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Example 1 with IgnoreMessageException

use of com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException in project jsql-injection by ron190.

the class ConnectionUtil method fixCustomRequestMethod.

 * Fix a wrong doing by Java core developers on design of HTTP method definition.
 * Compatible HTTP methods are stored in an array but it cannot be modified in order
 * to define your own method, whereas method should be customizable.
 * @param connection which HTTP method must be customized
 * @param customMethod to set on the connection
 * @throws ProtocolException if backup solution fails during reflectivity
public static void fixCustomRequestMethod(HttpURLConnection connection, String customMethod) throws ProtocolException {
    // Add a default or custom method : check whether we are running on a buggy JRE
    try {
    } catch (final ProtocolException pe) {
        // Ignore
        IgnoreMessageException exceptionIgnored = new IgnoreMessageException(pe);
        LOGGER.trace(exceptionIgnored, exceptionIgnored);
        try {
            final Class<?> httpURLConnectionClass = connection.getClass();
            final Class<?> parentClass = httpURLConnectionClass.getSuperclass();
            final Field methodField;
            Field methods = parentClass.getDeclaredField("methods");
            Array.set(methods.get(connection), 1, customMethod);
            // 'method' field.
            if (parentClass == HttpsURLConnection.class) {
                methodField = parentClass.getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("method");
            } else {
                methodField = parentClass.getDeclaredField("method");
            methodField.set(connection, customMethod);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.warn("Custom Request method definition failed, forcing method GET", e);
Also used : ProtocolException( Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) IgnoreMessageException(com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException) HttpsURLConnection( InjectionFailureException(com.jsql.model.exception.InjectionFailureException) IgnoreMessageException(com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException) IOException( ProtocolException(

Example 2 with IgnoreMessageException

use of com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException in project jsql-injection by ron190.

the class DiffMatchPatch method patchFromText.

 * Parse a textual representation of patches and return a List of Patch
 * objects.
 * @param textline Text representation of patches.
 * @return List of Patch objects.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If invalid input.
 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
public List<Patch> patchFromText(String textline) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    List<Patch> patches = new LinkedList<>();
    if (textline.length() == 0) {
        return patches;
    List<String> textList = Arrays.asList(textline.split("\n"));
    Deque<String> text = new LinkedList<>(textList);
    Patch patch;
    Pattern patchHeader = Pattern.compile("^@@ -(\\d+),?(\\d*) \\+(\\d+),?(\\d*) @@$");
    Matcher m;
    char sign;
    String line;
    while (!text.isEmpty()) {
        m = patchHeader.matcher(text.getFirst());
        if (!m.matches()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid patch string: " + text.getFirst());
        patch = new Patch();
        if ( == 0) {
            patch.setStart1(patch.getStart1() - 1);
        } else if ("0".equals( {
        } else {
            patch.setStart1(patch.getStart1() - 1);
        if ( == 0) {
            patch.setStart2(patch.getStart2() - 1);
        } else if ("0".equals( {
        } else {
            patch.setStart2(patch.getStart2() - 1);
        while (!text.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                sign = text.getFirst().charAt(0);
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                // Ignore
                IgnoreMessageException exceptionIgnored = new IgnoreMessageException(e);
                LOGGER.trace(exceptionIgnored, exceptionIgnored);
                // Blank line?  Whatever.
            line = text.getFirst().substring(1);
            // decode would change all "+" to " "
            line = line.replace("+", "%2B");
            try {
                line = URLDecoder.decode(line,;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                // Malformed URI sequence.
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal escape in patch_fromText: " + line, e);
            if (sign == '-') {
                // Deletion.
                patch.getDiffs().add(new Diff(Operation.DELETE, line));
            } else if (sign == '+') {
                // Insertion.
                patch.getDiffs().add(new Diff(Operation.INSERT, line));
            } else if (sign == ' ') {
                // Minor equality.
                patch.getDiffs().add(new Diff(Operation.EQUAL, line));
            } else if (sign == '@') {
                // Start of next patch.
            } else {
                // WTF?
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid patch mode '" + sign + "' in: " + line);
    return patches;
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) IgnoreMessageException(com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 3 with IgnoreMessageException

use of com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException in project jsql-injection by ron190.

the class ObserverInteraction method update.

