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Example 1 with ICP4DAuthenticator

use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.

the class Instance method createIntegratedConnection.

     * Create a connection to an instance with an integrated configuration,
     * using CP4D authentication.
private static StreamsConnection createIntegratedConnection(String endpoint, String name, String userName, String password, boolean verify) throws IOException {
    ICP4DAuthenticator authenticator = ICP4DAuthenticator.of(endpoint, name, userName, password);
    JsonObject deploy = new JsonObject();
    deploy.add(StreamsKeys.SERVICE_DEFINITION, authenticator.config(verify));
    URL instanceUrl = new URL(getStreamsInstanceURL(deploy));
    URL restUrl;
    final String restResourcesUrl = StreamsKeys.getStreamsRestResourcesUrl(deploy);
    if (restResourcesUrl != null) {
        // here we end in CPD >= 3.0
        restUrl = new URL(restResourcesUrl);
    } else {
        // legacy way
        restUrl = new URL(instanceUrl.getProtocol(), instanceUrl.getHost(), instanceUrl.getPort(), STREAMS_REST_RESOURCES);
    return StreamsConnection.ofAuthenticator(restUrl.toExternalForm(), authenticator);
Also used : ICP4DAuthenticator( JsonObject( URL( StreamsKeys.getStreamsInstanceURL(

Example 2 with ICP4DAuthenticator

use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.

the class RemoteDistributedStreamsContext method setSubmissionInstance.

static void setSubmissionInstance(AppEntity entity) throws IOException {
    Instance cfgInstance = getConfigInstance(entity);
    if (cfgInstance != null) {
        StreamsConnection sc = cfgInstance.getStreamsConnection();
        boolean verify = cfgInstance.getStreamsConnection().isVerify();
        JsonObject deploy = deploy(entity.submission);
        Function<Executor, String> authenticatorO = sc.getAuthenticator();
        deploy.addProperty(ContextProperties.SSL_VERIFY, verify);
        JsonObject service;
        if (authenticatorO instanceof ICP4DAuthenticator) {
            ICP4DAuthenticator authenticator = (ICP4DAuthenticator) authenticatorO;
            service = authenticator.config(verify);
        } else if (authenticatorO instanceof StandaloneAuthenticator) {
            StandaloneAuthenticator authenticator = (StandaloneAuthenticator) authenticatorO;
            service = authenticator.config(verify);
            String buildServiceUrl = getConfigBuildServiceUrl(entity);
            if (buildServiceUrl == null) {
                buildServiceUrl = System.getenv(Util.STREAMS_BUILD_URL);
            if (buildServiceUrl != null) {
                // Copy so we don't affect instance. Version of gson we
                // use lacks deepCopy() so we serialize / parse to copy.
                String json = service.toString();
                service = new JsonParser().parse(json).getAsJsonObject();
                JsonObject connInfo = service.getAsJsonObject(CONNECTION_INFO);
                if (connInfo.has(SERVICE_BUILD_ENDPOINT)) {
                connInfo.addProperty(SERVICE_BUILD_ENDPOINT, buildServiceUrl);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid Instance for Streams V5: " + cfgInstance);
        deploy.add(StreamsKeys.SERVICE_DEFINITION, service);
Also used : ICP4DAuthenticator( Executor(org.apache.http.client.fluent.Executor) Instance( JsonObject( StreamsConnection( StandaloneAuthenticator( JsonParser(

Example 3 with ICP4DAuthenticator

use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.

the class RemoteEdgeContext method setSubmissionInstance.

