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Example 1 with Huishui

use of com.kendy.entity.Huishui in project financial by greatkendy123.

the class MoneyService method getChuhuishui.

 * 计算出回水
 * 公式:相应团的回水比例 乘以|原始战绩|,若回水比例为无(如公司),则直接返回
public static String getChuhuishui(String zhanji, String teamId) {
    Huishui hs = DataConstans.huishuiMap.get(teamId);
    if (hs == null) {
        return "";
    } else {
        Double hsRate = Double.valueOf(hs.getHuishuiRate());
        Double zj = Double.valueOf(zhanji);
        return Math.abs(zj * hsRate) * -1 + "";
Also used : Huishui(com.kendy.entity.Huishui)

Example 2 with Huishui

use of com.kendy.entity.Huishui in project financial by greatkendy123.

the class MoneyService method isZjManaged.

// 战绩是否管理
private static boolean isZjManaged(String teamId) {
    boolean zjManage = false;
    Huishui hs = DataConstans.huishuiMap.get(teamId);
    if (hs != null) {
        if ("是".equals(hs.getZjManaged())) {
            zjManage = true;
    return zjManage;
Also used : Huishui(com.kendy.entity.Huishui)

Example 3 with Huishui

use of com.kendy.entity.Huishui in project financial by greatkendy123.

the class MoneyService method getHuiBao.

 * 计算回保
 * 不要参考Excel上的公式!!
 * 新公式:保险 * 团队保险比例 * (-1)
public static String getHuiBao(String baoxian, String teamId) {
    if (StringUtil.isBlank(baoxian) || "0".equals(baoxian))
        return "0";
    Huishui hs = DataConstans.huishuiMap.get(teamId);
    if (hs == null) {
        return "0";
    } else {
        String insuranceRate = hs.getInsuranceRate();
        insuranceRate = !StringUtil.isBlank(insuranceRate) ? insuranceRate : "0";
        return Double.valueOf(baoxian) * Double.valueOf(insuranceRate) * (-1) + "";
Also used : Huishui(com.kendy.entity.Huishui)

Example 4 with Huishui

use of com.kendy.entity.Huishui in project financial by greatkendy123.

the class MoneyService method exportTeamhsExcel.

 ***********************   导出团队回水表Excel   ***********************************
public static void exportTeamhsExcel() {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
    String title = "回水表" + sdf.format(new Date());"导出团队回水表Excel:" + title);
    String[] rowsName = new String[] { "团队ID", "团队名字", "比例", "保险比例", "股东", "战绩是否代管理", "备注", "回水比例", "回保比例", "服务费判定" };
    List<Object[]> dataList = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
    Object[] objs = null;
    Map<String, Huishui> huishuiMap = DataConstans.huishuiMap;
    String teamId;
    Huishui hs;
    for (Map.Entry<String, Huishui> entry : huishuiMap.entrySet()) {
        teamId = entry.getKey();
        hs = entry.getValue();
        objs = new Object[rowsName.length];
        objs[0] = teamId;
        objs[1] = hs.getTeamName();
        objs[2] = NumUtil.getPercentStr(NumUtil.getNum(NumUtil.digit4(hs.getHuishuiRate())));
        objs[3] = NumUtil.getPercentStr(NumUtil.getNum(NumUtil.digit4(hs.getInsuranceRate())));
        objs[4] = hs.getGudong();
        objs[5] = hs.getZjManaged();
        // "回水比例","回保比例","服务费判定","服务费判定"
        objs[6] = hs.getBeizhu();
        objs[7] = hs.getProxyHSRate();
        objs[8] = hs.getProxyHBRate();
        objs[9] = hs.getProxyFWF();
    String out = "D:/" + title;
    ExportTeamhsExcel ex = new ExportTeamhsExcel(title, rowsName, dataList, out);
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        ErrorUtil.err("导出回水表Excel失败", e);
Also used : Huishui(com.kendy.entity.Huishui) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Date(java.util.Date) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ExportTeamhsExcel(com.kendy.excel.ExportTeamhsExcel)

Example 5 with Huishui

use of com.kendy.entity.Huishui in project financial by greatkendy123.

the class ShangmaService method resetTeamYajinAndEdu.

 * 重置团队押金与团队额度,包括团可上码
private static void resetTeamYajinAndEdu() {
    // 置零
    // 赋新值
    // 获取团队信息
    String teamId = shangmaTeamIdLabel.getText();
    Huishui hs = DataConstans.huishuiMap.get(teamId);
    if (hs != null) {
        String _teamYajin = hs.getTeamYajin();
        String _teamEdu = hs.getTeamEdu();
        // 计算团队可上码
        // 计算公式:  团队可上码= 押金 + 额度 + 团队战绩 - 团队已上码
        Double teamSMAvailable = NumUtil.getNum(NumUtil.getSum(_teamYajin, _teamEdu, labelZZJ.getText())) - NumUtil.getNum(labelZSM.getText());
        teamShangmaAvailable.setText(teamSMAvailable.intValue() + "");
Also used : Huishui(com.kendy.entity.Huishui)


Huishui (com.kendy.entity.Huishui)24 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 Player (com.kendy.entity.Player)4 Map (java.util.Map)4 TextInputDialog (javafx.scene.control.TextInputDialog)4 InputDialog (com.kendy.util.InputDialog)3 CurrentMoneyInfo (com.kendy.entity.CurrentMoneyInfo)2 ShangmaInfo (com.kendy.entity.ShangmaInfo)2 SMResultModel (com.kendy.model.SMResultModel)2 Wrap (com.kendy.other.Wrap)2 IOException ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)2 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2 Pair (javafx.util.Pair)2 DataConstans (application.DataConstans)1 MyController (application.MyController)1 JSON ( TypeReference (