use of com.ichi2.anki.CardBrowser.Column.INTERVAL in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class SchedV2 method _nextRevIvl.
* Interval management ******************************************************
* *****************************************
* Next interval for CARD, given EASE.
protected int _nextRevIvl(@NonNull Card card, @Consts.BUTTON_TYPE int ease, boolean fuzz) {
long delay = _daysLate(card);
JSONObject conf = _revConf(card);
double fct = card.getFactor() / 1000.0;
double hardFactor = conf.optDouble("hardFactor", 1.2);
int hardMin;
if (hardFactor > 1) {
hardMin = card.getIvl();
} else {
hardMin = 0;
int ivl2 = _constrainedIvl(card.getIvl() * hardFactor, conf, hardMin, fuzz);
if (ease == Consts.BUTTON_TWO) {
return ivl2;
int ivl3 = _constrainedIvl((card.getIvl() + delay / 2) * fct, conf, ivl2, fuzz);
if (ease == Consts.BUTTON_THREE) {
return ivl3;
int ivl4 = _constrainedIvl(((card.getIvl() + delay) * fct * conf.getDouble("ease4")), conf, ivl3, fuzz);
return ivl4;
use of com.ichi2.anki.CardBrowser.Column.INTERVAL in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class SchedV2 method _earlyReviewIvl.
* next interval for card when answered early+correctly
private int _earlyReviewIvl(@NonNull Card card, @Consts.BUTTON_TYPE int ease) {
if (card.getODid() == 0 || card.getType() != Consts.CARD_TYPE_REV || card.getFactor() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected card parameters");
if (ease <= 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Ease must be greater than 1");
long elapsed = card.getIvl() - (card.getODue() - mToday);
@NonNull JSONObject conf = _revConf(card);
double easyBonus = 1;
// early 3/4 reviews shouldn't decrease previous interval
double minNewIvl = 1;
double factor;
if (ease == Consts.BUTTON_TWO) {
factor = conf.optDouble("hardFactor", 1.2);
// hard cards shouldn't have their interval decreased by more than 50%
// of the normal factor
minNewIvl = factor / 2;
} else if (ease == 3) {
factor = card.getFactor() / 1000.0;
} else {
// ease == 4
factor = card.getFactor() / 1000.0;
double ease4 = conf.getDouble("ease4");
// 1.3 -> 1.15
easyBonus = ease4 - (ease4 - 1) / 2;
double ivl = Math.max(elapsed * factor, 1);
// cap interval decreases
ivl = Math.max(card.getIvl() * minNewIvl, ivl) * easyBonus;
return _constrainedIvl(ivl, conf, 0, false);
use of com.ichi2.anki.CardBrowser.Column.INTERVAL in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class SchedTest method test_reviewsV1.
public void test_reviewsV1() throws Exception {
Collection col = getColV1();
// add a note
Note note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "one");
note.setItem("Back", "two");
// set the card up as a review card, due 8 days ago
Card c =;
c.setDue(col.getSched().getToday() - 8);
// save it for later use as well
Card cardcopy = c.clone();
// failing it should put it in the learn queue with the default options
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// different delay to new
DeckConfig conf = col.getSched()._cardConf(c);
conf.getJSONObject("lapse").put("delays", new JSONArray(new double[] { 2, 20 }));
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 1);
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_LRN, c.getQueue());
// it should be due tomorrow, with an interval of 1
assertEquals(col.getSched().getToday() + 1, c.getODue());
assertEquals(1, c.getIvl());
// but because it's in the learn queue, its current due time should be in
// the future
assertThat(c.getDue(), is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(col.getTime().intTime())));
assertThat(c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime(), is(greaterThan(118L)));
// factor should have been decremented
assertEquals(2300, c.getFactor());
// check counters
assertEquals(2, c.getLapses());
assertEquals(4, c.getReps());
// check ests.
assertEquals(120, col.getSched().nextIvl(c, 1));
assertEquals(20 * 60, col.getSched().nextIvl(c, 2));
// try again with an ease of 2 instead
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
c = cardcopy.clone();
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 2);
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
// the new interval should be (100 + 8/4) * 1.2 = 122
assertTrue(checkRevIvl(col, c, 122));
assertEquals(col.getSched().getToday() + c.getIvl(), c.getDue());
// factor should have been decremented
assertEquals(2350, c.getFactor());
// check counters
assertEquals(1, c.getLapses());
assertEquals(4, c.getReps());
// ease 3
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
c = cardcopy.clone();
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 3);
// the new interval should be (100 + 8/2) * 2.5 = 260
assertTrue(checkRevIvl(col, c, 260));
assertEquals(col.getSched().getToday() + c.getIvl(), c.getDue());
// factor should have been left alone
assertEquals(STARTING_FACTOR, c.getFactor());
// ease 4
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
c = cardcopy.clone();
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 4);
// the new interval should be (100 + 8) * 2.5 * 1.3 = 351
assertTrue(checkRevIvl(col, c, 351));
assertEquals(col.getSched().getToday() + c.getIvl(), c.getDue());
// factor should have been increased
assertEquals(2650, c.getFactor());
use of com.ichi2.anki.CardBrowser.Column.INTERVAL in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class SchedTest method test_learnV1.
