.getTester();
Condition<Long> expectedCount = tester.tupleCount(pysrc, 1);
Condition<List<Tuple>> outTuples = tester.tupleContents(pysrc);
SPLStream pysparse = SPL.invokeSource(topology, "", null, sparseSchema);
SPLStream pysparsemap = SPL.invokeOperator("", pysparse, sparseSchemaMap.extend("optional<int32>", "j"), null);
Condition<Long> expectedCountSparse = tester.tupleCount(pysparse, 1);
Condition<List<Tuple>> sparseTupleOut = tester.tupleContents(pysparse);
Condition<Long> expectedCountSparseMap = tester.tupleCount(pysparsemap, 1);
Condition<List<Tuple>> sparseTupleMapOut = tester.tupleContents(pysparsemap);
// getConfig().put(ContextProperties.TRACING_LEVEL, TraceLevel.DEBUG);
complete(tester, expectedCount.and(expectedCountSparse, expectedCountSparseMap), 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Tuple r1 = outTuples.getResult().get(0);
// optional signed integers
// 123, null
assertEquals(r1.getObject("oi32v"), 123);
// ["a", "b"], null
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<RString> lr = (List<RString>) r1.getObject("olrv");
assertEquals(2, lr.size());
assertEquals("a", lr.get(0).getString());
assertEquals("b", lr.get(1).getString());
// Sparse tuple handling - source
assertEquals(1, sparseTupleOut.getResult().size());
Tuple st = sparseTupleOut.getResult().get(0);
// set by op
assertEquals(37, st.getObject("a"));
// default as None in tuple
assertEquals(null, st.getObject("b"));
// set by op
assertEquals(23, st.getObject("c"));
// set by op
assertEquals(-46, st.getObject("d"));
// default as None in tuple
assertEquals(null, st.getObject("e"));
// set by op
assertEquals(56, st.getObject("f"));
// set by op
assertEquals(67, st.getObject("g"));
// set by op
assertEquals(78, st.getObject("h"));
// default as no value (short tuple)
assertEquals(null, st.getObject("i"));
// Sparse tuple handling - map
assertEquals(1, sparseTupleMapOut.getResult().size());
Tuple stm = sparseTupleMapOut.getResult().get(0);
// set by op
assertEquals(37 + 81, stm.getObject("a"));
// match input as None in tuple
assertEquals(null, stm.getObject("b"));
// match input as None in tuple
assertEquals(23, stm.getObject("c"));
// default to matching input
assertEquals(-46, stm.getObject("d"));
// default to matching input
assertEquals(null, stm.getObject("e"));
// no match: opt to non-opt
assertEquals(0, stm.getObject("f"));
// match non-opt to non-opt
assertEquals(67, stm.getObject("g"));
// match non-opt to opt
assertEquals(78, stm.getObject("h"));
// default to matching input
assertEquals(null, stm.getObject("i"));
// default as no value (short tuple)
assertEquals(null, stm.getObject("j"));