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Example 16 with Uniform

use of com.jme3.shader.Uniform in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class GLRenderer method updateShaderData.

public void updateShaderData(Shader shader) {
    int id = shader.getId();
    boolean needRegister = false;
    if (id == -1) {
        // create program
        id = gl.glCreateProgram();
        if (id == 0) {
            throw new RendererException("Invalid ID (" + id + ") received when trying to create shader program.");
        needRegister = true;
    // If using GLSL 1.5, we bind the outputs for the user
    // For versions 3.3 and up, user should use layout qualifiers instead.
    boolean bindFragDataRequired = false;
    for (ShaderSource source : shader.getSources()) {
        if (source.isUpdateNeeded()) {
        if (source.getType() == ShaderType.Fragment && source.getLanguage().equals("GLSL150")) {
            bindFragDataRequired = true;
        gl.glAttachShader(id, source.getId());
    if (bindFragDataRequired) {
        // Check if GLSL version is 1.5 for shader
        gl3.glBindFragDataLocation(id, 0, "outFragColor");
        // For MRT
        for (int i = 0; i < limits.get(Limits.FrameBufferMrtAttachments); i++) {
            gl3.glBindFragDataLocation(id, i, "outFragData[" + i + "]");
    // Link shaders to program
    // Check link status
    gl.glGetProgram(id, GL.GL_LINK_STATUS, intBuf1);
    boolean linkOK = intBuf1.get(0) == GL.GL_TRUE;
    String infoLog = null;
    if (VALIDATE_SHADER || !linkOK) {
        gl.glGetProgram(id, GL.GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, intBuf1);
        int length = intBuf1.get(0);
        if (length > 3) {
            // get infos
            infoLog = gl.glGetProgramInfoLog(id, length);
    if (linkOK) {
        if (infoLog != null) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Shader linked successfully. Linker warnings: \n{0}", infoLog);
        } else {
            logger.fine("Shader linked successfully.");
        if (needRegister) {
            // Register shader for clean up if it was created in this method.
        } else {
            // OpenGL spec: uniform locations may change after re-link
    } else {
        if (infoLog != null) {
            throw new RendererException("Shader failed to link, shader:" + shader + "\n" + infoLog);
        } else {
            throw new RendererException("Shader failed to link, shader:" + shader + "\ninfo: <not provided>");
Also used : ShaderSource(com.jme3.shader.Shader.ShaderSource)

Example 17 with Uniform

use of com.jme3.shader.Uniform in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class SinglePassAndImageBasedLightingLogic method updateLightListUniforms.

