use of com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.RuntimeExceptionWithAttachments in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class UpToDateStubIndexMismatch method stubTreeAndIndexDoNotMatch.
public RuntimeException stubTreeAndIndexDoNotMatch(@NotNull String _message, @NotNull ObjectStubTree stubTree, @NotNull PsiFileWithStubSupport psiFile) {
VirtualFile file = psiFile.getViewProvider().getVirtualFile();
StubTree stubTreeFromIndex = (StubTree) readFromVFile(psiFile.getProject(), file);
Document document = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getDocument(file);
IndexingStampInfo indexingStampInfo = getIndexingStampInfo(file);
boolean upToDate = indexingStampInfo != null && indexingStampInfo.isUpToDate(document, file, psiFile);
String msg = _message + "\nPlease report the problem to JetBrains with the files attached\n";
if (upToDate) {
msg += " file=" + psiFile;
msg += ", file.class=" + psiFile.getClass();
msg += ", file.lang=" + psiFile.getLanguage();
msg += ", modStamp=" + psiFile.getModificationStamp();
if (!(psiFile instanceof PsiCompiledElement)) {
String text = psiFile.getText();
PsiFile fromText = PsiFileFactory.getInstance(psiFile.getProject()).createFileFromText(psiFile.getName(), psiFile.getFileType(), text);
if (fromText.getLanguage().equals(psiFile.getLanguage())) {
boolean consistent = DebugUtil.psiToString(psiFile, true).equals(DebugUtil.psiToString(fromText, true));
if (consistent) {
msg += "\n tree consistent";
} else {
msg += "\n AST INCONSISTENT, perhaps after incremental reparse; " + fromText;
msg += "\n stub debugInfo=" + stubTree.getDebugInfo();
msg += "\nlatestIndexedStub=" + stubTreeFromIndex;
if (stubTreeFromIndex != null) {
msg += "\n same size=" + (stubTree.getPlainList().size() == stubTreeFromIndex.getPlainList().size());
msg += "\n debugInfo=" + stubTreeFromIndex.getDebugInfo();
FileViewProvider viewProvider = psiFile.getViewProvider();
msg += "\n viewProvider=" + viewProvider;
msg += "\n viewProvider stamp: " + viewProvider.getModificationStamp();
msg += "; file stamp: " + file.getModificationStamp();
msg += "; file modCount: " + file.getModificationCount();
msg += "; file length: " + file.getLength();
if (document != null) {
msg += "\n doc saved: " + !FileDocumentManager.getInstance().isDocumentUnsaved(document);
msg += "; doc stamp: " + document.getModificationStamp();
msg += "; doc size: " + document.getTextLength();
msg += "; committed: " + PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(psiFile.getProject()).isCommitted(document);
msg += "\nin many projects: " + hasPsiInManyProjects(file);
msg += "\nindexing info: " + indexingStampInfo;
Attachment[] attachments = createAttachments(stubTree, psiFile, file, stubTreeFromIndex);
// separate methods and separate exception classes for EA to treat these situations differently
return upToDate ? handleUpToDateMismatch(msg, attachments) : new RuntimeExceptionWithAttachments(msg, attachments);
use of com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.RuntimeExceptionWithAttachments in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class StubBasedPsiElementBase method failedToBindStubToAst.
private ASTNode failedToBindStubToAst(@NotNull PsiFileImpl file, @NotNull final FileElement fileElement) {
VirtualFile vFile = file.getVirtualFile();
StubTree stubTree = file.getStubTree();
final String stubString = stubTree != null ? ((PsiFileStubImpl) stubTree.getRoot()).printTree() : null;
final String astString = RecursionManager.doPreventingRecursion("failedToBindStubToAst", true, () -> DebugUtil.treeToString(fileElement, true));
@NonNls final String message = "Failed to bind stub to AST for element " + getClass() + " in " + (vFile == null ? "<unknown file>" : vFile.getPath()) + "\nFile:\n" + file + "@" + System.identityHashCode(file);
final String creationTraces = ourTraceStubAstBinding ? dumpCreationTraces(fileElement) : null;
List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<>();
if (stubString != null) {
attachments.add(new Attachment("stubTree.txt", stubString));
if (astString != null) {
attachments.add(new Attachment("ast.txt", astString));
if (creationTraces != null) {
attachments.add(new Attachment("creationTraces.txt", creationTraces));
throw new RuntimeExceptionWithAttachments(message, attachments.toArray(Attachment.EMPTY_ARRAY));