static void setSubmissionInstance(AppEntity entity) throws IOException {
    Instance cfgInstance = getConfigInstance(entity);
    if (cfgInstance != null) {
        StreamsConnection sc = cfgInstance.getStreamsConnection();
        boolean verify = cfgInstance.getStreamsConnection().isVerify();
        JsonObject deploy = deploy(entity.submission);
        Function<Executor, String> authenticatorO = sc.getAuthenticator();
        deploy.addProperty(ContextProperties.SSL_VERIFY, verify);
        JsonObject service;
        if (authenticatorO instanceof ICP4DAuthenticator) {
            ICP4DAuthenticator authenticator = (ICP4DAuthenticator) authenticatorO;
            service = authenticator.config(verify);
        } else if (authenticatorO instanceof StandaloneAuthenticator) {
            StandaloneAuthenticator authenticator = (StandaloneAuthenticator) authenticatorO;
            service = authenticator.config(verify);
            String buildServiceUrl = getConfigBuildServiceUrl(entity);
            if (buildServiceUrl == null) {
                buildServiceUrl = System.getenv(Util.STREAMS_BUILD_URL);
            if (buildServiceUrl != null) {
                // Copy so we don't affect instance. Version of gson we
                // use lacks deepCopy() so we serialize / parse to copy.
                String json = service.toString();
                service = new JsonParser().parse(json).getAsJsonObject();
                JsonObject connInfo = service.getAsJsonObject(CONNECTION_INFO);
                if (connInfo.has(SERVICE_BUILD_ENDPOINT)) {
                connInfo.addProperty(SERVICE_BUILD_ENDPOINT, buildServiceUrl);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid Instance for Streams V5: " + cfgInstance);
        deploy.add(StreamsKeys.SERVICE_DEFINITION, service);
Also used : ICP4DAuthenticator( Executor(org.apache.http.client.fluent.Executor) Instance( JsonObject( StreamsConnection( StandaloneAuthenticator( JsonParser(

Example 4 with ICP4DAuthenticator

use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.

the class BuildService method ofEndpoint.

public static BuildService ofEndpoint(String endpoint, String name, String userName, String password, boolean verify) throws IOException {
    if (name == null && System.getenv(Util.STREAMS_INSTANCE_ID) == null) {
        // StandaloneAuthenticator, needs resources endpoint.
        if (endpoint == null) {
            endpoint = Util.getenv(Util.STREAMS_BUILD_URL);
        URL url = new URL(endpoint);
        // TODO: standalone: Not tested
        String path;
        if (url.getPath().startsWith("/streams/rest/")) {
            // internal URL, CPD < 3.5
            // https://build-sample-streams-build.ivan34:8445/streams/rest/builds
            // https://build-sample-streams-build.ivan34:8445/streams/rest/resources
            path = url.getPath().replaceFirst("/builds[/]?$", "/resources");
        } else if (url.getPath().startsWith("/streams/v1/")) {
            // internal URL, CPD >= 3.5
            // https://build-sample-streams-build.nbgf2:8445/streams/v1/builds
            // https://build-sample-streams-build.nbgf2:8445/streams/v1/roots
            path = url.getPath().replaceFirst("/builds[/]?$", "/roots");
        } else {
            throw new RESTException("build endpoint '" + endpoint + "' cannot be transformed to build resources URL");
        URL resourcesUrl = new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), path);
        String resourcesEndpoint = resourcesUrl.toExternalForm();
        StandaloneAuthenticator auth = StandaloneAuthenticator.of(resourcesEndpoint, userName, password);
        JsonObject serviceDefinition = auth.config(verify);
        if (serviceDefinition == null) {
            // user and password are required, and endpoint is builds path
            if (userName == null || password == null) {
                String[] values = Util.getDefaultUserPassword(userName, password);
                userName = values[0];
                password = values[1];
            String basicAuth = RestUtils.createBasicAuth(userName, password);
            String buildsEndpoint = endpoint;
            if (!buildsEndpoint.endsWith(STREAMS_BUILD_PATH)) {
                URL buildUrl = new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), STREAMS_BUILD_PATH);
                buildsEndpoint = buildUrl.toExternalForm();
            return StreamsBuildService.of(e -> basicAuth, buildsEndpoint, verify);
        return StreamsBuildService.of(auth, serviceDefinition, verify);
    } else {
        ICP4DAuthenticator auth = ICP4DAuthenticator.of(endpoint, name, userName, password);
        return StreamsBuildService.of(auth, auth.config(verify), verify);
Also used : RESTException( ICP4DAuthenticator( JsonObject( URL( StandaloneAuthenticator(


JsonObject ( ICP4DAuthenticator ( StandaloneAuthenticator ( JsonParser ( Instance ( StreamsConnection ( URL ( Executor (org.apache.http.client.fluent.Executor)2 RESTException ( StreamsKeys.getStreamsInstanceURL (