     * Uploads the lights in the light list as two uniform arrays.<br/><br/> *
     * <p>
     * <code>uniform vec4 g_LightColor[numLights];</code><br/> //
     * g_LightColor.rgb is the diffuse/specular color of the light.<br/> //
     * g_Lightcolor.a is the type of light, 0 = Directional, 1 = Point, <br/> //
     * 2 = Spot. <br/> <br/>
     * <code>uniform vec4 g_LightPosition[numLights];</code><br/> //
     * is the position of the light (for point lights)<br/>
     * // or the direction of the light (for directional lights).<br/> //
     * g_LightPosition.w is the inverse radius (1/r) of the light (for
     * attenuation) <br/> </p>
protected int updateLightListUniforms(Shader shader, Geometry g, LightList lightList, int numLights, RenderManager rm, int startIndex, int lastTexUnit) {
    if (numLights == 0) {
        // this shader does not do lighting, ignore.
        return 0;
    Uniform lightData = shader.getUniform("g_LightData");
    //8 lights * max 3
    lightData.setVector4Length(numLights * 3);
    Uniform ambientColor = shader.getUniform("g_AmbientLightColor");
    Uniform lightProbeData = shader.getUniform("g_LightProbeData");
    Uniform lightProbeIrrMap = shader.getUniform("g_IrradianceMap");
    Uniform lightProbePemMap = shader.getUniform("g_PrefEnvMap");
    lightProbe = null;
    if (startIndex != 0) {
        // apply additive blending for 2nd and future passes
        ambientColor.setValue(VarType.Vector4, ColorRGBA.Black);
    } else {
        lightProbe = extractIndirectLights(lightList, true);
        ambientColor.setValue(VarType.Vector4, ambientLightColor);
    //If there is a lightProbe in the list we force it's render on the first pass
    if (lightProbe != null) {
        BoundingSphere s = (BoundingSphere) lightProbe.getBounds();
        lightProbeData.setVector4InArray(lightProbe.getPosition().x, lightProbe.getPosition().y, lightProbe.getPosition().z, 1f / s.getRadius(), 0);
        //assigning new texture indexes
        int irrUnit = lastTexUnit++;
        int pemUnit = lastTexUnit++;
        rm.getRenderer().setTexture(irrUnit, lightProbe.getIrradianceMap());
        lightProbeIrrMap.setValue(VarType.Int, irrUnit);
        rm.getRenderer().setTexture(pemUnit, lightProbe.getPrefilteredEnvMap());
        lightProbePemMap.setValue(VarType.Int, pemUnit);
    } else {
        //Disable IBL for this pass
        lightProbeData.setVector4InArray(0, 0, 0, -1, 0);
    int lightDataIndex = 0;
    TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
    Vector4f tmpVec = vars.vect4f1;
    int curIndex;
    int endIndex = numLights + startIndex;
    for (curIndex = startIndex; curIndex < endIndex && curIndex < lightList.size(); curIndex++) {
        Light l = lightList.get(curIndex);
        if (l.getType() == Light.Type.Ambient) {
        ColorRGBA color = l.getColor();
        if (l.getType() != Light.Type.Probe) {
            lightData.setVector4InArray(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), l.getType().getId(), lightDataIndex);
        switch(l.getType()) {
            case Directional:
                DirectionalLight dl = (DirectionalLight) l;
                Vector3f dir = dl.getDirection();
                //Data directly sent in view space to avoid a matrix mult for each pixel
                tmpVec.set(dir.getX(), dir.getY(), dir.getZ(), 0.0f);
                lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), -1, lightDataIndex);
                lightData.setVector4InArray(0, 0, 0, 0, lightDataIndex);
            case Point:
                PointLight pl = (PointLight) l;
                Vector3f pos = pl.getPosition();
                float invRadius = pl.getInvRadius();
                tmpVec.set(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), 1.0f);
                lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), invRadius, lightDataIndex);
                lightData.setVector4InArray(0, 0, 0, 0, lightDataIndex);
            case Spot:
                SpotLight sl = (SpotLight) l;
                Vector3f pos2 = sl.getPosition();
                Vector3f dir2 = sl.getDirection();
                float invRange = sl.getInvSpotRange();
                float spotAngleCos = sl.getPackedAngleCos();
                tmpVec.set(pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), pos2.getZ(), 1.0f);
                lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), invRange, lightDataIndex);
                tmpVec.set(dir2.getX(), dir2.getY(), dir2.getZ(), 0.0f);
                lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), spotAngleCos, lightDataIndex);
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown type of light: " + l.getType());
    //Padding of unsued buffer space
    while (lightDataIndex < numLights * 3) {
        lightData.setVector4InArray(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, lightDataIndex);
    return curIndex;
Also used : BoundingSphere(com.jme3.bounding.BoundingSphere) TempVars(com.jme3.util.TempVars)

Example 18 with Uniform

use of com.jme3.shader.Uniform in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class SinglePassLightingLogic method updateLightListUniforms.