public void test_learnV1() throws Exception {
Collection col = getColV1();
// add a note
Note note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "one");
note.setItem("Back", "two");
// set as a learn card and rebuild queues
col.getDb().execute("update cards set queue=0, type=0");
// sched.getCard should return it, since it's due in the past
Card c = col.getSched().getCard();
DeckConfig conf = col.getSched()._cardConf(c);
conf.getJSONObject("new").put("delays", new JSONArray(new double[] { 0.5, 3, 10 }));
// fail it
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 1);
// it should have three reps left to graduation
assertEquals(3, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(3, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// it should be due in 30 seconds
long t = Math.round(c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime());
assertThat(t, is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(25L)));
assertThat(t, is(lessThanOrEqualTo(40L)));
// pass it once
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 2);
// it should be due in 3 minutes
assertEquals(Math.round(c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime()), 179, 1);
assertEquals(2, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(2, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// check log is accurate
Cursor log = col.getDb().getDatabase().query("select * from revlog order by id desc");
assertEquals(2, log.getInt(3));
assertEquals(-180, log.getInt(4));
assertEquals(-30, log.getInt(5));
// pass again
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 2);
// it should be due in 10 minutes
assertEquals(c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime(), 599, 1);
assertEquals(1, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(1, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// the next pass should graduate the card
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_LRN, c.getQueue());
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_LRN, c.getType());
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 2);
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_REV, c.getType());
// should be due tomorrow, with an interval of 1
assertEquals(col.getSched().getToday() + 1, c.getDue());
assertEquals(1, c.getIvl());
// or normal removal
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 3);
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_REV, c.getType());
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
assertTrue(checkRevIvl(col, c, 4));
// revlog should have been updated each time
assertEquals(5, col.getDb().queryScalar("select count() from revlog where type = 0"));
// now failed card handling
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 3);
assertEquals(123, c.getDue());
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_REV, c.getType());
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
// we should be able to remove manually, too
((Sched) col.getSched()).removeLrn();
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
assertEquals(321, c.getDue());
use of com.ichi2.anki.CardBrowser.Column.INTERVAL in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class SchedV2Test method test_learnV2.
public void test_learnV2() throws Exception {
Collection col = getColV2();
// add a note
Note note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "one");
note.setItem("Back", "two");
// set as a learn card and rebuild queues
col.getDb().execute("update cards set queue=0, type=0");
// sched.getCard should return it, since it's due in the past
Card c = col.getSched().getCard();
DeckConfig conf = col.getSched()._cardConf(c);
conf.getJSONObject("new").put("delays", new JSONArray(new double[] { 0.5, 3, 10 }));
// fail it
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 1);
// it should have three reps left to graduation
assertEquals(3, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(3, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// it should be due in 30 seconds
long t = Math.round(c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime());
assertThat(t, is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(25L)));
assertThat(t, is(lessThanOrEqualTo(40L)));
// pass it once
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 3);
// it should be due in 3 minutes
long dueIn = c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime();
assertThat(dueIn, is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(178L)));
assertThat(dueIn, is(lessThanOrEqualTo((long) (180 * 1.25))));
assertEquals(2, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(2, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// check log is accurate
Cursor log = col.getDb().getDatabase().query("select * from revlog order by id desc");
assertEquals(3, log.getInt(3));
assertEquals(-180, log.getInt(4));
assertEquals(-30, log.getInt(5));
// pass again
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 3);
// it should be due in 10 minutes
dueIn = c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime();
assertThat(dueIn, is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(599L)));
assertThat(dueIn, is(lessThanOrEqualTo((long) (600 * 1.25))));
assertEquals(1, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(1, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// the next pass should graduate the card
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_LRN, c.getQueue());
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_LRN, c.getType());
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 3);
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_REV, c.getType());
// should be due tomorrow, with an interval of 1
assertEquals(col.getSched().getToday() + 1, c.getDue());
assertEquals(1, c.getIvl());
// or normal removal
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 4);
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_REV, c.getType());
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
assertTrue(checkRevIvl(col, c, 4));
// revlog should have been updated each time
assertEquals(5, col.getDb().queryScalar("select count() from revlog where type = 0"));