use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CFunction in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class IfKeyword method process.
public int process(List<ParseTree> list, int keywordPosition) throws ConfigCompileException {
ParseTree node = list.get(keywordPosition);
Target t = node.getTarget();
if (list.size() > keywordPosition + 1) {
if (this.isValidCodeBlock(list.get(keywordPosition + 1))) {
// is a compile error.
if (node.getChildren().size() != 1) {
throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected parameters passed to \"if\" clause, exactly 1 argument" + " must be provided", t);
// use ifelse from the outset
try {
if (nodeIsElseKeyword(list.get(keywordPosition + 2)) && nodeIsIfFunction(list.get(keywordPosition + 3))) {
// It is, convert this into an ifelse
ParseTree newNode = new ParseTree(new CFunction(IFELSE, t), node.getFileOptions());
list.set(keywordPosition, newNode);
node = newNode;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
// Doesn't matter, we're apparently at the end of the stream
node.addChild(getArgumentOrNull(list.get(keywordPosition + 1)));
list.remove(keywordPosition + 1);
while (list.size() > keywordPosition + 1) {
// Now check for elses. Since we've removed the cbrace following the if from the tree, we can continue from keywordPostion + 1
if (nodeIsElseKeyword(list.get(keywordPosition + 1))) {
try {
if (isCodeBlock(list.get(keywordPosition + 2))) {
// So ends the chain
validateCodeBlock(list.get(keywordPosition + 2), "");
node.addChild(getArgumentOrNull(list.get(keywordPosition + 2)));
// remove the else keyword + the brace
list.remove(keywordPosition + 1);
list.remove(keywordPosition + 1);
} else if (nodeIsIfFunction(list.get(keywordPosition + 2))) {
// if(@a){ } else if(@b, @c)
if (list.get(keywordPosition + 2).getChildren().size() != 1) {
throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected parameters passed to \"if\" clause, exactly 1 argument" + " must be provided", list.get(keywordPosition + 2).getTarget());
if (!isCodeBlock(list.get(keywordPosition + 3))) {
throw new ConfigCompileException("Expecting braces after \"if\" clause", list.get(keywordPosition + 3).getTarget());
// Ok, checks are complete, so we can actually construct the arguments now
node.addChild(list.get(keywordPosition + 2).getChildAt(0));
node.addChild(getArgumentOrNull(list.get(keywordPosition + 3)));
// Remove the else, if function, and braces
list.remove(keywordPosition + 1);
list.remove(keywordPosition + 1);
list.remove(keywordPosition + 1);
} else {
// Anything else is unexpected.
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new ConfigCompileException("Expecting either braces, or continuing if statement after \"else\" keyword", list.get(keywordPosition + 1).getTarget());
} else {
// Done with the if else chain
return keywordPosition;
use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CFunction in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class NotInstanceofKeyword method process.
public int process(List<ParseTree> list, int keywordPosition) throws ConfigCompileException {
if (keywordPosition == 0) {
throw new ConfigCompileException("Expected value to proceed \"notinstanceof\" keyword, but no identifiers were found.", list.get(keywordPosition).getTarget());
if (list.size() <= keywordPosition + 1) {
throw new ConfigCompileException("Expected type to follow \"notinstanceof\" keyword, but no type was found.", list.get(keywordPosition).getTarget());
ParseTree node = new ParseTree(new CFunction(INSTANCEOF, list.get(keywordPosition).getTarget()), list.get(keywordPosition).getFileOptions());
node.addChild(list.get(keywordPosition - 1));
node.addChild(list.get(keywordPosition + 1));
ParseTree not = new ParseTree(new CFunction(NOT, list.get(keywordPosition).getTarget()), list.get(keywordPosition).getFileOptions());
// Overwrite the LHS
list.set(keywordPosition - 1, not);
// Remove the keyword
// Remove the RHS
return keywordPosition;
use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CFunction in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class ClosureKeyword method process.
public int process(List<ParseTree> list, int keywordPosition) throws ConfigCompileException {
try {
if (list.get(keywordPosition).getData() instanceof CFunction) {
// It's a function, so do the old processing
SimpleBlockKeywordFunction.doProcess(this.getKeywordName(), null, true, list, keywordPosition);
// easiest if we do the conversion here.
try {
if (list.get(keywordPosition - 1).getData() instanceof CClassType) {
ParseTree type = list.remove(keywordPosition - 1);
List<ParseTree> children = list.get(keywordPosition - 1).getChildren();
children.add(0, type);
list.get(keywordPosition - 1).setChildren(children);
return keywordPosition - 1;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
// Ignore, it's not a typed closure
return keywordPosition;
} else {
// Else it's standalone, so this should be treated as the closure ClassType
list.set(keywordPosition, new ParseTree(CClosure.TYPE, list.get(keywordPosition).getFileOptions()));
return keywordPosition;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected \"closure\" reference", list.get(keywordPosition).getTarget());
use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CFunction in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class DoKeyword method process.
public int process(List<ParseTree> list, int keywordPosition) throws ConfigCompileException {
// We expect the format to be "do" __cbracket__ while, so if this is not the case, we will
// always throw an exception.
Target t = list.get(keywordPosition).getTarget();
try {
ParseTree code = list.get(keywordPosition + 1);
ParseTree _while = list.get(keywordPosition + 2);
this.validateCodeBlock(code, "Missing brace following \"do\" keyword");
if (!(_while.getData() instanceof CFunction) || !_while.getData().val().equals(WHILE)) {
throw new ConfigCompileException("Missing while clause following \"do\" keyword", t);
if (_while.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
throw new ConfigCompileException("Missing argument to while clause", _while.getTarget());
ParseTree dowhile = new ParseTree(new CFunction(DOWHILE, t), list.get(keywordPosition).getFileOptions());
list.set(keywordPosition, dowhile);
list.remove(keywordPosition + 2);
list.remove(keywordPosition + 1);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected keyword \"do\"", t);
return keywordPosition;
use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CFunction in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class ForKeyword method process.
public int process(List<ParseTree> list, int keywordPosition) throws ConfigCompileException {
ParseTree _for = list.get(keywordPosition);
Target t = _for.getTarget();
if (list.size() > keywordPosition + 1) {
// This portion handles the initial code block, i.e. foreach(...){ }
ParseTree codeBlock = list.get(keywordPosition + 1);
if (isCodeBlock(codeBlock)) {
validateCodeBlock(codeBlock, "");
list.remove(keywordPosition + 1);
if (list.size() > keywordPosition + 1) {
// This part handles the else keyword, i.e. foreach(...){ } else { }
ParseTree elseKeyword = list.get(keywordPosition + 1);
// If it's not an else keyword, then we'll leave it alone, and be done.
if (elseKeyword.getData() instanceof CKeyword && elseKeyword.getData().val().equals("else")) {
list.remove(keywordPosition + 1);
ParseTree codeBlock = list.get(keywordPosition + 1);
if (isCodeBlock(codeBlock)) {
validateCodeBlock(codeBlock, "");
// We also have to refactor this into a foreachelse, instead of a foreach.
list.get(keywordPosition).setData(new CFunction(FORELSE, t));
list.remove(keywordPosition + 1);
return keywordPosition;