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Example 6 with CubeMapWrapper

use of com.jme3.environment.util.CubeMapWrapper in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class EnvMapUtils method getSphericalHarmonicsCoefficents.

     * Returns the Spherical Harmonics coefficients for this cube map.
     * The method used is the one from this article :
     * Also good resources on spherical harmonics
     * @param cubeMap the environment cube map to compute SH for
     * @param fixSeamsMethod method to fix seams when computing the SH
     * coefficients
     * @return an array of 9 vector3f representing thos coefficients for each
     * r,g,b channnel
public static Vector3f[] getSphericalHarmonicsCoefficents(TextureCubeMap cubeMap, FixSeamsMethod fixSeamsMethod) {
    Vector3f[] shCoef = new Vector3f[NUM_SH_COEFFICIENT];
    float[] shDir = new float[9];
    float weightAccum = 0.0f;
    float weight;
    if (cubeMap.getImage().getData(0) == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("The cube map must contain Efficient data, if you rendered the cube map on the GPU plase use renderer.readFrameBuffer, to create a CPU image");
    int width = cubeMap.getImage().getWidth();
    int height = cubeMap.getImage().getHeight();
    Vector3f texelVect = new Vector3f();
    ColorRGBA color = new ColorRGBA();
    CubeMapWrapper envMapReader = new CubeMapWrapper(cubeMap);
    for (int face = 0; face < 6; face++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                weight = getSolidAngleAndVector(x, y, width, face, texelVect, fixSeamsMethod);
                evalShBasis(texelVect, shDir);
                envMapReader.getPixel(x, y, face, color);
                for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SH_COEFFICIENT; i++) {
                    if (shCoef[i] == null) {
                        shCoef[i] = new Vector3f();
                    shCoef[i].setX(shCoef[i].x + color.r * shDir[i] * weight);
                    shCoef[i].setY(shCoef[i].y + color.g * shDir[i] * weight);
                    shCoef[i].setZ(shCoef[i].z + color.b * shDir[i] * weight);
                weightAccum += weight;
    /* Normalization - The sum of solid angle should be equal to the solid angle of the sphere (4 PI), so
         * normalize in order our weightAccum exactly match 4 PI. */
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SH_COEFFICIENT; ++i) {
        shCoef[i].multLocal(4.0f * PI / weightAccum);
    return shCoef;
Also used : ColorRGBA(com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA) Vector3f(com.jme3.math.Vector3f)

Example 7 with CubeMapWrapper

use of com.jme3.environment.util.CubeMapWrapper in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class IrradianceMapGenerator method generateIrradianceMap.

     * Generates the Irradiance map (used for image based difuse lighting) from
     * Spherical Harmonics coefficients previously computed with
     * {@link EnvMapUtils#getSphericalHarmonicsCoefficents(com.jme3.texture.TextureCubeMap)}
     * @param shCoeffs the SH coeffs
     * @param targetMapSize the size of the irradiance map to generate
     * @param fixSeamsMethod the method to fix seams
     * @param store
     * @return The irradiance cube map for the given coefficients
public TextureCubeMap generateIrradianceMap(Vector3f[] shCoeffs, int targetMapSize, EnvMapUtils.FixSeamsMethod fixSeamsMethod, TextureCubeMap store) {
    TextureCubeMap irrCubeMap = store;
    setEnd(6 + 6);
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        ByteBuffer buf = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(targetMapSize * targetMapSize * store.getImage().getFormat().getBitsPerPixel() / 8);
        irrCubeMap.getImage().setData(i, buf);
    Vector3f texelVect = new Vector3f();
    ColorRGBA color = new ColorRGBA(ColorRGBA.Black);
    float[] shDir = new float[9];
    CubeMapWrapper envMapWriter = new CubeMapWrapper(irrCubeMap);
    for (int face = 0; face < 6; face++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < targetMapSize; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < targetMapSize; x++) {
                EnvMapUtils.getVectorFromCubemapFaceTexCoord(x, y, targetMapSize, face, texelVect, fixSeamsMethod);
                EnvMapUtils.evalShBasis(texelVect, shDir);
                color.set(0, 0, 0, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < EnvMapUtils.NUM_SH_COEFFICIENT; i++) {
                    color.set(color.r + shCoeffs[i].x * shDir[i] * shBandFactor[i], color.g + shCoeffs[i].y * shDir[i] * shBandFactor[i], color.b + shCoeffs[i].z * shDir[i] * shBandFactor[i], 1.0f);
                //clamping the color because very low value close to zero produce artifacts
                color.r = Math.max(0.0001f, color.r);
                color.g = Math.max(0.0001f, color.g);
                color.b = Math.max(0.0001f, color.b);
                envMapWriter.setPixel(x, y, face, color);
    return irrCubeMap;
Also used : ColorRGBA(com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA) TextureCubeMap(com.jme3.texture.TextureCubeMap) Vector3f(com.jme3.math.Vector3f) CubeMapWrapper(com.jme3.environment.util.CubeMapWrapper) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)