 * Observer pattern.<br>
 * Receive an update order from the model:<br>
 * - Use the Request message to get the Interaction class,<br>
 * - Pass the parameters to that class.
public void update(Observable model, Object newInteraction) {
    Request interaction = (Request) newInteraction;
    try {
        Class<?> cl = Class.forName(this.packageInteraction + "." + interaction.getMessage());
        Class<?>[] types = new Class[] { Object[].class };
        Constructor<?> ct = cl.getConstructor(types);
        InteractionCommand o2 = (InteractionCommand) ct.newInstance(new Object[] { interaction.getParameters() });
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        // Ignore unused interaction message
        IgnoreMessageException ignore = new IgnoreMessageException(e);
        LOGGER.trace(ignore, ignore);
    } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
        LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : Request(com.jsql.model.bean.util.Request) IgnoreMessageException(com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)

Example 4 with IgnoreMessageException

use of com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException in project jsql-injection by ron190.

the class Colorer method processEvent.

private void processEvent(int position, int adjustment) {
    HighlightedDocument doc = this.document.get();
    if (doc == null) {
    // slurp everything up into local variables in case another
    // thread changes them during coloring process
    AttributeSet globalStyle = doc.getGlobalStyle();
    Lexer syntaxLexer = doc.getSyntaxLexer();
    DocumentReader documentReader = doc.getDocumentReader();
    Object docLock = doc.getDocumentLock();
    if (globalStyle != null) {
        int start = Math.min(position, position + adjustment);
        int stop = Math.max(position, position + adjustment);
        synchronized (docLock) {
            doc.setCharacterAttributes(start, stop - start, globalStyle, true);
    SortedSet<DocPosition> workingSet;
    Iterator<DocPosition> workingIt;
    DocPosition startRequest = new DocPosition(position);
    DocPosition endRequest = new DocPosition(position + Math.abs(adjustment));
    DocPosition dp;
    DocPosition dpStart = null;
    DocPosition dpEnd;
    // token before the current position
    try {
        // all the good positions before
        workingSet = this.iniPositions.headSet(startRequest);
        // the last of the stuff before
        dpStart = workingSet.last();
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        // if there were no good positions before the requested
        // start,
        // we can always start at the very beginning.
        dpStart = new DocPosition(0);
        // Ignore
        IgnoreMessageException exceptionIgnored = new IgnoreMessageException(e);
        LOGGER.trace(exceptionIgnored, exceptionIgnored);
    // list.
    if (adjustment < 0) {
        workingSet = this.iniPositions.subSet(startRequest, endRequest);
        workingIt = workingSet.iterator();
        while (workingIt.hasNext()) {
    // adjust the positions of everything after the
    // insertion/removal.
    workingSet = this.iniPositions.tailSet(startRequest);
    workingIt = workingSet.iterator();
    while (workingIt.hasNext()) {;
    // now go through and highlight as much as needed
    workingSet = this.iniPositions.tailSet(dpStart);
    workingIt = workingSet.iterator();
    dp = null;
    if (workingIt.hasNext()) {
        dp =;
    try {
        Token t;
        boolean done = false;
        dpEnd = dpStart;
        synchronized (docLock) {
            // we are playing some games with the lexer for
            // efficiency.
            // we could just create a new lexer each time here,
            // but instead,
            // we will just reset it so that it thinks it is
            // starting at the
            // beginning of the document but reporting a funny
            // start position.
            // Reseting the lexer causes the close() method on
            // the reader
            // to be called but because the close() method has
            // no effect on the
            // DocumentReader, we can do this.
            syntaxLexer.reset(documentReader, 0, dpStart.getPosition(), 0);
            // After the lexer has been set up, scroll the
            // reader so that it
            // is in the correct spot as well.
            // we will highlight tokens until we reach a good
            // stopping place.
            // the first obvious stopping place is the end of
            // the document.
            // the lexer will return null at the end of the
            // document and wee
            // need to stop there.
            t = syntaxLexer.getNextToken();
        while (!done && t != null) {
            // stored in tokenStyles.
            if (t.getCharEnd() <= doc.getLength()) {
                doc.setCharacterAttributes(t.getCharBegin() + this.change, t.getCharEnd() - t.getCharBegin(), TokenStyles.getStyle(t.getDescription()), true);
                // record the position of the last bit of
                // text that we colored
                dpEnd = new DocPosition(t.getCharEnd());
            this.lastPosition = t.getCharEnd() + this.change;
            // from there on is fine already.
            if (t.getState() == Token.INITIAL_STATE) {
                // equal to the current position
                while (dp != null && dp.getPosition() <= t.getCharEnd()) {
                    if (dp.getPosition() == t.getCharEnd() && dp.getPosition() >= endRequest.getPosition()) {
                        // we have found a state that is the
                        // same
                        done = true;
                        dp = null;
                    } else if (workingIt.hasNext()) {
                        // didn't find it, try again.
                        dp =;
                    } else {
                        // didn't find it, and there is no more
                        // info from last
                        // time. This means that we will just
                        // continue
                        // until the end of the document.
                        dp = null;
                // so that we can do this check next time,
                // record all the
                // initial states from this time.
            synchronized (docLock) {
                t = syntaxLexer.getNextToken();
        // remove all the old initial positions from the place
        // where
        // we started doing the highlighting right up through
        // the last
        // bit of text we touched.
        workingIt = this.iniPositions.subSet(dpStart, dpEnd).iterator();
        while (workingIt.hasNext()) {
        // Remove all the positions that are after the end of
        // the file.:
        workingIt = this.iniPositions.tailSet(new DocPosition(doc.getLength())).iterator();
        while (workingIt.hasNext()) {
        // and put the new initial positions that we have found
        // on the list.
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // Ignore
        IgnoreMessageException exceptionIgnored = new IgnoreMessageException(e);
        LOGGER.trace(exceptionIgnored, exceptionIgnored);
    synchronized (docLock) {
        this.lastPosition = -1;
        this.change = 0;
Also used : IgnoreMessageException(com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException) Token(com.jsql.view.swing.sql.lexer.syntax.Token) IOException( Lexer(com.jsql.view.swing.sql.lexer.syntax.Lexer) AttributeSet(javax.swing.text.AttributeSet) NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException)

