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Example 1 with CDouble

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class Math method doIncrementDecrement.

 * If we have the case {@code @array[0]++}, we have to increment it as though it were a variable, so we have to do
 * that with execs. This method consolidates the code to do so.
 * @return
protected static Construct doIncrementDecrement(ParseTree[] nodes, Script parent, Environment env, Target t, Function func, boolean pre, boolean inc) {
    if (nodes[0].getData() instanceof CFunction) {
        Function f;
        try {
            f = ((CFunction) nodes[0].getData()).getFunction();
        } catch (ConfigCompileException ex) {
            // This can't really happen, as the compiler would have already caught this
            throw new Error(ex);
        if (f.getName().equals(new ArrayHandling.array_get().getName())) {
            // Ok, so, this is it, we're in charge here.
            long temp;
            long newVal;
            // First, pull out the current value. We're gonna do this manually though, and we will actually
            // skip the whole array_get execution.
            ParseTree eval = nodes[0];
            Construct array = parent.seval(eval.getChildAt(0), env);
            Construct index = parent.seval(eval.getChildAt(1), env);
            Construct cdelta = new CInt(1, t);
            if (nodes.length == 2) {
                cdelta = parent.seval(nodes[1], env);
            long delta = Static.getInt(cdelta, t);
            // First, error check, then get the old value, and store it in temp.
            if (!(array instanceof CArray) && !(array instanceof ArrayAccess)) {
                // Let's just evaluate this like normal with array_get, so it will
                // throw the appropriate exception.
                new ArrayHandling.array_get().exec(t, env, array, index);
                throw ConfigRuntimeException.CreateUncatchableException("Shouldn't have gotten here. Please report this error, and how you got here.", t);
            } else if (!(array instanceof CArray)) {
                // own exception.
                throw new CRECastException("Cannot increment/decrement a non-array array" + " accessed value. (The value passed in was \"" + array.val() + "\")", t);
            } else {
                // Ok, we're good. Data types should all be correct.
                CArray myArray = ((CArray) array);
                Construct value = myArray.get(index, t);
                if (value instanceof CInt || value instanceof CDouble) {
                    temp = Static.getInt(value, t);
                    if (inc) {
                        newVal = temp + delta;
                    } else {
                        newVal = temp - delta;
                    new ArrayHandling.array_set().exec(t, env, array, index, new CInt(newVal, t));
                } else {
                    throw new CRECastException("Cannot increment/decrement a non numeric value.", t);
            long valueToReturn;
            if (pre) {
                valueToReturn = newVal;
            } else {
                valueToReturn = temp;
            return new CInt(valueToReturn, t);
    Construct[] args = new Construct[nodes.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        args[i] = parent.eval(nodes[i], env);
    return func.exec(t, env, args);
Also used : CRECastException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CRECastException) CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) CFunction(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CFunction) CDouble(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble) ConfigCompileException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigCompileException) CFunction(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CFunction) ArrayAccess(com.laytonsmith.core.natives.interfaces.ArrayAccess) CInt(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt) Construct(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct) ParseTree(com.laytonsmith.core.ParseTree)

Example 2 with CDouble

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class Script method eval.

 * Given the parse tree and environment, executes the tree.
 * @param c
 * @param env
 * @return
 * @throws CancelCommandException
public Construct eval(ParseTree c, final Environment env) throws CancelCommandException {
    if (env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).IsInterrupted()) {
        // unconditionally.
        throw new CancelCommandException("", Target.UNKNOWN);
    final Construct m = c.getData();
    CurrentEnv = env;
    if (m.getCType() != ConstructType.FUNCTION) {
        if (m.getCType() == ConstructType.VARIABLE) {
            return new CString(m.val(), m.getTarget());
        } else {
            return m;
    StackTraceManager stManager = env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetStackTraceManager();
    boolean addedRootStackElement = false;
    try {
        // If it's an unknown target, this is not user generated code, and we want to skip adding the element here.
        if (stManager.isStackEmpty() && !m.getTarget().equals(Target.UNKNOWN)) {
            stManager.addStackTraceElement(new ConfigRuntimeException.StackTraceElement("<<main code>>", m.getTarget()));
            addedRootStackElement = true;
        if (m.val().charAt(0) == '_' && m.val().charAt(1) != '_') {
            // Not really a function, so we can't put it in Function.
