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Example 1 with CreateJobOptions

use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.

the class SpeechToTextTest method testCreateJob.

public void testCreateJob() throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException {
    String callbackUrl = "callback";
    String events = CreateJobOptions.Events.RECOGNITIONS_STARTED;
    String userToken = "token";
    Long resultsTtl = 5L;
    File audio = SAMPLE_WAV;
    String contentType = CreateJobOptions.ContentType.AUDIO_WAV;
    String model = CreateJobOptions.Model.EN_US_BROADBANDMODEL;
    String customizationId = "customizationId";
    Double customizationWeight = 5d;
    String version = "version";
    Long inactivityTimeout = 20L;
    List<String> keywords = Arrays.asList("keyword1", "keyword2");
    Float keywordsThreshold = 5f;
    Boolean wordConfidence = true;
    Boolean timestamps = true;
    Boolean profanityFilter = true;
    Boolean smartFormatting = true;
    Boolean speakerLabels = true;
    RecognitionJob job = loadFixture("src/test/resources/speech_to_text/job.json", RecognitionJob.class);
    server.enqueue(new MockResponse().addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, HttpMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).setBody(GSON.toJson(job)));
    CreateJobOptions createOptions = new CreateJobOptions.Builder().callbackUrl(callbackUrl).events(events).userToken(userToken).resultsTtl(resultsTtl).audio(audio).contentType(contentType).model(model).customizationId(customizationId).customizationWeight(customizationWeight).version(version).inactivityTimeout(inactivityTimeout).keywords(keywords).keywordsThreshold(keywordsThreshold).wordConfidence(wordConfidence).timestamps(timestamps).profanityFilter(profanityFilter).smartFormatting(smartFormatting).speakerLabels(speakerLabels).build();
    final RecordedRequest request = server.takeRequest();
    assertEquals("POST", request.getMethod());
    assertEquals(PATH_RECOGNITIONS + "?model=" + model + "&callback_url=" + callbackUrl + "&events=" + events + "&user_token=" + userToken + "&results_ttl=" + resultsTtl + "&customization_id=" + customizationId + "&customization_weight=" + customizationWeight + "&version=" + version + "&inactivity_timeout=" + inactivityTimeout + "&keywords=" + StringUtils.join(keywords, ',') + "&keywords_threshold=" + keywordsThreshold + "&word_confidence=" + wordConfidence + "&timestamps=" + timestamps + "&profanity_filter=" + profanityFilter + "&smart_formatting=" + smartFormatting + "&speaker_labels=" + speakerLabels, request.getPath());
Also used : RecordedRequest(okhttp3.mockwebserver.RecordedRequest) RecognitionJob( MockResponse(okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockResponse) CreateJobOptions( ByteString(okio.ByteString) File( WatsonServiceUnitTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with CreateJobOptions

use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.

the class SpeechToTextIT method testCreateJobWarning.

 * Test create job with a warning message.
 * This test is currently being ignored as it has a very long runtime and causes Travis to timeout.
 * The ignore annotation can be removed to test this locally.
 * @throws InterruptedException the interrupted exception
 * @throws FileNotFoundException the file not found exception
public void testCreateJobWarning() throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException {
    File audio = new File(SAMPLE_WAV);
    CreateJobOptions createOptions = new CreateJobOptions.Builder().audio(audio).contentType(CreateJobOptions.ContentType.AUDIO_WAV).userToken("job").build();
    RecognitionJob job = service.createJob(createOptions).execute();
    try {
        CheckJobOptions checkOptions = new CheckJobOptions.Builder().id(job.getId()).build();
        for (int x = 0; x < 30 && job.getStatus() != RecognitionJob.Status.COMPLETED; x++) {
            job = service.checkJob(checkOptions).execute();
        job = service.checkJob(checkOptions).execute();
        assertEquals(RecognitionJob.Status.COMPLETED, job.getStatus());
    } finally {
        DeleteJobOptions deleteOptions = new DeleteJobOptions.Builder().id(job.getId()).build();
Also used : RecognitionJob( CheckJobOptions( CreateJobOptions( DeleteJobOptions( File( Ignore(org.junit.Ignore) WatsonServiceTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with CreateJobOptions

use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.

the class SpeechToTextIT method testCreateJob.

 * Test create job.
 * @throws InterruptedException the interrupted exception
 * @throws FileNotFoundException the file not found exception
public void testCreateJob() throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException {
    File audio = new File(SAMPLE_WAV);
    Long maxAlternatives = 3L;
    Float wordAlternativesThreshold = 0.5f;
    CreateJobOptions createOptions = new CreateJobOptions.Builder().audio(audio).contentType(CreateJobOptions.ContentType.AUDIO_WAV).maxAlternatives(maxAlternatives).wordAlternativesThreshold(wordAlternativesThreshold).build();
    RecognitionJob job = service.createJob(createOptions).execute();
    try {
        CheckJobOptions checkOptions = new CheckJobOptions.Builder().id(job.getId()).build();
        for (int x = 0; x < 30 && !job.getStatus().equals(RecognitionJob.Status.COMPLETED); x++) {
            job = service.checkJob(checkOptions).execute();
        job = service.checkJob(checkOptions).execute();
        assertEquals(RecognitionJob.Status.COMPLETED, job.getStatus());
        assertTrue(job.getResults().get(0).getResults().get(0).getAlternatives().size() <= maxAlternatives);
        List<WordAlternativeResults> wordAlternatives = job.getResults().get(0).getResults().get(0).getWordAlternatives();
        for (WordAlternativeResults alternativeResults : wordAlternatives) {
            assertTrue(alternativeResults.getAlternatives().get(0).getConfidence() >= wordAlternativesThreshold);
    } finally {
        DeleteJobOptions deleteOptions = new DeleteJobOptions.Builder().id(job.getId()).build();
Also used : RecognitionJob( CheckJobOptions( CreateJobOptions( DeleteJobOptions( WordAlternativeResults( File( WatsonServiceTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with CreateJobOptions

use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.

the class SpeechToText method createJob.

