use of com.intellij.history.integration.ui.views.SelectionHistoryDialog in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class ShowSelectionHistoryAction method actionPerformed.
protected void actionPerformed(@NotNull Project p, @NotNull IdeaGateway gw, @NotNull VirtualFile f, @NotNull AnActionEvent e) {
VcsSelection sel = notNull(getSelection(e));
int from = sel.getSelectionStartLineNumber();
int to = sel.getSelectionEndLineNumber();
new SelectionHistoryDialog(p, gw, f, from, to).show();
use of com.intellij.history.integration.ui.views.SelectionHistoryDialog in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class SelectionHistoryDialogTest method testDialogWorks.
public void testDialogWorks() throws IOException {
SelectionHistoryDialog d = new SelectionHistoryDialog(myProject, myGateway, f, 0, 0);