            Procedure p = getProc(m.val());
            if (p == null) {
                throw new CREInvalidProcedureException("Unknown procedure \"" + m.val() + "\"", m.getTarget());
            Environment newEnv = env;
            try {
                newEnv = env.clone();
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            ProfilePoint pp = env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetProfiler().start(m.val() + " execution", LogLevel.INFO);
            Construct ret;
            try {
                ret = p.cexecute(c.getChildren(), newEnv, m.getTarget());
            } finally {
            return ret;
        final Function f;
        try {
            f = (Function) FunctionList.getFunction(m);
        } catch (ConfigCompileException e) {
            // Turn it into a config runtime exception. This shouldn't ever happen though.
            throw ConfigRuntimeException.CreateUncatchableException("Unable to find function " + m.val(), m.getTarget());
        ArrayList<Construct> args = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            if (f.isRestricted() && !Static.hasCHPermission(f.getName(), env)) {
                throw new CREInsufficientPermissionException("You do not have permission to use the " + f.getName() + " function.", m.getTarget());
            if (f.useSpecialExec()) {
                ProfilePoint p = null;
                if (f.shouldProfile() && env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetProfiler() != null && env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetProfiler().isLoggable(f.profileAt())) {
                    p = env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetProfiler().start(f.profileMessageS(c.getChildren()), f.profileAt());
                Construct ret;
                try {
                    ret = f.execs(m.getTarget(), env, this, c.getChildren().toArray(new ParseTree[] {}));
                } finally {
                    if (p != null) {
                return ret;
            for (ParseTree c2 : c.getChildren()) {
                args.add(eval(c2, env));
            Object[] a = args.toArray();
            Construct[] ca = new Construct[a.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                ca[i] = (Construct) a[i];
                // CArray, CBoolean, CDouble, CInt, CNull, CString, CVoid, CEntry, CLabel (only to sconcat).
                if (!(ca[i] instanceof CArray || ca[i] instanceof CBoolean || ca[i] instanceof CDouble || ca[i] instanceof CInt || ca[i] instanceof CNull || ca[i] instanceof CString || ca[i] instanceof CVoid || ca[i] instanceof IVariable || ca[i] instanceof CEntry || ca[i] instanceof CLabel) && (!f.getName().equals("__autoconcat__") && (ca[i] instanceof CLabel))) {
                    throw new CRECastException("Invalid Construct (" + ca[i].getClass() + ") being passed as an argument to a function (" + f.getName() + ")", m.getTarget());
                while (f.preResolveVariables() && ca[i] instanceof IVariable) {
                    IVariable cur = (IVariable) ca[i];
                    ca[i] = env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetVarList().get(cur.getVariableName(), cur.getTarget()).ival();
                // It takes a moment to generate the toString of some things, so lets not do it
                // if we actually aren't going to profile
                ProfilePoint p = null;
                if (f.shouldProfile() && env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetProfiler() != null && env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetProfiler().isLoggable(f.profileAt())) {
                    p = env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetProfiler().start(f.profileMessage(ca), f.profileAt());
                Construct ret;
                try {
                    ret = f.exec(m.getTarget(), env, ca);
                } finally {
                    if (p != null) {
                return ret;
        // We want to catch and rethrow the ones we know how to catch, and then
        // catch and report anything else.
        } catch (ConfigRuntimeException | ProgramFlowManipulationException e) {
            if (e instanceof AbstractCREException) {
                ((AbstractCREException) e).freezeStackTraceElements(stManager);
            throw e;
        } catch (InvalidEnvironmentException e) {
            if (!e.isDataSet()) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String brand = Implementation.GetServerType().getBranding();
            SimpleVersion version = Static.getVersion();
            String culprit = brand;
            outer: for (ExtensionTracker tracker : ExtensionManager.getTrackers().values()) {
                for (FunctionBase b : tracker.getFunctions()) {
                    if (b.getName().equals(f.getName())) {
                        // name instead of the core plugin's name.
