use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.LocationInfo in project StarParse by Ixale.
the class RaidBossPopoutPresenter method setTitle.
private void setTitle(final Combat combat) {
if (combat != null && combat.getBoss() != null) {
popoutTitle.setText(getShortNameForTitle(combat.getBoss().getRaidBossName().getShortName()) + " " + combat.getBoss().getMode() + " " + combat.getBoss().getSize());
final LocationInfo locationInfo;
if (combat != null && context.getCombatInfo().get(combat.getCombatId()) != null) {
locationInfo = context.getCombatInfo().get(combat.getCombatId()).getLocationInfo();
} else {
locationInfo = context.getLocationInfo();
if (locationInfo != null) {
final String zone = getShortNameForTitle(locationInfo.getInstanceName());
popoutTitle.setText(zone == null || zone.isEmpty() ? "" : (zone + " ") + locationInfo.getInstanceDifficulty());
} else {
popoutTitle.setText("Raid Boss");
use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.LocationInfo in project StarParse by Ixale.
the class Parser method parseInstanceType.
private void parseInstanceType(final String instanceName, final String instanceGuid, final String instanceType, final String instanceTypeGuid, final long timestamp) {
Raid.Size s = null;
Raid.Mode m = null;
if ("836045448953652".equals(instanceTypeGuid)) {
s = Size.Eight;
m = Mode.HM;
} else if ("836045448953651".equals(instanceTypeGuid)) {
s = Size.Eight;
m = Mode.SM;
} else if ("836045448953655".equals(instanceTypeGuid)) {
s = Size.Eight;
m = Mode.NiM;
} else if (instanceType != null) {
if (instanceType.contains("16 ") || instanceType.contains("16�")) {
s = Size.Sixteen;
} else if (instanceType.contains("8 ") || instanceType.contains("8�")) {
s = Size.Eight;
if (instanceType.contains("Story") || instanceType.contains("histoire")) {
m = Mode.SM;
} else if (instanceType.contains("Veteran") || instanceType.contains("v�t�ran")) {
m = Mode.HM;
} else if (instanceType.contains("Master") || instanceType.contains("ma�tre")) {
m = Mode.NiM;
if (instanceName != null) {
this.instanceName = instanceName;
if (instanceGuid != null) {
this.instanceGuid = Long.valueOf(instanceGuid);
if (s != null && m != null) {
instanceMode = m;
instanceSize = s;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Instance set as " + s + " " + m + " (" + instanceName + " " + instanceGuid + ") at " + Event.formatTs(timestamp));
context.setLocationInfo(new LocationInfo(instanceMode, instanceSize, instanceName, this.instanceGuid));
use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.LocationInfo in project StarParse by Ixale.
the class Parser method processEventCombat.
public void processEventCombat(final Event e) {
// resolve combat
if (combatConnectLimit != null && combatConnectLimit < e.getTimestamp()) {
// window expired, close the running combat for good
final ActorState ac = actorStates.get(e.getSource());
if (isEffectEnterCombat(e) && !isSourceOtherPlayer(e)) /* safety vor v7+ */
if (combatConnectLimit != null) {
// within limit, reopen last combat
combatConnectLimit = null;
} else if (combat != null) {
// sometimes new combat is created even without exiting the previous one
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("New combat was entered without exiting the previous one, silently connecting");
} else {
// setup new combat
combat = new Combat(++combatId, combatLogId, e.getTimestamp(), e.getEventId());
context.getCombatInfo().put(combat.getCombatId(), new CombatInfo(new LocationInfo(instanceMode, instanceSize, instanceName, instanceGuid)));
for (final Actor a : actorStates.keySet()) {
// might have re-specced
actorStates.get(a).role = null;
actorStates.get(a).discipline = null;
if (isUsingMimCrystal) {
context.addCombatEvent(combat.getCombatId(), e.getSource(), Event.Type.NIM_CRYSTAL, e.getTimestamp());
// assemble combat players; make sure SELF is there
for (Map.Entry<Actor, ActorState> entry : actorStates.entrySet()) {
entry.getValue().combatTotalThreat = 0;
if (Actor.Type.SELF.equals(entry.getKey().getType())) {
context.addCombatPlayer(combat, entry.getKey(), entry.getKey().getDiscipline());
} else if (combat != null && combatConnectLimit == null && (isEffectExitCombat(e) || (isTargetThisPlayer(e) && isEffectDeath(e)) || isEffectLoginImmunity(e))) {
// exit event detected (and no window is set yet), setup candidates
if (isEffectExitCombat(e)) {
