use of in project streamsx.kafka by IBMStreams.
the class MetricsFetcher method getCurrentValue.
* Gets the current value of the metric given by the metric name.
* @param metricName the name of the metric for which the value is to be fetched
* @return the metric value converted for a custom metric by a. The converter is either a specific converter or the default converter.
* @throws KafkaMetricException the metric value cannot be fetched - No such metric, metric does not match the filter
public long getCurrentValue(MetricName metricName) throws KafkaMetricException {
final Map<MetricName, ? extends Metric> metrics;
synchronized (lock) {
metrics = provider.getMetrics();
final Metric m = metrics.get(metricName);
if (m == null)
throw new KafkaMetricException("No such metric: " + metricName);
final long val = metricsFilter.getConverter(m).convert(m.metricValue());
return val;
use of in project streamsx.kafka by IBMStreams.
the class ProducerMetricsReporter method createOperatorMetricName.
* Creates a name for a operator custom metric. The name is topic + ":" +
* for topic metrics or only the kafka metric name for producer metrics.
* @param metricName
* @return The name of a the corresponding operator custom metric
* @throws KafkaMetricException
public static String createOperatorMetricName(MetricName metricName) throws KafkaMetricException {
final String group =;
String customMetricName =;
final Map<String, String> tags = metricName.tags();
if (tags == null)
throw new KafkaMetricException("no tags for metric: " + group + " - " + customMetricName);
final String topic = tags.get("topic");
if (topic == null)
throw new KafkaMetricException("no tags 'topic' for metric: " + group + " - " + customMetricName);
return topic + ":" + customMetricName;
} else if (group.equals(PRODUCER_METRICS_GROUP)) {
return customMetricName;
} else
throw new KafkaMetricException("createCustomMetricName(): no implementation for metric group: " + group);
use of in project streamsx.kafka by IBMStreams.
the class AbstractKafkaConsumerClient method startConsumer.
* Validates the setup of the consumer client by calling the {@link #validate()} method,
* creates the Kafka consumer object and starts the consumer and event thread.
* This method ensures that the event thread is running when it returns.
* Methods that overwrite this method must call super.startConsumer().
* @throws InterruptedException The thread has been interrupted.
* @throws KafkaClientInitializationException The client could not be initialized
public void startConsumer() throws InterruptedException, KafkaClientInitializationException {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new KafkaClientInitializationException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
consumerInitLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
Thread eventThread = getOperatorContext().getThreadFactory().newThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
maxPollRecords = getMaxPollRecordsFromProperties(kafkaProperties);
maxPollIntervalMs = getMaxPollIntervalMsFromProperties(kafkaProperties);
fetchMaxBytes = getFetchMaxBytesFromProperties(kafkaProperties);
consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(kafkaProperties);
} catch (Exception e) {
initializationException = e;
} finally {
// notify that consumer is ready
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.debug("Event thread interrupted. Terminating thread.");
} finally {
processing.set(false);"event thread (tid = " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ") ended.");
// wait for consumer thread to be running before returning
if (this.metricsFetcher == null) {
this.metricsFetcher = new MetricsFetcher(getOperatorContext(), new MetricsProvider() {
public Map<MetricName, ? extends org.apache.kafka.common.Metric> getMetrics() {
return consumer.metrics();
public String createCustomMetricName(MetricName metricName) throws KafkaMetricException {
return ConsumerMetricsReporter.createOperatorMetricName(metricName);
}, ConsumerMetricsReporter.getMetricsFilter(), AbstractKafkaClient.METRICS_REPORT_INTERVAL);
if (initializationException != null)
throw new KafkaClientInitializationException(initializationException.getLocalizedMessage(), initializationException);
use of in project streamsx.kafka by IBMStreams.
the class MetricFilter method getConverter.
* Returns the metric converter for a metric.
* @param m the Kafka metric
* @return the converter for the given metric
* @throws KafkaMetricException The Metric does not apply the the filter.
public MetricConverter getConverter(Metric m) throws KafkaMetricException {
final MetricName metricName = m.metricName();
if (!apply(m)) {
throw new KafkaMetricException("Metric " + + ":" + + " does not apply to the filter");
MetricConverter c = filters.get(;
return c == null ? this.defaultConverter : c;
use of in project streamsx.kafka by IBMStreams.
the class AbstractCustomMetricReporter method metricRemoval.
* This is called whenever a metric is removed.
* It sets the value of the corresponding operator metric,
* if there is one, to {@value #METRIC_NOT_APPLICABLE} as custom metrics cannot be deleted from operators.
* @param metric The metric that is removed from Kafka
public void metricRemoval(KafkaMetric metric) {
trace.log(DEBUG_LEVEL, "metricRemoval(): " + metric.metricName());
synchronized (this) {
if (getFilter().apply(metric)) {
final MetricName metricName = metric.metricName();
try {
final String customMetricName = createCustomMetricName(metricName);
OperatorMetrics operatorMetrics = operatorCtx.getMetrics();
if (operatorMetrics.getCustomMetrics().containsKey(customMetricName)) {
} catch (KafkaMetricException e) {
trace.warn("Cannot derive custom metric from Kafka metric '" + metricName + "': " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
} else {
trace.log(DEBUG_LEVEL, "Kafka metric NOT exposed as custom metric: " + metric.metricName());