                        for (Extension extension : tracker.getExtensions()) {
                            culprit = extension.getName();
                            break outer;
            String emsg = TermColors.RED + "Uh oh! You've found an error in " + TermColors.CYAN + culprit + TermColors.RED + ".\n" + "This happened while running your code, so you may be able to find a workaround," + " but is ultimately an issue in " + culprit + ".\n" + "The following code caused the error:\n" + TermColors.WHITE;
            List<String> args2 = new ArrayList<>();
            Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<>();
            for (Construct cc : args) {
                if (cc instanceof IVariable) {
                    Construct ccc = env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetVarList().get(((IVariable) cc).getVariableName(), cc.getTarget()).ival();
                    String vval = ccc.val();
                    if (ccc instanceof CString) {
                        vval = ccc.asString().getQuote();
                    vars.put(((IVariable) cc).getVariableName(), vval);
                if (cc == null) {
                } else if (cc instanceof CString) {
                } else if (cc instanceof IVariable) {
                    args2.add(((IVariable) cc).getVariableName());
                } else {
            if (!vars.isEmpty()) {
                emsg += StringUtils.Join(vars, " = ", "\n") + "\n";
            emsg += f.getName() + "(";
            emsg += StringUtils.Join(args2, ", ");
            emsg += ")\n";
            emsg += TermColors.RED + "on or around " + TermColors.YELLOW + m.getTarget().file() + TermColors.WHITE + ":" + TermColors.CYAN + m.getTarget().line() + TermColors.RED + ".\n";
            // Server might not be available in this platform, so let's be sure to ignore those exceptions
            String modVersion;
            try {
                modVersion = StaticLayer.GetConvertor().GetServer().getAPIVersion();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                modVersion = Implementation.GetServerType().name();
            String extensionData = "";
            for (ExtensionTracker tracker : ExtensionManager.getTrackers().values()) {
                for (Extension extension : tracker.getExtensions()) {
                    try {
                        extensionData += TermColors.CYAN + extension.getName() + TermColors.RED + " (" + TermColors.RESET + extension.getVersion() + TermColors.RED + ")\n";
                    } catch (AbstractMethodError ex) {
                        // This happens with an old style extensions. Just skip it.
                        extensionData += TermColors.CYAN + "Unknown Extension" + TermColors.RED + "\n";
            if (extensionData.isEmpty()) {
                extensionData = "NONE\n";
            emsg += "Please report this to the developers, and be sure to include the version numbers:\n" + TermColors.CYAN + "Server" + TermColors.RED + " version: " + TermColors.RESET + modVersion + TermColors.RED + ";\n" + TermColors.CYAN + brand + TermColors.RED + " version: " + TermColors.RESET + version + TermColors.RED + ";\n" + "Loaded extensions and versions:\n" + extensionData + "Here's the stacktrace:\n" + TermColors.RESET + Static.GetStacktraceString(e);
            Static.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, emsg);
            throw new CancelCommandException(null, Target.UNKNOWN);
    } finally {
        if (addedRootStackElement && stManager.isStackSingle()) {
Also used : CLabel(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CLabel) InvalidEnvironmentException(com.laytonsmith.core.environments.InvalidEnvironmentException) FunctionBase(com.laytonsmith.core.functions.FunctionBase) IVariable(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.IVariable) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) CREInvalidProcedureException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CREInvalidProcedureException) ExtensionTracker(com.laytonsmith.core.extensions.ExtensionTracker) ConfigRuntimeException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigRuntimeException) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString) ConfigCompileException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigCompileException) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString) Function(com.laytonsmith.core.functions.Function) CancelCommandException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CancelCommandException) SimpleVersion(com.laytonsmith.PureUtilities.SimpleVersion) FunctionList(com.laytonsmith.core.functions.FunctionList) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AbstractCREException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.AbstractCREException) CREInsufficientPermissionException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CREInsufficientPermissionException) CRECastException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CRECastException) CBoolean(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CBoolean) CDouble(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble) ProgramFlowManipulationException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ProgramFlowManipulationException) StackTraceManager(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.StackTraceManager) ProfilePoint(com.laytonsmith.core.profiler.ProfilePoint) CRECastException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CRECastException) ProgramFlowManipulationException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ProgramFlowManipulationException) CancelCommandException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CancelCommandException) InvalidEnvironmentException(com.laytonsmith.core.environments.InvalidEnvironmentException) ConfigCompileException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigCompileException) AbstractCREException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.AbstractCREException) CREInsufficientPermissionException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CREInsufficientPermissionException) LoopBreakException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.LoopBreakException) CREInvalidProcedureException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CREInvalidProcedureException) LoopContinueException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.LoopContinueException) ConfigRuntimeException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigRuntimeException) FunctionReturnException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.FunctionReturnException) ConfigCompileGroupException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigCompileGroupException) ProfilePoint(com.laytonsmith.core.profiler.ProfilePoint) CVoid(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CVoid) Extension(com.laytonsmith.core.extensions.Extension) CInt(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt) Construct(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct) CommandHelperEnvironment(com.laytonsmith.core.environments.CommandHelperEnvironment) Environment(com.laytonsmith.core.environments.Environment) GlobalEnv(com.laytonsmith.core.environments.GlobalEnv) CEntry(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CEntry) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CNull(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull)

Example 3 with CDouble

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class MethodScriptCompiler method compile.

