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Example 1 with ConditionParser

use of com.jme3.material.plugins.ConditionParser in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class Glsl100ShaderGenerator method updateDefinesName.

     * transforms defines name is the shader node code.
     * One can use a #if defined(inputVariableName) in a shaderNode code.
     * This method is responsible for changing the variable name with the 
     * appropriate defined based on the mapping condition of this variable.
     * Complex condition syntax are handled.     
     * @param nodeSource the sahderNode source code
     * @param shaderNode the ShaderNode being processed
     * @return the modified shaderNode source.
protected String updateDefinesName(String nodeSource, ShaderNode shaderNode) {
    String[] lines = nodeSource.split("\\n");
    ConditionParser parser = new ConditionParser();
    for (String line : lines) {
        if (line.trim().startsWith("#if")) {
            List<String> params = parser.extractDefines(line.trim());
            String l = line.trim().replaceAll("defined", "").replaceAll("#if ", "").replaceAll("#ifdef", "");
            boolean match = false;
            for (String param : params) {
                for (VariableMapping map : shaderNode.getInputMapping()) {
                    if ((map.getLeftVariable().getName()).equals(param)) {
                        if (map.getCondition() != null) {
                            l = l.replaceAll(param, map.getCondition());
                            match = true;
            if (match) {
                nodeSource = nodeSource.replace(line.trim(), "#if " + l);
    return nodeSource;
Also used : ConditionParser(com.jme3.material.plugins.ConditionParser)


ConditionParser (com.jme3.material.plugins.ConditionParser)1