 * Creates a job for an asynchronous recognition request.
 * Creates a job for a new asynchronous recognition request. The job is owned by the user whose service credentials
 * are used to create it. How you learn the status and results of a job depends on the parameters you include with the
 * job creation request: * By callback notification: Include the `callback_url` query parameter to specify a URL to
 * which the service is to send callback notifications when the status of the job changes. Optionally, you can also
 * include the `events` and `user_token` query parameters to subscribe to specific events and to specify a string that
 * is to be included with each notification for the job. * By polling the service: Omit the `callback_url`, `events`,
 * and `user_token` query parameters. You must then use the `GET /v1/recognitions` or `GET /v1/recognitions/{id}`
 * methods to check the status of the job, using the latter to retrieve the results when the job is complete. The two
 * approaches are not mutually exclusive. You can poll the service for job status or obtain results from the service
 * manually even if you include a callback URL. In both cases, you can include the `results_ttl` parameter to specify
 * how long the results are to remain available after the job is complete. Note that using the HTTPS `GET
 * /v1/recognitions/{id}` method to retrieve results is more secure than receiving them via callback notification over
 * HTTP because it provides confidentiality in addition to authentication and data integrity. The method supports the
 * same basic parameters as other HTTP and WebSocket recognition requests. The service imposes a data size limit of
 * 100 MB. It automatically detects the endianness of the incoming audio and, for audio that includes multiple
 * channels, downmixes the audio to one-channel mono during transcoding. (For the `audio/l16` format, you can specify
 * the endianness.).
 * @param createJobOptions the {@link CreateJobOptions} containing the options for the call
 * @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a response type of {@link RecognitionJob}
public ServiceCall<RecognitionJob> createJob(CreateJobOptions createJobOptions) {
    Validator.notNull(createJobOptions, "createJobOptions cannot be null");
    String[] pathSegments = { "v1/recognitions" };
    RequestBuilder builder =, pathSegments));
    builder.header("Content-Type", createJobOptions.contentType());
    if (createJobOptions.model() != null) {
        builder.query("model", createJobOptions.model());
    if (createJobOptions.callbackUrl() != null) {
        builder.query("callback_url", createJobOptions.callbackUrl());
    if ( != null) {
    if (createJobOptions.userToken() != null) {
        builder.query("user_token", createJobOptions.userToken());
    if (createJobOptions.resultsTtl() != null) {
        builder.query("results_ttl", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.resultsTtl()));
    if (createJobOptions.customizationId() != null) {
        builder.query("customization_id", createJobOptions.customizationId());
    if (createJobOptions.acousticCustomizationId() != null) {
        builder.query("acoustic_customization_id", createJobOptions.acousticCustomizationId());
    if (createJobOptions.customizationWeight() != null) {
        builder.query("customization_weight", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.customizationWeight()));
    if (createJobOptions.version() != null) {
        builder.query("version", createJobOptions.version());
    if (createJobOptions.inactivityTimeout() != null) {
        builder.query("inactivity_timeout", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.inactivityTimeout()));
    if (createJobOptions.keywords() != null) {
        builder.query("keywords", RequestUtils.join(createJobOptions.keywords(), ","));
    if (createJobOptions.keywordsThreshold() != null) {
        builder.query("keywords_threshold", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.keywordsThreshold()));
    if (createJobOptions.maxAlternatives() != null) {
        builder.query("max_alternatives", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.maxAlternatives()));
    if (createJobOptions.wordAlternativesThreshold() != null) {
        builder.query("word_alternatives_threshold", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.wordAlternativesThreshold()));
    if (createJobOptions.wordConfidence() != null) {
        builder.query("word_confidence", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.wordConfidence()));
    if (createJobOptions.timestamps() != null) {
        builder.query("timestamps", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.timestamps()));
    if (createJobOptions.profanityFilter() != null) {
        builder.query("profanity_filter", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.profanityFilter()));
    if (createJobOptions.smartFormatting() != null) {
        builder.query("smart_formatting", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.smartFormatting()));
    if (createJobOptions.speakerLabels() != null) {
        builder.query("speaker_labels", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.speakerLabels()));
    return createServiceCall(, ResponseConverterUtils.getObject(RecognitionJob.class));
Also used : RecognitionJob( RequestBuilder(


RecognitionJob ( CreateJobOptions ( File ( Test (org.junit.Test)3 WatsonServiceTest ( CheckJobOptions ( DeleteJobOptions ( WatsonServiceUnitTest ( RequestBuilder ( WordAlternativeResults ( MockResponse (okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockResponse)1 RecordedRequest (okhttp3.mockwebserver.RecordedRequest)1 ByteString (okio.ByteString)1 Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)1