 * Compiles the token stream into a valid ParseTree. This also includes optimization and reduction.
 * @param stream The token stream, as generated by {@link #lex(String, File, boolean) lex}
 * @return A fully compiled, optimized, and reduced parse tree. If {@code stream} is null or empty, null is
 * returned.
 * @throws ConfigCompileException If the script contains syntax errors. Additionally, during optimization, certain
 * methods may cause compile errors. Any function that can optimize static occurrences and throws a
 * {@link ConfigRuntimeException} will have that exception converted to a ConfigCompileException.
public static ParseTree compile(TokenStream stream) throws ConfigCompileException, ConfigCompileGroupException {
    Set<ConfigCompileException> compilerErrors = new HashSet<>();
    if (stream == null || stream.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    Target unknown;
    try {
        // Instead of using Target.UNKNOWN, we can at least set the file.
        unknown = new Target(0, stream.get(0).target.file(), 0);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        unknown = Target.UNKNOWN;
    // Remove all newlines and whitespaces.
    ListIterator<Token> it = stream.listIterator(0);
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        if ( {
    // Get the file options.
    final FileOptions fileOptions = stream.getFileOptions();
    ParseTree tree = new ParseTree(fileOptions);
    Stack<ParseTree> parents = new Stack<>();
     * constructCount is used to determine if we need to use autoconcat when reaching a FUNC_END. The previous
     * constructs, if the count is greater than 1, will be moved down into an autoconcat.
    Stack<AtomicInteger> constructCount = new Stack<>();
    constructCount.push(new AtomicInteger(0));
    tree.addChild(new ParseTree(new CFunction("__autoconcat__", unknown), fileOptions));
    tree = tree.getChildAt(0);
    constructCount.push(new AtomicInteger(0));
     * The array stack is used to keep track of the number of square braces in use.
    Stack<AtomicInteger> arrayStack = new Stack<>();
    arrayStack.add(new AtomicInteger(-1));
    Stack<AtomicInteger> minusArrayStack = new Stack<>();
    Stack<AtomicInteger> minusFuncStack = new Stack<>();
    int parens = 0;
    Token t = null;
    int bracketCount = 0;
    // Create a Token array to iterate over, rather than using the LinkedList's O(n) get() method.
    Token[] tokenArray = stream.toArray(new Token[stream.size()]);
    for (int i = 0; i < tokenArray.length; i++) {
        t = tokenArray[i];
        Token prev1 = i - 1 >= 0 ? tokenArray[i - 1] : new Token(TType.UNKNOWN, "",;
        Token next1 = i + 1 < stream.size() ? tokenArray[i + 1] : new Token(TType.UNKNOWN, "",;
        Token next2 = i + 2 < stream.size() ? tokenArray[i + 2] : new Token(TType.UNKNOWN, "",;
        Token next3 = i + 3 < stream.size() ? tokenArray[i + 3] : new Token(TType.UNKNOWN, "",;
        // Brace handling
        if (t.type == TType.LCURLY_BRACKET) {
            ParseTree b = new ParseTree(new CFunction("__cbrace__", t.getTarget()), fileOptions);
            tree = b;
            constructCount.push(new AtomicInteger(0));
        if (t.type == TType.RCURLY_BRACKET) {
            if (constructCount.peek().get() > 1) {
                // We need to autoconcat some stuff
                int stacks = constructCount.peek().get();
                int replaceAt = tree.getChildren().size() - stacks;
                ParseTree c = new ParseTree(new CFunction("__autoconcat__", tree.getTarget()), fileOptions);
                List<ParseTree> subChildren = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int b = replaceAt; b < tree.numberOfChildren(); b++) {
                if (replaceAt > 0) {
                    List<ParseTree> firstChildren = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (int d = 0; d < replaceAt; d++) {
                } else {
            tree = parents.peek();
            try {
            } catch (EmptyStackException e) {
                throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected end curly brace",;
        // Associative array/label handling
        if (t.type == TType.LABEL && tree.getChildren().size() > 0) {
            // If it's not an atomic identifier it's an error.
