use of com.iridium.iridiumskyblock.gui.IslandLogsGUI in project IridiumSkyblock by Iridium-Development.
the class LogsCommand method execute.
* Executes the command for the specified {@link CommandSender} with the provided arguments.
* Not called when the command execution was invalid (no permission, no player or command disabled).
* @param sender The CommandSender which executes this command
* @param args The arguments used with this command. They contain the sub-command
public boolean execute(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
User user = IridiumSkyblock.getInstance().getUserManager().getUser(player);
Optional<Island> island = user.getIsland();
if (!island.isPresent()) {
player.sendMessage(StringUtils.color(IridiumSkyblock.getInstance().getMessages().noIsland.replace("%prefix%", IridiumSkyblock.getInstance().getConfiguration().prefix)));
return false;
player.openInventory(new IslandLogsGUI(island.get(), player.getOpenInventory().getTopInventory()).getInventory());
return true;