use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class DirectoryServicesImpl method removeSubtree.
* Private method used by "removeEntry" to delete an entire subtree
private void removeSubtree(SSOToken token, String entryDN, boolean softDelete) throws AMException, SSOException {
int type = AMObject.UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE;
try {
Guid guid = new Guid(entryDN);
PersistentObject po = UMSObject.getObjectHandle(internalToken, guid);
// first get all the children of the object
SearchControl control = new SearchControl();
String searchFilter = "(|(objectclass=*)(objectclass=ldapsubEntry))";
List list = new ArrayList();
// get number of RDNs in the entry itself
int entryRDNs = DN.valueOf(entryDN).size();
// to count maximum level of RDNs in the search return
int maxRDNCount = entryRDNs;
// go through all search results, add DN to the list, and
// set the maximun RDN count, will be used to remove DNs
SearchResults children = po.getChildren(searchFilter, control);
while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
PersistentObject object =;
DN dn = DN.valueOf(object.getDN());
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DirectoryServicesImpl.removeEntry(): " + "found child: " + object.getDN());
int count = dn.size();
if (count > maxRDNCount) {
maxRDNCount = count;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DirectoryServicesImpl.removeEntry(): max " + "RDNs: " + maxRDNCount);
// go through all search results, delete entries from the
// bottom up, starting from entries whose's RDN count
// equals the maxRDNCount
// TODO : If the list has too many entries, then the multiple
// iteration in the inner for loop may be the bottleneck.
// One enhancement to the existing algorithm is to store all
// the entries by level in a different List. Per Sai's comments
int len = list.size();
for (int i = maxRDNCount; i >= entryRDNs; i--) {
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
DN dn = (DN) list.get(j);
// check if we need delete it now
if (dn.size() == i) {
// remove the entry
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DirectoryServicesImpl." + "removeEntry(): del " + dn.toString());
String rfcDN = dn.toString();
try {
type = getObjectType(internalToken, rfcDN);
} catch (AMException ae) {
// Not a managed type, just delete it.
Guid g = new Guid(rfcDN);
UMSObject.removeObject(token, g);
// Do a non-recursive delete
try {
removeSingleEntry(token, rfcDN, type, softDelete);
} catch (AMPreCallBackException amp) {
debug.error("DirectoryServicesImpl." + "removeSubTree: Aborting delete of: " + rfcDN + " due to pre-callback exception", amp);
// remove the deleted entry from the list
// move back pointer, as current element is removed
// reduce list length
} catch (AccessRightsException e) {
debug.error("DirectoryServicesImpl.removeEntry() Insufficient " + "access rights to remove entry: " + entryDN, e);
throw new AMException(token, "460");
} catch (EntryNotFoundException e) {
String entry = getEntryName(e);
debug.error("DirectoryServicesImpl.removeEntry() Entry not found: " + entry, e);
String msgid = getEntryNotFoundMsgID(type);
Object[] args = { entry };
String locale = CommonUtils.getUserLocale(token);
throw new AMException(AMSDKBundle.getString(msgid, args, locale), msgid, args);
} catch (UMSException e) {
debug.error("DirectoryServicesImpl.removeEntry() Unable to remove: " + " Internal error occurred: ", e);
throw new AMException(token, "325", e);