use of com.intellij.lang.javascript.psi.types.JSSpecialNamedTypeImpl in project intellij-plugins by JetBrains.
the class ActionScriptTypeHelper method isAssignableToNamedType.
public boolean isAssignableToNamedType(@NotNull JSTypeImpl lOpType, @NotNull JSType rOpType, @Nullable ProcessingContext processingContext) {
//noinspection unchecked
Map<Key, Object> cachesMap = processingContext != null ? (Map<Key, Object>) processingContext.get(this) : null;
PsiElement type = ourResolvedTypeKey.get(cachesMap);
JSClass clazz = null;
if (type == null) {
type = lOpType.resolveClass();
ourResolvedTypeKey.set(cachesMap, type != null ? type : PsiUtilCore.NULL_PSI_ELEMENT);
} else if (type == PsiUtilCore.NULL_PSI_ELEMENT) {
type = null;
if (type instanceof JSClass)
clazz = (JSClass) type;
JSClass jsClass = rOpType.resolveClass();
if (jsClass == null && rOpType instanceof JSTypeImpl || rOpType instanceof JSSpecialNamedTypeImpl) {
return areNamedTypesAssignable(lOpType, (JSNamedType) rOpType, processingContext);
if (jsClass != null && clazz != null) {
return JSInheritanceUtil.isParentClass(jsClass, clazz, false, jsClass);
if (clazz == null) {
return false;
return true;