Example 5 with IgnoreMessageException

use of com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException in project jsql-injection by ron190.

the class DocumentReader method read.

 * Read and fill the buffer.
 * This method will always fill the buffer unless the end of the document is reached.
 * @param cbuf the buffer to fill.
 * @param off offset into the buffer to begin the fill.
 * @param len maximum number of characters to put in the buffer.
 * @return the number of characters read or -1 if no more characters are available in the document.
public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) {
    if (this.position < this.document.getLength()) {
        int length = len;
        if (this.position + length >= this.document.getLength()) {
            length = this.document.getLength() - (int) this.position;
        if (off + length >= cbuf.length) {
            length = cbuf.length - off;
        try {
            String s = this.document.getText((int) this.position, length);
            this.position += length;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                cbuf[off + i] = s.charAt(i);
            return length;
        } catch (BadLocationException e) {
            // Ignore
            IgnoreMessageException exceptionIgnored = new IgnoreMessageException(e);
            LOGGER.trace(exceptionIgnored, exceptionIgnored);
            return -1;
    } else {
        return -1;
Also used : IgnoreMessageException(com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)


IgnoreMessageException (com.jsql.model.exception.IgnoreMessageException)11 InjectionFailureException (com.jsql.model.exception.InjectionFailureException)4 IOException ( Request (com.jsql.model.bean.util.Request)2 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)2 ProtocolException ( Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)2 HttpsURLConnection ( BadLocationException (javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)2 AbstractElementDatabase (com.jsql.model.bean.database.AbstractElementDatabase)1 Database (com.jsql.model.bean.database.Database)1 Table (com.jsql.model.bean.database.Table)1 JSqlException (com.jsql.model.exception.JSqlException)1 SlidingException (com.jsql.model.exception.SlidingException)1 StoppedByUserSlidingException (com.jsql.model.exception.StoppedByUserSlidingException)1 SuspendableGetRows (com.jsql.model.suspendable.SuspendableGetRows)1 DigestMD4 (com.jsql.view.swing.bruteforce.DigestMD4)1 Lexer (com.jsql.view.swing.sql.lexer.syntax.Lexer)1 Token (com.jsql.view.swing.sql.lexer.syntax.Token)1 AWTException (java.awt.AWTException)1