use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.AbsorptionStats in project StarParse by Ixale.
the class CombatDaoImpl method getAbsorptionStats.
public List<AbsorptionStats> getAbsorptionStats(final Combat combat, final CombatSelection combatSel, final String playerName) throws Exception {
final Boundaries bounds = getBoundaries(combat, combatSel);
final Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("eventIdFrom", bounds.eventIdFrom);
args.put("eventIdTo", bounds.eventIdTo);
args.put("playerName", playerName == null ? getCharacterName(combat) : playerName);
return getJdbcTemplate().query(SQL_GET_ABSORPTION_TAKEN_TOTALS, args, (rs, rowNum) -> new AbsorptionStats(rs.getString("source_name"), EntityGuid.fromGuid(rs.getLong("effect_guid"), rs.getString("effect_name")), rs.getInt("total")));
use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.AbsorptionStats in project StarParse by Ixale.
the class RaidPresenter method getShieldingSelf.
// TODO: move this somewhere more proper
public int[] getShieldingSelf(int tick) throws Exception {
if (lastCombat == null || combatLogName == null || characterName == null) {
return null;
if (!raidTable.getItems().isEmpty() && context.getCombatSelection() == null) {
// load from normally from the table
return new int[] { getShieldingTotal(characterName), getShieldingPerSecond(characterName) };
// try to load from the cache (if raiding was active)
final Collection<RaidCombatMessage> messages = getCombatUpdates(combatLogName, lastCombat);
int total = 0;
if (messages != null && context.getCombatSelection() == null) {
for (final RaidCombatMessage message : messages) {
if (message.getAbsorptionStats() != null) {
for (final AbsorptionStats s : message.getAbsorptionStats()) {
if (characterName.equals(s.getSource())) {
total += s.getTotal();
} else {
// last resort - load parsed data (self-only)
final List<AbsorptionStats> as = eventService.getAbsorptionStats(lastCombat, context.getCombatSelection(), characterName);
for (final AbsorptionStats abs : as) {
if (characterName.equals(abs.getSource())) {
total += abs.getTotal();
return new int[] { total, tick <= 0 ? 0 : (int) Math.round(total * 1000.0 / tick) };
use of com.ixale.starparse.domain.stats.AbsorptionStats in project StarParse by Ixale.
the class RaidPresenter method fillAbsorption.
private void fillAbsorption(final RaidItem item) {
int total = 0;
for (String target : absorptions.keySet()) {
for (AbsorptionStats as : absorptions.get(target)) {
if (Format.getRealNameEvenForFakePlayer(item.getName()).equals(as.getSource())) {
total += as.getTotal();
item.sps.set((int) Math.round(total * 1000.0 / item.time.get()));