use of com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.MarkupModelImpl in project watchdog by TestRoots.
the class IntelliJMarkupModelListener method initializeAfterAnalysisFinished.
* Create a new {@link IntelliJMarkupModelListener} for an editor. This listener is only attached after the
* {@link DaemonCodeAnalyzer} has finished analyzing this file.
* The listener is attached to the {@link com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.MarkupModel} of the document,
* which contains all {@link RangeHighlighterEx}s that represent the Static Analysis warnings.
* @param project The project the file exists in.
* @param disposable The disposable to clean up the listeners and any potential {@link MessageBusConnection}.
* @param editor The editor of the document.
* @param trackingEventManager The manager that can process all the events generated.
* @return A newly initiated listener that will later be attached to the {@link com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.MarkupModel} of the document
public static IntelliJMarkupModelListener initializeAfterAnalysisFinished(Project project, Disposable disposable, Editor editor, TrackingEventManager trackingEventManager) {
final com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document intellijDocument = editor.getDocument();
final IntelliJMarkupModelListener markupModelListener = new IntelliJMarkupModelListener(DocumentCreator.createDocument(editor), trackingEventManager, intellijDocument);
// We need to run this in smart mode, because the very first time you start your editor, it is very briefly
// in dumb mode and the codeAnalyzer thinks (incorrectly) it is finished.
// Therefore, wait for smart mode and only then start listening, to make sure the codeAnalyzer actually did its thing.
// For more information see
DumbServiceImpl.getInstance(project).runWhenSmart(() -> {
final DaemonCodeAnalyzerImpl analyzer = (DaemonCodeAnalyzerImpl) DaemonCodeAnalyzer.getInstance(project);
final MessageBusConnection codeAnalyzerMessageBusConnection = project.getMessageBus().connect(disposable);
final MessageBusConnection documentMessageBusConnection = project.getMessageBus().connect(disposable);
codeAnalyzerMessageBusConnection.subscribe(DaemonCodeAnalyzer.DAEMON_EVENT_TOPIC, new DaemonCodeAnalyzer.DaemonListenerAdapter() {
public void daemonFinished() {
// the analyzer actually finished. In this case, `null` indicates: the file is not dirty.
if (analyzer.getFileStatusMap().getFileDirtyScope(intellijDocument, Pass.UPDATE_ALL) == null) {
final MarkupModelImpl markupModel = (MarkupModelImpl) DocumentMarkupModel.forDocument(intellijDocument, project, true);
markupModel.addMarkupModelListener(disposable, markupModelListener);
// We batch up changes and only transfer them on every save. This is in-line with the Eclipse
// interface, which only exposes listeners for `POST_BUILD`. Therefore, cache all warnings in
// {@link IntelliJMarkupModelListener#generatedWarnings} and {@link IntelliJMarkupModelListener#warnings}
// and flush these warnings after the fact.
documentMessageBusConnection.subscribe(AppTopics.FILE_DOCUMENT_SYNC, new FileDocumentManagerAdapter() {
public void beforeDocumentSaving(@NotNull com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document savedDocument) {
if (intellijDocument.equals(savedDocument)) {
return markupModelListener;