     * Uploads the lights in the light list as two uniform arrays.<br/><br/> *
     * <p>
     * <code>uniform vec4 g_LightColor[numLights];</code><br/> //
     * g_LightColor.rgb is the diffuse/specular color of the light.<br/> //
     * g_Lightcolor.a is the type of light, 0 = Directional, 1 = Point, <br/> //
     * 2 = Spot. <br/> <br/>
     * <code>uniform vec4 g_LightPosition[numLights];</code><br/> //
     * is the position of the light (for point lights)<br/>
     * // or the direction of the light (for directional lights).<br/> //
     * g_LightPosition.w is the inverse radius (1/r) of the light (for
     * attenuation) <br/> </p>
protected int updateLightListUniforms(Shader shader, Geometry g, LightList lightList, int numLights, RenderManager rm, int startIndex) {
    if (numLights == 0) {
        // this shader does not do lighting, ignore.
        return 0;
    Uniform lightData = shader.getUniform("g_LightData");
    //8 lights * max 3
    lightData.setVector4Length(numLights * 3);
    Uniform ambientColor = shader.getUniform("g_AmbientLightColor");
    if (startIndex != 0) {
        // apply additive blending for 2nd and future passes
        ambientColor.setValue(VarType.Vector4, ColorRGBA.Black);
    } else {
        ambientColor.setValue(VarType.Vector4, getAmbientColor(lightList, true, ambientLightColor));
    int lightDataIndex = 0;
    TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
    Vector4f tmpVec = vars.vect4f1;
    int curIndex;
    int endIndex = numLights + startIndex;
    for (curIndex = startIndex; curIndex < endIndex && curIndex < lightList.size(); curIndex++) {
        Light l = lightList.get(curIndex);
        if (l.getType() == Light.Type.Ambient) {
        ColorRGBA color = l.getColor();
        lightData.setVector4InArray(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), l.getType().getId(), lightDataIndex);
        switch(l.getType()) {
            case Directional:
                DirectionalLight dl = (DirectionalLight) l;
                Vector3f dir = dl.getDirection();
                //Data directly sent in view space to avoid a matrix mult for each pixel
                tmpVec.set(dir.getX(), dir.getY(), dir.getZ(), 0.0f);
                rm.getCurrentCamera().getViewMatrix().mult(tmpVec, tmpVec);
                //                        tmpVec.divideLocal(tmpVec.w);
                //                        tmpVec.normalizeLocal();
                lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), -1, lightDataIndex);
                lightData.setVector4InArray(0, 0, 0, 0, lightDataIndex);
            case Point:
                PointLight pl = (PointLight) l;
                Vector3f pos = pl.getPosition();
                float invRadius = pl.getInvRadius();
                tmpVec.set(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), 1.0f);
                rm.getCurrentCamera().getViewMatrix().mult(tmpVec, tmpVec);
                lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), invRadius, lightDataIndex);
                lightData.setVector4InArray(0, 0, 0, 0, lightDataIndex);
            case Spot:
                SpotLight sl = (SpotLight) l;
                Vector3f pos2 = sl.getPosition();
                Vector3f dir2 = sl.getDirection();
                float invRange = sl.getInvSpotRange();
                float spotAngleCos = sl.getPackedAngleCos();
                tmpVec.set(pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), pos2.getZ(), 1.0f);
                rm.getCurrentCamera().getViewMatrix().mult(tmpVec, tmpVec);
                // tmpVec.divideLocal(tmpVec.w);
                lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), invRange, lightDataIndex);
                //We transform the spot direction in view space here to save 5 varying later in the lighting shader
                //one vec4 less and a vec4 that becomes a vec3
                //the downside is that spotAngleCos decoding happens now in the frag shader.
                tmpVec.set(dir2.getX(), dir2.getY(), dir2.getZ(), 0.0f);
                rm.getCurrentCamera().getViewMatrix().mult(tmpVec, tmpVec);
                lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), spotAngleCos, lightDataIndex);
            case Probe:
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown type of light: " + l.getType());
    //Padding of unsued buffer space
    while (lightDataIndex < numLights * 3) {
        lightData.setVector4InArray(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, lightDataIndex);
    return curIndex;
Also used : Vector4f(com.jme3.math.Vector4f) ColorRGBA(com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA) DirectionalLight(com.jme3.light.DirectionalLight) SpotLight(com.jme3.light.SpotLight) Light(com.jme3.light.Light) PointLight(com.jme3.light.PointLight) DirectionalLight(com.jme3.light.DirectionalLight) Vector3f(com.jme3.math.Vector3f) Uniform(com.jme3.shader.Uniform) TempVars(com.jme3.util.TempVars) PointLight(com.jme3.light.PointLight) SpotLight(com.jme3.light.SpotLight)

Example 19 with Uniform

use of com.jme3.shader.Uniform in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class Material method render.