            if (!prev1.type.isAtomicLit() && prev1.type != TType.IVARIABLE && prev1.type != TType.KEYWORD) {
                ConfigCompileException error = new ConfigCompileException("Invalid label specified", t.getTarget());
                if (prev1.type == TType.FUNC_END) {
                    // and stop compilation at this point.
                    throw error;
            // Wrap previous construct in a CLabel
            ParseTree cc = tree.getChildren().get(tree.getChildren().size() - 1);
            tree.removeChildAt(tree.getChildren().size() - 1);
            tree.addChild(new ParseTree(new CLabel(cc.getData()), fileOptions));
        // Array notation handling
        if (t.type.equals(TType.LSQUARE_BRACKET)) {
            arrayStack.push(new AtomicInteger(tree.getChildren().size() - 1));
        } else if (t.type.equals(TType.RSQUARE_BRACKET)) {
            boolean emptyArray = false;
            if (prev1.type.equals(TType.LSQUARE_BRACKET)) {
                emptyArray = true;
            if (arrayStack.size() == 1) {
                throw new ConfigCompileException("Mismatched square bracket",;
            // array is the location of the array
            int array = arrayStack.pop().get();
            // index is the location of the first node with the index
            int index = array + 1;
            if (!tree.hasChildren() || array == -1) {
                throw new ConfigCompileException("Brackets are illegal here",;
            ParseTree myArray = tree.getChildAt(array);
            ParseTree myIndex;
            if (!emptyArray) {
                myIndex = new ParseTree(new CFunction("__autoconcat__", myArray.getTarget()), fileOptions);
                for (int j = index; j < tree.numberOfChildren(); j++) {
            } else {
                myIndex = new ParseTree(new CSlice("0..-1",, fileOptions);
            tree.setChildren(tree.getChildren().subList(0, array));
            ParseTree arrayGet = new ParseTree(new CFunction("array_get",, fileOptions);
            // Check if the @var[...] had a negating "-" in front. If so, add a neg().
            if (!minusArrayStack.isEmpty() && arrayStack.size() + 1 == minusArrayStack.peek().get()) {
                if (!next1.type.equals(TType.LSQUARE_BRACKET)) {
                    // Wait if there are more array_get's comming.
                    ParseTree negTree = new ParseTree(new CFunction("neg", unknown), fileOptions);
                } else {
                    // Negate the next array_get instead, so just add this one to the tree.
            } else {
            constructCount.peek().set(constructCount.peek().get() - myIndex.numberOfChildren());
        // Smart strings
        if (t.type == TType.SMART_STRING) {
            if (t.val().contains("@")) {
                ParseTree function = new ParseTree(fileOptions);
                function.setData(new CFunction(new Compiler.smart_string().getName(),;
                ParseTree string = new ParseTree(fileOptions);
                string.setData(new CString(t.value,;
            } else {
                tree.addChild(new ParseTree(new CString(t.val(),, fileOptions));
        if (t.type == TType.DEREFERENCE) {
            // Currently unimplemented, but going ahead and making it strict
            compilerErrors.add(new ConfigCompileException("The '" + t.val() + "' symbol is not currently allowed in raw strings. You must quote all" + " symbols.",;
        if (t.type.equals(TType.FUNC_NAME)) {
            CFunction func = new CFunction(t.val(),;
            ParseTree f = new ParseTree(func, fileOptions);
            constructCount.push(new AtomicInteger(0));
            tree = f;
        } else if (t.type.equals(TType.FUNC_START)) {
            if (!prev1.type.equals(TType.FUNC_NAME)) {
                throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected parenthesis",;
        } else if (t.type.equals(TType.FUNC_END)) {
            if (parens <= 0) {
                throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected parenthesis",;
            // Pop function.
