use of com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.psi.OCFile in project intellij by bazelbuild.
the class IwyuPragmasTest method hasSuffixSoNoMatch_parseKeep.
public void hasSuffixSoNoMatch_parseKeep() {
OCFile file = createFile("", "#include \"f/foo1.h\" // IWYU pragma: keepaway", "#include \"f/foo2.h\" // IWYU pragma: keep");
IwyuPragmas pragmas = IwyuPragmas.parse(file);
assertThat(pragmas.keeps).containsExactly(KeepPragma.create(IncludePath.create("f/foo2.h", Delimiters.QUOTES)));
use of com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.psi.OCFile in project intellij by bazelbuild.
the class IwyuPragmasTest method noPathYet_parse.
public void noPathYet_parse() {
OCFile file = createFile("", "#include <memory>", "#include ");
IwyuPragmas pragmas = IwyuPragmas.parse(file);
use of com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.psi.OCFile in project intellij by bazelbuild.
the class IwyuPragmasTest method hasMultipleOtherOrder_parsePrivate.
public void hasMultipleOtherOrder_parsePrivate() {
// Like hasMultiple_parsePrivate, but with order swapped
OCFile file = createFile("private.h", "// Stuff", "// IWYU pragma: private, include \"public.h\"", "// IWYU pragma: private", "#include \"private_details.h\"");
IwyuPragmas pragmas = IwyuPragmas.parse(file);
PrivatePragma privatePragma = pragmas.privatePragma.get();
use of com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.psi.OCFile in project intellij by bazelbuild.
the class IwyuPragmasTest method hasMultiple_parsePrivate.
public void hasMultiple_parsePrivate() {
// We shouldn't have multiple private pragmas, but we just take the last one.
// An alternative might be to take the most descriptive one (when there is a unique
// most descriptive one).
OCFile file = createFile("private.h", "// Stuff", "// IWYU pragma: private", "// IWYU pragma: private, include \"public.h\"", "#include \"private_details.h\"");
IwyuPragmas pragmas = IwyuPragmas.parse(file);
PrivatePragma privatePragma = pragmas.privatePragma.get();
assertThat(privatePragma.includeOther.get()).isEqualTo(IncludePath.create("public.h", Delimiters.QUOTES));
use of com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.psi.OCFile in project intellij by bazelbuild.
the class IwyuPragmasTest method incomplete_parsePrivate.
public void incomplete_parsePrivate() {
OCFile file = createFile("private.h", "// Stuff", "// IWYU pragma: privat", "#include \"private_details.h\"");
IwyuPragmas pragmas = IwyuPragmas.parse(file);