     * Called by {@link RenderManager} to render the geometry by
     * using this material.
     * <p>
     * The material is rendered as follows:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Determine which technique to use to render the material -
     * either what the user selected via
     * {@link #selectTechnique(java.lang.String, com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager)
     * Material.selectTechnique()},
     * or the first default technique that the renderer supports
     * (based on the technique's {@link TechniqueDef#getRequiredCaps() requested rendering capabilities})<ul>
     * <li>If the technique has been changed since the last frame, then it is notified via
     * {@link Technique#makeCurrent(com.jme3.asset.AssetManager, boolean, java.util.EnumSet)
     * Technique.makeCurrent()}.
     * If the technique wants to use a shader to render the model, it should load it at this part -
     * the shader should have all the proper defines as declared in the technique definition,
     * including those that are bound to material parameters.
     * The technique can re-use the shader from the last frame if
     * no changes to the defines occurred.</li></ul>
     * <li>Set the {@link RenderState} to use for rendering. The render states are
     * applied in this order (later RenderStates override earlier RenderStates):<ol>
     * <li>{@link TechniqueDef#getRenderState() Technique Definition's RenderState}
     * - i.e. specific renderstate that is required for the shader.</li>
     * <li>{@link #getAdditionalRenderState() Material Instance Additional RenderState}
     * - i.e. ad-hoc renderstate set per model</li>
     * <li>{@link RenderManager#getForcedRenderState() RenderManager's Forced RenderState}
     * - i.e. renderstate requested by a {@link} or
     * post-processing filter.</li></ol>
     * <li>If the technique {@link TechniqueDef#isUsingShaders() uses a shader}, then the uniforms of the shader must be updated.<ul>
     * <li>Uniforms bound to material parameters are updated based on the current material parameter values.</li>
     * <li>Uniforms bound to world parameters are updated from the RenderManager.
     * Internally {@link UniformBindingManager} is used for this task.</li>
     * <li>Uniforms bound to textures will cause the texture to be uploaded as necessary.
     * The uniform is set to the texture unit where the texture is bound.</li></ul>
     * <li>If the technique uses a shader, the model is then rendered according
     * to the lighting mode specified on the technique definition.<ul>
     * <li>{@link LightMode#SinglePass single pass light mode} fills the shader's light uniform arrays
     * with the first 4 lights and renders the model once.</li>
     * <li>{@link LightMode#MultiPass multi pass light mode} light mode renders the model multiple times,
     * for the first light it is rendered opaque, on subsequent lights it is
     * rendered with {@link BlendMode#AlphaAdditive alpha-additive} blending and depth writing disabled.</li>
     * </ul>
     * <li>For techniques that do not use shaders,
     * fixed function OpenGL is used to render the model (see {@link GL1Renderer} interface):<ul>
     * <li>OpenGL state ({@link FixedFuncBinding}) that is bound to material parameters is updated. </li>
     * <li>The texture set on the material is uploaded and bound.
     * Currently only 1 texture is supported for fixed function techniques.</li>
     * <li>If the technique uses lighting, then OpenGL lighting state is updated
     * based on the light list on the geometry, otherwise OpenGL lighting is disabled.</li>
     * <li>The mesh is uploaded and rendered.</li>
     * </ul>
     * </ul>
     * @param geometry The geometry to render
     * @param lights Presorted and filtered light list to use for rendering
     * @param renderManager The render manager requesting the rendering
public void render(Geometry geometry, LightList lights, RenderManager renderManager) {
    if (technique == null) {
        selectTechnique(TechniqueDef.DEFAULT_TECHNIQUE_NAME, renderManager);
    TechniqueDef techniqueDef = technique.getDef();
    Renderer renderer = renderManager.getRenderer();
    EnumSet<Caps> rendererCaps = renderer.getCaps();
    if (techniqueDef.isNoRender()) {
    // Apply render state
    updateRenderState(renderManager, renderer, techniqueDef);
    // Get world overrides
    SafeArrayList<MatParamOverride> overrides = geometry.getWorldMatParamOverrides();
    // Select shader to use
    Shader shader = technique.makeCurrent(renderManager, overrides, renderManager.getForcedMatParams(), lights, rendererCaps);
    // Begin tracking which uniforms were changed by material.
    // Set uniform bindings
    // Set material parameters
    int unit = updateShaderMaterialParameters(renderer, shader, overrides, renderManager.getForcedMatParams());
    // Clear any uniforms not changed by material.
    // Delegate rendering to the technique
    technique.render(renderManager, shader, geometry, lights, unit);
Also used : Renderer(com.jme3.renderer.Renderer) Shader(com.jme3.shader.Shader) Caps(com.jme3.renderer.Caps)