context.addCombatEvent(combat.getCombatId(), e.getSource(), Event.Type.COMBAT_EXIT, e.getTimestamp());
// ... and setup limit for either revive or quick reconnect (and for lagged damage and healing)
combatConnectLimit = e.getTimestamp() + (isEffectDeath(e) ? // died - setup REVIVE limit
COMBAT_REVIVE_WINDOW : ((lastCombatDropEvent != null && (lastCombatDropEvent.getTimestamp() > (e.getTimestamp() - COMBAT_RETURN_WINDOW)) ? // recent (yet already consumed) combat drop event - "drop->enter->exit[now]->?enter" sequence can happen - setup RETURN window
COMBAT_RETURN_WINDOW : // just regular window for delayed damage/healing events
} else if (combat != null && combatConnectLimit != null) {
if (isTargetThisPlayer(e) && isEffectRevive(e)) {
// revived within REVIVE limit, setup RETURN limit and keep waiting
combatConnectLimit = e.getTimestamp() + COMBAT_RETURN_WINDOW;
} else if (isTargetThisPlayer(e) && isEffectCombatDrop(e)) {
// combat drop detected within DELAY window, setup RETURN limit and keep waiting
combatConnectLimit = e.getTimestamp() + COMBAT_RETURN_WINDOW;
// all combat drops are suspicious as you can drop, enter, kill/discard add, exit combat and then enter again (e.g. Raptus challenge)
lastCombatDropEvent = e;
} else if (isSourceThisPlayer(e) && e.getValue() != null && (e.getThreat() != null || isEffectDamage(e))) {
// gracefully include any delayed damage/healing abilities
// (after dying, DOTs can be still ticking, although causing no threat)
// combat.setTimeTo(e.getTimestamp()); // do not extend, keep the original time
if (combat != null && isEffectDeath(e)) {
context.addCombatEvent(combat.getCombatId(), e.getTarget(), Event.Type.DEATH, e.getTimestamp());
// resolve effective threat
if (combat != null && ac != null && e.getThreat() != null) {
if (ac.combatTotalThreat + e.getThreat() < 0) {
e.setEffectiveThreat(ac.combatTotalThreat * -1);
ac.combatTotalThreat = 0;
} else {
ac.combatTotalThreat += e.getThreat();
// resolve combat phase (ignore target set/cleared to avoid confusion)
if (combat != null && combat.getBoss() != null && !(e.getEffect() != null && (e.getEffect().getGuid().equals(EntityGuid.TargetSet.getGuid()) || e.getEffect().getGuid().equals(EntityGuid.TargetCleared.getGuid())))) {
final String newBossPhaseName;
if ((newBossPhaseName = combat.getBoss().getRaid().getNewPhaseName(e, combat, currentBossPhase != null ? currentBossPhase.getName() : null)) != null) {
// new phase detected
if (currentBossPhase != null) {
// close old - bounds are explicitly as <from, to)
closePhase(currentBossPhase, e.getEventId() - 1, e.getTimestamp() - combat.getTimeFrom() - 1);
// setup new (if this is the very first one, assume it started at the beginning of this combat)
currentBossPhase = new Phase(++phaseId, newBossPhaseName, Phase.Type.BOSS, combat.getCombatId(), (currentBossPhase == null ? combat.getEventIdFrom() : e.getEventId()), (currentBossPhase == null ? 0 : e.getTimestamp() - combat.getTimeFrom()));
if (combatBossUpgrade != null && e.getAbility() != null && e.getAbility().getGuid() != null) {
resolveCombatUpgrade(combatBossUpgrade.upgradeByAbility(e.getAbility().getGuid(), e.getEffect().getGuid(), e.getValue()), false);
// resolve damage phase
if (combat != null && isSourceThisPlayer(e) && isEffectDamage(e) && e.getValue() > 0) {
if (firstDamageEvent == null) {
// open new damage phase
firstDamageEvent = e;
} else if (lastDamageEvent != null && (lastDamageEvent.getTimestamp() + PHASE_DAMAGE_WINDOW < e.getTimestamp())) {
// close damage phase and open new one
createDamagePhase(firstDamageEvent, lastDamageEvent);
lastDamageEvent = null;
firstDamageEvent = e;
} else {
// prolong current damage phase
lastDamageEvent = e;
// resolve discipline
if (combat != null && ac != null && ac.discipline == null) {
if (!ac.isDualWield && isEffectDualWield(e)) {
ac.isDualWield = true;
if (isEffectAbilityActivate(e)) {
ac.discipline = getDiscipline(e.getAbility().getGuid(), ac.isDualWield);
if (ac.discipline != null) {
ac.role = ac.discipline.getRole();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(e.getSource() + ": Discipline detected as [" + ac.discipline + "] at " + e.getTs());
if (isEffectiveLogged || Actor.Type.SELF.equals(e.getSource().getType())) {
context.addCombatPlayer(combat, e.getSource(), ac.discipline);
if (isSourceThisPlayer(e)) {
// self
if (!CharacterRole.HEALER.equals(ac.discipline.getRole())) {
// make sure its reset