use of com.insightfullogic.honest_profiler.core.aggregation.result.diff.DiffNode in project honest-profiler by jvm-profiling-tools.
the class FlameDiffViewCanvas method render.
// AbstractFlameCanvas Implementation
public void render(final TreeDiff tree) {
// The diff should be fully constructed, i.e. both base and new aggregations should be present.
Tree baseTree = tree.getBaseAggregation();
Tree newTree = tree.getNewAggregation();
baseMethodMap = methodMapFor(baseTree);
newMethodMap = methodMapFor(newTree);
final GraphicsContext ctx = getGraphics();
// Total number of samples
long nrSamples = baseTree.getSource().getGlobalData().getTotalCnt() + newTree.getSource().getGlobalData().getTotalCnt();
// TODO Reaggregate when filtering so the width can be calculated properly. Now we have bla
// Total number of samples in the leaves (the Tree may be filtered so we can't use the AggregationProfile global
// data)
// long nrSamples = rootNode.flattenDescendants()
// .filter(node -> node.getChildren().size() == 0)
// .flatMap(node -> node.getAggregatedNodes().stream())
// .mapToLong(node -> node.getData().getTotalCnt()).sum();
// Any frame will be represented with its width proportional to its total sample count divided by the profile
// total sample count
double colWidth = getWidth() / nrSamples;
// Nr Rows = max depth of a stack. The root Node represents all threads, but since the descendant depth of a
// Node without children is defined as 0, this works out fine.
int nrRows = tree.getData().stream().mapToInt(DiffNode::getDescendantDepth).max().getAsInt() + 1;
double rowHeight = max(getHeight() / nrRows, ctx.getFont().getSize() + 2);
double startX = 0;
double startY = getHeight() - rowHeight;
for (DiffNode node : tree.getData()) {
startX += renderNode(ctx, node, 0, colWidth, rowHeight, startX, startY);
use of com.insightfullogic.honest_profiler.core.aggregation.result.diff.DiffNode in project honest-profiler by jvm-profiling-tools.
the class TreeDiffViewTest method testTreeDiffViewScenario.
// Actual Test Method
public void testTreeDiffViewScenario() {
FxRobot robot = new FxRobot();
waitUntil(asyncFx(() -> getMainStage().setMaximized(true)));
newProfileTab(robot, app(), 0, "Base : " + baseScenario.getName(), baseScenario, LOG);
newProfileTab(robot, app(), 1, "New : " + newScenario.getName(), newScenario, LOG);
selectTab(robot, 1);
selectCtxMenu(robot, "#compareButton", 0, "Base : " + baseScenario.getName());
selectTab(robot, 2);
selectView(robot, TREE);
selectFrameGrouping(robot, frameGrouping, "#tree");
selectThreadGrouping(robot, threadGrouping, "#tree");
clickExpandAll(robot, "#tree");
TreeTableView<DiffNode> tableView = getTreeDiffTableView(robot);
newScenario.checkTreeDiffAggregation(baseScenario, new TreeDiffTableViewCheckAdapter(threadGrouping, frameGrouping, tableView));