Example 20 with Uniform

use of com.jme3.shader.Uniform in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class ShaderNodeLoaderDelegate method updateRightFromUniforms.

     * updates the right variable of the given mapping from a MatParam (a
     * WorldParam) it checks if the uniform hasn't already been loaded, add it
     * to the maps if not.
     * @param param the MatParam
     * @param mapping the mapping
     * @param map the map of uniforms to search into
     * @return true if the param was added to the map
public boolean updateRightFromUniforms(MatParam param, VariableMapping mapping, Map<String, DeclaredVariable> map, Statement statement) throws MatParseException {
    ShaderNodeVariable right = mapping.getRightVariable();
    DeclaredVariable dv = map.get(param.getPrefixedName());
    if (dv == null) {
        if (mapping.getLeftVariable().getMultiplicity() != null) {
            if (!param.getVarType().name().endsWith("Array")) {
                throw new MatParseException(param.getName() + " is not of Array type", statement);
            String multiplicity = mapping.getLeftVariable().getMultiplicity();
            try {
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                //multiplicity is not an int attempting to find for a material parameter.
                MatParam mp = findMatParam(multiplicity);
                if (mp != null) {
                    addDefine(multiplicity, VarType.Int);
                    multiplicity = multiplicity.toUpperCase();
                } else {
                    throw new MatParseException("Wrong multiplicity for variable" + mapping.getLeftVariable().getName() + ". " + multiplicity + " should be an int or a declared material parameter.", statement);
        dv = new DeclaredVariable(right);
        map.put(right.getName(), dv);
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : MatParam(com.jme3.material.MatParam) ShaderNodeVariable(com.jme3.shader.ShaderNodeVariable)


Uniform (com.jme3.shader.Uniform)10 Vector3f (com.jme3.math.Vector3f)4 Texture2D (com.jme3.texture.Texture2D)4 Test (org.junit.Test)4 DirectionalLight (com.jme3.light.DirectionalLight)3 PointLight (com.jme3.light.PointLight)3 SpotLight (com.jme3.light.SpotLight)3 ColorRGBA (com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA)3 ShaderNodeVariable (com.jme3.shader.ShaderNodeVariable)3 TempVars (com.jme3.util.TempVars)3 Light (com.jme3.light.Light)2 Vector4f (com.jme3.math.Vector4f)2 Renderer (com.jme3.renderer.Renderer)2 VarType (com.jme3.shader.VarType)2 BoundingSphere (com.jme3.bounding.BoundingSphere)1 AmbientLight (com.jme3.light.AmbientLight)1 MatParam (com.jme3.material.MatParam)1 Quaternion (com.jme3.math.Quaternion)1 Caps (com.jme3.renderer.Caps)1 Mesh (com.jme3.scene.Mesh)1