use of com.ichi2.libanki.sched.DeckDueTreeNode in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class StudyOptionsFragment method handleDeckSelection.
private void handleDeckSelection(long did, boolean dontSkipStudyOptions) {
// Clear the undo history when selecting a new deck
if (getCol().getDecks().selected() != did) {
// Select the deck
// Also forget the last deck used by the Browser
// Reset the schedule so that we get the counts for the currently selected deck
mFocusedDeck = did;
// Get some info about the deck to handle special cases
int pos = mDeckListAdapter.findDeckPosition(did);
AbstractDeckTreeNode deckDueTreeNode = mDeckListAdapter.getDeckList().get(pos);
// if (!deckDueTreeNode.shouldDisplayCounts() || deckDueTreeNode.knownToHaveRep()) {
// If we don't yet have numbers, we trust the user that they knows what they opens, tries to open it.
// If there is nothing to review, it'll come back to deck picker.
// return;
// }
// There are numbers
// Figure out what action to take
// if (getCol().getSched().hasCardsTodayAfterStudyAheadLimit()) {
// // If there are cards due that can't be studied yet (due to the learn ahead limit) then go to study options
// openStudyOptions(false);
// } else if (getCol().getSched().newDue() || getCol().getSched().revDue()) {
// // If there are no cards to review because of the daily study limit then give "Study more" option
// UIUtils.showSnackbar(getAnkiActivity(), R.string.studyoptions_limit_reached, false, R.string.study_more, v -> {
// CustomStudyDialog d = CustomStudyDialog.newInstance(
// CustomStudyDialog.CONTEXT_MENU_LIMITS,
// getCol().getDecks().selected(), true, this);
// showDialogFragment(d);
// }, getView().findViewById(, mSnackbarShowHideCallback);
// // Check if we need to update the fragment or update the deck list. The same checks
// // are required for all snackbars below.
// if (mFragmented) {
// // Tablets must always show the study options that corresponds to the current deck,
// // regardless of whether the deck is currently reviewable or not.
// openStudyOptions(false);
// } else {
// // On phones, we update the deck list to ensure the currently selected deck is
// // highlighted correctly.
// updateDeckList();
// }
// } else if (getCol().getDecks().isDyn(did)) {
// // Go to the study options screen if filtered deck with no cards to study
// openStudyOptions(false);
// } else if (!deckDueTreeNode.hasChildren() && getCol().cardCount(new Long[] {did}) == 0) {
// // If the deck is empty and has no children then show a message saying it's empty
// final Uri helpUrl = Uri.parse(getResources().getString(R.string.link_manual_getting_started));
// getAnkiActivity().mayOpenUrl(helpUrl);
// UIUtils.showSnackbar(getAnkiActivity(), R.string.empty_deck, false,,
// v -> openHelpUrl(helpUrl), getView().findViewById(, mSnackbarShowHideCallback);
// if (mFragmented) {
// openStudyOptions(false);
// } else {
// updateDeckList();
// }
// } else {
// // Otherwise say there are no cards scheduled to study, and give option to do custom study
// UIUtils.showSnackbar(getAnkiActivity(), R.string.studyoptions_empty_schedule, false, R.string.custom_study, v -> {
// CustomStudyDialog d = CustomStudyDialog.newInstance(
// getCol().getDecks().selected(), true, this);
// showDialogFragment(d);
// }, getView().findViewById(, mSnackbarShowHideCallback);
// if (mFragmented) {
// openStudyOptions(false);
// } else {
// updateDeckList();
// }
// }
use of com.ichi2.libanki.sched.DeckDueTreeNode in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class ReminderService method onReceive.
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
cancelDeckReminder(context, intent);
// 0 is not a valid dconf id.
final long dConfId = intent.getLongExtra(EXTRA_DECK_OPTION_ID, 0);
if (dConfId == 0) {
Timber.w("onReceive - dConfId 0, returning");
CollectionHelper colHelper;
Collection col;
try {
colHelper = CollectionHelper.getInstance();
col = colHelper.getCol(context);
} catch (Throwable t) {
Timber.w("onReceive - unexpectedly unable to get collection. Returning.");
if (null == col || !colHelper.colIsOpen()) {
Timber.w("onReceive - null or closed collection, unable to process reminders");
if (col.getDecks().getConf(dConfId) == null) {
final AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
final PendingIntent reminderIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, (int) dConfId, new Intent(context, ReminderService.class).putExtra(EXTRA_DECK_OPTION_ID, dConfId), 0);
final NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(context);
if (!notificationManager.areNotificationsEnabled()) {
Timber.v("onReceive - notifications disabled, returning");
List<DeckDueTreeNode> decksDue = getDeckOptionDue(col, dConfId, true);
if (null == decksDue) {
Timber.v("onReceive - no decks due, returning");
for (DeckDueTreeNode deckDue : decksDue) {
long deckId = deckDue.getDid();
final int total = deckDue.getRevCount() + deckDue.getLrnCount() + deckDue.getNewCount();
if (total <= 0) {
Timber.v("onReceive - no cards due in deck %d", deckId);
Timber.v("onReceive - deck '%s' due count %d", deckDue.getFullDeckName(), total);
final Notification notification = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, NotificationChannels.getId(NotificationChannels.Channel.DECK_REMINDERS)).setCategory(NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_REMINDER).setContentTitle(context.getString(R.string.reminder_title)).setContentText(context.getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.reminder_text, total, deckDue.getFullDeckName(), total)).setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_stat_notify).setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.material_light_blue_700)).setContentIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(context, (int) deckId, getReviewDeckIntent(context, deckId), PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT)).setAutoCancel(true).build();
notificationManager.notify((int) deckId, notification);
Timber.v("onReceive - notification state: %s", notification);
use of com.ichi2.libanki.sched.DeckDueTreeNode in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class Sched method deckDueList.