            if (constructCount.peek().get() > 1) {
                // We need to autoconcat some stuff
                int stacks = constructCount.peek().get();
                int replaceAt = tree.getChildren().size() - stacks;
                ParseTree c = new ParseTree(new CFunction("__autoconcat__", tree.getTarget()), fileOptions);
                List<ParseTree> subChildren = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int b = replaceAt; b < tree.numberOfChildren(); b++) {
                if (replaceAt > 0) {
                    List<ParseTree> firstChildren = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (int d = 0; d < replaceAt; d++) {
                } else {
            try {
            } catch (EmptyStackException e) {
                throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected end parenthesis",;
            try {
                tree = parents.peek();
            } catch (EmptyStackException e) {
                throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected end parenthesis",;
            // Handle "-func(args)" and "-func(args)[index]".
            if (!minusFuncStack.isEmpty() && minusFuncStack.peek().get() == parens + 1) {
                if (next1.type.equals(TType.LSQUARE_BRACKET)) {
                    // Move the negation to the array_get which contains this function.
                    // +1 because the bracket isn't counted yet.
                    minusArrayStack.push(new AtomicInteger(arrayStack.size() + 1));
                } else {
                    // Negate this function.
                    ParseTree negTree = new ParseTree(new CFunction("neg", unknown), fileOptions);
                    negTree.addChild(tree.getChildAt(tree.numberOfChildren() - 1));
                    tree.removeChildAt(tree.numberOfChildren() - 1);
                    tree.addChildAt(tree.numberOfChildren(), negTree);
        } else if (t.type.equals(TType.COMMA)) {
            if (constructCount.peek().get() > 1) {
                int stacks = constructCount.peek().get();
                int replaceAt = tree.getChildren().size() - stacks;
                ParseTree c = new ParseTree(new CFunction("__autoconcat__", unknown), fileOptions);
                List<ParseTree> subChildren = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int b = replaceAt; b < tree.numberOfChildren(); b++) {
                if (replaceAt > 0) {
                    List<ParseTree> firstChildren = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (int d = 0; d < replaceAt; d++) {
                } else {
        if (t.type == TType.SLICE) {
            // "empty first" slice notation. Compare this to the code below.
            try {
                CSlice slice;
                String value = next1.val();
                if (next1.type == TType.MINUS || next1.type == TType.PLUS) {
                    value = next1.val() + next2.val();
                slice = new CSlice(".." + value, t.getTarget());
                tree.addChild(new ParseTree(slice, fileOptions));
            } catch (ConfigRuntimeException ex) {
                // turn them into a CCE.
                throw new ConfigCompileException(ex);
        if (next1.type.equals(TType.SLICE)) {
            // Slice notation handling
            try {
                CSlice slice;
                if (t.type.isSeparator() || (t.type.isWhitespace() && prev1.type.isSeparator()) || t.type.isKeyword()) {
                    // empty first
                    String value = next2.val();
                    if (next2.type == TType.MINUS || next2.type == TType.PLUS) {
                        value = next2.val() + next3.val();
                    slice = new CSlice(".." + value, next1.getTarget());
                    if (t.type.isKeyword()) {
                        tree.addChild(new ParseTree(new CKeyword(t.val(), t.getTarget()), fileOptions));
                } else if (next2.type.isSeparator() || next2.type.isKeyword()) {
                    // empty last
                    String modifier = "";
                    if (prev1.type == TType.MINUS || prev1.type == TType.PLUS) {
                        // The negative would have already been inserted into the tree
                        modifier = prev1.val();
                        tree.removeChildAt(tree.getChildren().size() - 1);
                    slice = new CSlice(modifier + t.value + "..",;
                } else {
                    // both are provided
                    String modifier1 = "";
                    if (prev1.type == TType.MINUS || prev1.type == TType.PLUS) {
                        // It's a negative, incorporate that here, and remove the
                        // minus from the tree
                        modifier1 = prev1.val();
                        tree.removeChildAt(tree.getChildren().size() - 1);
                    Token first = t;
                    if (first.type.isWhitespace()) {
                        first = prev1;
                    Token second = next2;
                    String modifier2 = "";
                    if (next2.type == TType.MINUS || next2.type == TType.PLUS) {
                        modifier2 = next2.val();
                        second = next3;
                    slice = new CSlice(modifier1 + first.value + ".." + modifier2 + second.value,;
                tree.addChild(new ParseTree(slice, fileOptions));
            } catch (ConfigRuntimeException ex) {
                // turn them into a CCE.