Example 8 with CubeMapWrapper

use of com.jme3.environment.util.CubeMapWrapper in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class PrefilteredEnvMapFaceGenerator method generatePrefilteredEnvMap.

     * Generates the prefiltered env map (used for image based specular
     * lighting) With the GGX/Shlick brdf
     * {@link EnvMapUtils#getSphericalHarmonicsCoefficents(com.jme3.texture.TextureCubeMap)}
     * Note that the output cube map is in RGBA8 format.
     * @param sourceEnvMap
     * @param targetMapSize the size of the irradiance map to generate
     * @param store
     * @param fixSeamsMethod the method to fix seams
     * @return The irradiance cube map for the given coefficients
private TextureCubeMap generatePrefilteredEnvMap(TextureCubeMap sourceEnvMap, int targetMapSize, EnvMapUtils.FixSeamsMethod fixSeamsMethod, TextureCubeMap store) {
    TextureCubeMap pem = store;
    int nbMipMap = (int) (Math.log(targetMapSize) / Math.log(2) - 1);
    CubeMapWrapper sourceWrapper = new CubeMapWrapper(sourceEnvMap);
    CubeMapWrapper targetWrapper = new CubeMapWrapper(pem);
    Vector3f texelVect = new Vector3f();
    Vector3f color = new Vector3f();
    ColorRGBA outColor = new ColorRGBA();
    for (int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < nbMipMap; mipLevel++) {
        float roughness = getRoughnessFromMip(mipLevel, nbMipMap);
        int nbSamples = getSampleFromMip(mipLevel, nbMipMap);
        int targetMipMapSize = (int) pow(2, nbMipMap + 1 - mipLevel);
        for (int y = 0; y < targetMipMapSize; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < targetMipMapSize; x++) {
                color.set(0, 0, 0);
                getVectorFromCubemapFaceTexCoord(x, y, targetMipMapSize, face, texelVect, EnvMapUtils.FixSeamsMethod.Wrap);
                prefilterEnvMapTexel(sourceWrapper, roughness, texelVect, nbSamples, color);
                outColor.set(Math.max(color.x, 0.0001f), Math.max(color.y, 0.0001f), Math.max(color.z, 0.0001f), 1);
                log.log(Level.FINE, "coords {0},{1}", new Object[] { x, y });
                targetWrapper.setPixel(x, y, face, mipLevel, outColor);
    return pem;
Also used : ColorRGBA(com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA) TextureCubeMap(com.jme3.texture.TextureCubeMap) Vector3f(com.jme3.math.Vector3f) CubeMapWrapper(com.jme3.environment.util.CubeMapWrapper) EnvMapUtils.getHammersleyPoint(com.jme3.environment.util.EnvMapUtils.getHammersleyPoint)


Vector3f (com.jme3.math.Vector3f)7 ColorRGBA (com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA)6 TextureCubeMap (com.jme3.texture.TextureCubeMap)5 CubeMapWrapper (com.jme3.environment.util.CubeMapWrapper)2 EnvMapUtils.getHammersleyPoint (com.jme3.environment.util.EnvMapUtils.getHammersleyPoint)2 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)2 Vector4f (com.jme3.math.Vector4f)1 TempVars (com.jme3.util.TempVars)1