* Returns [deckname, did, rev, lrn, new]
public List<DeckDueTreeNode> deckDueList(@Nullable CollectionTask collectionTask, long did) {
ArrayList<Deck> decks = deckLimitWithParent(did, mCol);
// ArrayList<Deck> decks = mCol.getDecks().allSorted();
Timber.i("show decks" + did + " size:" + decks.size());
HashMap<String, Integer[]> lims = new HashMap<>();
ArrayList<DeckDueTreeNode> data = new ArrayList<>();
long time = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
for (Deck deck : decks) {
if (collectionTask != null && collectionTask.isCancelled()) {
return null;
String deckName = deck.getString("name");
String p = Decks.parent(deckName);
// new
int nlim = _deckNewLimitSingle(deck);
int rlim = _deckRevLimitSingle(deck);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(p)) {
Integer[] parentLims = lims.get(Decks.normalizeName(p));
// 'temporary for diagnosis of bug #6383'
Assert.that(parentLims != null, "Deck %s is supposed to have parent %s. It has not be found.", deckName, p);
nlim = Math.min(nlim, parentLims[0]);
// review
rlim = Math.min(rlim, parentLims[1]);
// long time = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
int _new = _newForDeck(deck.getLong("id"), nlim);
// Timber.i("cost time for new:"+(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()-time));
// learning
int lrn = _lrnForDeck(deck.getLong("id"));
// Timber.i("cost time for lrn:"+(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()-time));
// reviews
int rev = _revForDeck(deck.getLong("id"), rlim);
// Timber.i("cost time for rev:"+(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()-time));
// save to list
double[] datas = did == ALL_DECKS_ID ? _getCardDataCount(deck.getLong("id")) : new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
// Timber.i("cost time for datas:"+(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()-time));
// Timber.i("add deck in tree:%s", deckName);
data.add(new DeckDueTreeNode(mCol, deck.getString("name"), deck.getLong("id"), rev, lrn, _new, datas));
// add deck as a parent
lims.put(Decks.normalizeName(deck.getString("name")), new Integer[] { nlim, rlim });
Timber.i("cost time for datas:" + (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time));
return data;
use of com.ichi2.libanki.sched.DeckDueTreeNode in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class SchedV2 method deckDueList.
// Overridden
public List<DeckDueTreeNode> deckDueList(@Nullable CollectionTask collectionTask, long did) {
// ArrayList<Deck> decks = mCol.getDecks().allSorted();
ArrayList<Deck> decks = deckLimitWithParent(did, mCol);
Timber.i("show decks" + did + " size:" + decks.size());
HashMap<String, Integer[]> lims = new HashMap<>();
ArrayList<DeckDueTreeNode> data = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<Long, HashMap> childMap = mCol.getDecks().childMap();
for (Deck deck : decks) {
if (collectionTask != null && collectionTask.isCancelled()) {
return null;
String deckName = deck.getString("name");
String p = Decks.parent(deckName);
// new
int nlim = _deckNewLimitSingle(deck);
Integer plim = null;
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(p)) {
Integer[] parentLims = lims.get(Decks.normalizeName(p));
// 'temporary for diagnosis of bug #6383'
Assert.that(parentLims != null, "Deck %s is supposed to have parent %s. It has not be found.", deckName, p);
nlim = Math.min(nlim, parentLims[0]);
// reviews
plim = parentLims[1];
int _new = _newForDeck(deck.getLong("id"), nlim);
// learning
int lrn = _lrnForDeck(deck.getLong("id"));
// reviews
int rlim = _deckRevLimitSingle(deck, plim);
int rev = _revForDeck(deck.getLong("id"), rlim, childMap);
double[] datas = did == ALL_DECKS_ID ? _getCardDataCount(deck.getLong("id")) : new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
// save to list
// Timber.i("add deck in tree:%s", deckName);
data.add(new DeckDueTreeNode(mCol, deck.getString("name"), deck.getLong("id"), rev, lrn, _new, datas));
// add deck as a parent
lims.put(Decks.normalizeName(deck.getString("name")), new Integer[] { nlim, rlim });
return data;
use of com.ichi2.libanki.sched.DeckDueTreeNode in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class SchedTest method test_deckDueV1.
public void test_deckDueV1() throws Exception {
Collection col = getColV1();
// add a note with default deck
Note note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "one");
// and one that's a child
note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "two");
long default1 = col.getDecks().id("Default::1");
note.model().put("did", default1);
// make it a review card
Card c =;
// add one more with a new deck
note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "two");
JSONObject foobar = note.model().put("did", col.getDecks().id("foo::bar"));
// and one that's a sibling
note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "three");
JSONObject foobaz = note.model().put("did", col.getDecks().id("foo::baz"));
assertEquals(5, col.getDecks().allSortedNames().size());
DeckDueTreeNode tree = col.getSched().deckDueTree().get(0);
assertEquals("Default", tree.getLastDeckNameComponent());
// sum of child and parent
assertEquals(1, tree.getDid());
assertEquals(1, tree.getRevCount());
assertEquals(1, tree.getNewCount());
// child count is just review
DeckDueTreeNode child = tree.getChildren().get(0);
assertEquals("1", child.getLastDeckNameComponent());
assertEquals(default1, child.getDid());
assertEquals(1, child.getRevCount());
assertEquals(0, child.getNewCount());
// code should not fail if a card has an invalid deck