use of com.ichi2.anki.CardBrowser.Column.DUE in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class ContentProviderTest method testUpdateTags.
* Update tags on a note
public void testUpdateTags() {
// get the first card due
// ----------------------
Collection col = getCol();
Card card = getFirstCardFromScheduler(col);
Note note = card.note();
long noteId = note.getId();
// make sure the tag is what we expect initially
// ---------------------------------------------
List<String> tagList = note.getTags();
assertEquals("only one tag", 1, tagList.size());
assertEquals("check tag value", TEST_TAG, tagList.get(0));
// update tags
// -----------
String tag2 = "mynewtag";
ContentResolver cr = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getContentResolver();
Uri updateNoteUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(FlashCardsContract.Note.CONTENT_URI, Long.toString(noteId));
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(FlashCardsContract.Note.TAGS, TEST_TAG + " " + tag2);
int updateCount = cr.update(updateNoteUri, values, null, null);
assertEquals("updateCount is 1", 1, updateCount);
// lookup the note now and verify tags
// -----------------------------------
Note noteAfterUpdate = col.getNote(noteId);
List<String> newTagList = noteAfterUpdate.getTags();
assertEquals("two tags", 2, newTagList.size());
assertEquals("check first tag", TEST_TAG, newTagList.get(0));
assertEquals("check second tag", tag2, newTagList.get(1));
use of com.ichi2.anki.CardBrowser.Column.DUE in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class ContentProviderTest method testBuryCard.
* Test burying a card through the ReviewInfo endpoint
public void testBuryCard() {
// get the first card due
// ----------------------
Collection col = getCol();
Card card = getFirstCardFromScheduler(col);
// verify that the card is not already user-buried
Assert.assertNotEquals("Card is not user-buried before test", Consts.QUEUE_TYPE_SIBLING_BURIED, card.getQueue());
// retain the card id, we will lookup the card after the update
long cardId = card.getId();
// bury it through the API
// -----------------------
ContentResolver cr = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getContentResolver();
Uri reviewInfoUri = FlashCardsContract.ReviewInfo.CONTENT_URI;
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
long noteId = card.note().getId();
int cardOrd = card.getOrd();
int bury = 1;
values.put(FlashCardsContract.ReviewInfo.NOTE_ID, noteId);
values.put(FlashCardsContract.ReviewInfo.CARD_ORD, cardOrd);
values.put(FlashCardsContract.ReviewInfo.BURY, bury);
int updateCount = cr.update(reviewInfoUri, values, null, null);
assertEquals("Check if update returns 1", 1, updateCount);
// verify that it did get buried
// -----------------------------
Card cardAfterUpdate = col.getCard(cardId);
// QUEUE_TYPE_MANUALLY_BURIED was also used for SIBLING_BURIED in sched v1
assertEquals("Card is user-buried", (schedVersion == 1) ? Consts.QUEUE_TYPE_SIBLING_BURIED : Consts.QUEUE_TYPE_MANUALLY_BURIED, cardAfterUpdate.getQueue());
// cleanup, unbury cards
// ---------------------
use of com.ichi2.anki.CardBrowser.Column.DUE in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class ContentProviderTest method testSuspendCard.
* Test suspending a card through the ReviewInfo endpoint
public void testSuspendCard() {
// get the first card due
// ----------------------
Collection col = getCol();
Card card = getFirstCardFromScheduler(col);
// verify that the card is not already suspended
Assert.assertNotEquals("Card is not suspended before test", Consts.QUEUE_TYPE_SUSPENDED, card.getQueue());
// retain the card id, we will lookup the card after the update
long cardId = card.getId();
// suspend it through the API
// --------------------------
ContentResolver cr = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getContentResolver();
Uri reviewInfoUri = FlashCardsContract.ReviewInfo.CONTENT_URI;
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
long noteId = card.note().getId();
int cardOrd = card.getOrd();
int suspend = 1;
values.put(FlashCardsContract.ReviewInfo.NOTE_ID, noteId);
values.put(FlashCardsContract.ReviewInfo.CARD_ORD, cardOrd);
values.put(FlashCardsContract.ReviewInfo.SUSPEND, suspend);
int updateCount = cr.update(reviewInfoUri, values, null, null);
assertEquals("Check if update returns 1", 1, updateCount);
// verify that it did get suspended
// --------------------------------
Card cardAfterUpdate = col.getCard(cardId);
assertEquals("Card is suspended", Consts.QUEUE_TYPE_SUSPENDED, cardAfterUpdate.getQueue());
// cleanup, unsuspend card and reschedule
// --------------------------------------
col.getSched().unsuspendCards(new long[] { cardId });
use of com.ichi2.anki.CardBrowser.Column.DUE in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class StudyOptionsFragment method handleDeckSelection.
