use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.EntityGuid in project StarParse by Ixale.
the class Parser method processEventHotsWithRefresh.
private void processEventHotsWithRefresh(final Event e, final long abilityGuid, final EntityGuid[] refreshers, @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") final int defaultDuration) {
final ActorState targetState = getActorState(e.getTarget());
if (isAbilityEqual(e, abilityGuid)) {
if (isEffectAbilityActivate(e)) {
// lets wait who's the target ...
pendingHealAbility = e.getAbility();
if ((isEffectEqual(e, abilityGuid) && isActionApply(e)) || (pendingHealAbility != null && isAbilityEqual(e, pendingHealAbility.getGuid()))) {
if (isEffectEqual(e, abilityGuid)) {
// explicit gain = 1 stack
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && targetState.hotStacks != 0) {
logger.debug("Unexpected hot stack " + targetState.hotStacks + " since " + new Date(targetState.hotSince) + " at " + e);
targetState.hotStacks = 1;
} else {
// we got our target!
// implicit stack increase
targetState.hotStacks = 2;
targetState.hotEffect = e.getAbility();
targetState.hotSince = targetState.hotLast = e.getTimestamp();
targetState.hotDuration = (hotAverage == 0 ? defaultDuration : hotAverage);
pendingHealAbility = null;
if (isActionRemove(e)) {
// clear
if (targetState.hotSince != null) {
updateHotDurationAverage((int) (e.getTimestamp() - targetState.hotSince), defaultDuration);
targetState.hotStacks = 0;
targetState.hotEffect = null;
targetState.hotSince = null;
targetState.hotDuration = 0;
for (final EntityGuid refresher : refreshers) {
if (isAbilityEqual(e, refresher.getGuid())) {
if (isEffectAbilityActivate(e)) {
// lets wait who's the target ...
pendingHealAbility = e.getAbility();
if (pendingHealAbility != null && isAbilityEqual(e, pendingHealAbility.getGuid())) {
// we got our target!
if (targetState.hotStacks == 2) {
// implicit stack prolong
targetState.hotSince = targetState.hotLast = e.getTimestamp();
pendingHealAbility = null;