private void handleDeckSelection(long did, boolean dontSkipStudyOptions) {
// Clear the undo history when selecting a new deck
if (getCol().getDecks().selected() != did) {
// Select the deck
// Also forget the last deck used by the Browser
// Reset the schedule so that we get the counts for the currently selected deck
mFocusedDeck = did;
// Get some info about the deck to handle special cases
int pos = mDeckListAdapter.findDeckPosition(did);
AbstractDeckTreeNode deckDueTreeNode = mDeckListAdapter.getDeckList().get(pos);
// if (!deckDueTreeNode.shouldDisplayCounts() || deckDueTreeNode.knownToHaveRep()) {
// If we don't yet have numbers, we trust the user that they knows what they opens, tries to open it.
// If there is nothing to review, it'll come back to deck picker.
// return;
// }
// There are numbers
// Figure out what action to take
// if (getCol().getSched().hasCardsTodayAfterStudyAheadLimit()) {
// // If there are cards due that can't be studied yet (due to the learn ahead limit) then go to study options
// openStudyOptions(false);
// } else if (getCol().getSched().newDue() || getCol().getSched().revDue()) {
// // If there are no cards to review because of the daily study limit then give "Study more" option
// UIUtils.showSnackbar(getAnkiActivity(), R.string.studyoptions_limit_reached, false, R.string.study_more, v -> {
// CustomStudyDialog d = CustomStudyDialog.newInstance(
// CustomStudyDialog.CONTEXT_MENU_LIMITS,
// getCol().getDecks().selected(), true, this);
// showDialogFragment(d);
// }, getView().findViewById(, mSnackbarShowHideCallback);
// // Check if we need to update the fragment or update the deck list. The same checks
// // are required for all snackbars below.
// if (mFragmented) {
// // Tablets must always show the study options that corresponds to the current deck,
// // regardless of whether the deck is currently reviewable or not.
// openStudyOptions(false);
// } else {
// // On phones, we update the deck list to ensure the currently selected deck is
// // highlighted correctly.
// updateDeckList();
// }
// } else if (getCol().getDecks().isDyn(did)) {
// // Go to the study options screen if filtered deck with no cards to study
// openStudyOptions(false);
// } else if (!deckDueTreeNode.hasChildren() && getCol().cardCount(new Long[] {did}) == 0) {
// // If the deck is empty and has no children then show a message saying it's empty
// final Uri helpUrl = Uri.parse(getResources().getString(R.string.link_manual_getting_started));
// getAnkiActivity().mayOpenUrl(helpUrl);
// UIUtils.showSnackbar(getAnkiActivity(), R.string.empty_deck, false,,
// v -> openHelpUrl(helpUrl), getView().findViewById(, mSnackbarShowHideCallback);
// if (mFragmented) {
// openStudyOptions(false);
// } else {
// updateDeckList();
// }
// } else {
// // Otherwise say there are no cards scheduled to study, and give option to do custom study
// UIUtils.showSnackbar(getAnkiActivity(), R.string.studyoptions_empty_schedule, false, R.string.custom_study, v -> {
// CustomStudyDialog d = CustomStudyDialog.newInstance(
// getCol().getDecks().selected(), true, this);
// showDialogFragment(d);
// }, getView().findViewById(, mSnackbarShowHideCallback);
// if (mFragmented) {
// openStudyOptions(false);
// } else {
// updateDeckList();
// }
// }
use of com.ichi2.anki.CardBrowser.Column.DUE in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class SelfStudyActivity method removeNotesView.
* Removes cards from view. Doesn't delete them in model (database).
* @param reorderCards Whether to rearrange the positions of checked items (DEFECT: Currently deselects all)
private void removeNotesView(java.util.Collection<Long> cardsIds, boolean reorderCards) {
long reviewerCardId = getReviewerCardId();
List<CardCache> oldMCards = getCards();
Map<Long, Integer> idToPos = getPositionMap(oldMCards);
Set<Long> idToRemove = new HashSet<Long>();
for (Long cardId : cardsIds) {
if (cardId == reviewerCardId) {
mReloadRequired = true;
if (idToPos.containsKey(cardId)) {
List<CardCache> newMCards = new ArrayList<>();
int pos = 0;
for (CardCache card : oldMCards) {
if (!idToRemove.contains(card.getId())) {
newMCards.add(new CardCache(card, pos++));
mCards = newMCards;
if (reorderCards) {
// Suboptimal from a UX perspective, we should reorder
// but this is only hit on a rare sad path and we'd need to rejig the data structures to allow an efficient
// search
Timber.w("Removing current selection due to unexpected removal of cards");