                throw new ConfigCompileException(ex);
        } else if (t.type == TType.LIT) {
            Construct c = Static.resolveConstruct(t.val(),;
            if (c instanceof CString && fileOptions.isStrict()) {
                compilerErrors.add(new ConfigCompileException("Bare strings are not allowed in strict mode",;
            } else if ((c instanceof CInt || c instanceof CDecimal) && next1.type == TType.DOT && next2.type == TType.LIT) {
                // minus zero before decimals and leading zeroes after decimals
                try {
                    if (t.value.startsWith("0m")) {
                        // CDecimal
                        String neg = "";
                        if (prev1.value.equals("-")) {
                            neg = "-";
                        c = new CDecimal(neg + t.value.substring(2) + '.' + next2.value,;
                    } else {
                        // CDouble
                        c = new CDouble(Double.parseDouble(t.val() + '.' + next2.val()),;
                    i += 2;
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // Not a double
            tree.addChild(new ParseTree(c, fileOptions));
        } else if (t.type.equals(TType.STRING) || t.type.equals(TType.COMMAND)) {
            tree.addChild(new ParseTree(new CString(t.val(),, fileOptions));
        } else if (t.type.equals(TType.IDENTIFIER)) {
            tree.addChild(new ParseTree(new CPreIdentifier(t.val(),, fileOptions));
        } else if (t.type.isKeyword()) {
            tree.addChild(new ParseTree(new CKeyword(t.val(), t.getTarget()), fileOptions));
        } else if (t.type.equals(TType.IVARIABLE)) {
            tree.addChild(new ParseTree(new IVariable(t.val(),, fileOptions));
        } else if (t.type.equals(TType.UNKNOWN)) {
            tree.addChild(new ParseTree(Static.resolveConstruct(t.val(),, fileOptions));
        } else if (t.type.isSymbol()) {
            // Also handles "-function()" and "-@var[index]".
            if (t.type.equals(TType.MINUS) && !prev1.type.isAtomicLit() && !prev1.type.equals(TType.IVARIABLE) && !prev1.type.equals(TType.VARIABLE) && !prev1.type.equals(TType.RCURLY_BRACKET) && !prev1.type.equals(TType.RSQUARE_BRACKET) && !prev1.type.equals(TType.FUNC_END) && (next1.type.equals(TType.IVARIABLE) || next1.type.equals(TType.VARIABLE) || next1.type.equals(TType.FUNC_NAME))) {
                // Check if we are negating a value from an array, function or variable.
                if (next2.type.equals(TType.LSQUARE_BRACKET)) {
                    // +1 because the bracket isn't counted yet.
                    minusArrayStack.push(new AtomicInteger(arrayStack.size() + 1));
                } else if (next1.type.equals(TType.FUNC_NAME)) {
                    // +1 because the function isn't counted yet.
                    minusFuncStack.push(new AtomicInteger(parens + 1));
                } else {
                    ParseTree negTree = new ParseTree(new CFunction("neg", unknown), fileOptions);
                    negTree.addChild(new ParseTree(new IVariable(next1.value,, fileOptions));
                    // Skip the next variable as we've just handled it.
            } else {
                tree.addChild(new ParseTree(new CSymbol(t.val(), t.type,, fileOptions));
        } else if (t.type == TType.DOT) {
            // Check for doubles that start with a decimal, otherwise concat
            Construct c = null;
            if (next1.type == TType.LIT && prev1.type != TType.STRING && prev1.type != TType.SMART_STRING) {
                try {
                    c = new CDouble(Double.parseDouble('.' + next1.val()),;
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // Not a double
            if (c == null) {
                c = new CSymbol(".", TType.CONCAT,;
            tree.addChild(new ParseTree(c, fileOptions));
        } else if (t.type.equals(TType.VARIABLE) || t.type.equals(TType.FINAL_VAR)) {
            tree.addChild(new ParseTree(new Variable(t.val(), null, false, t.type.equals(TType.FINAL_VAR),, fileOptions));
        // right_vars.add(new Variable(t.val(), null, t.line_num));
    assert t != null;
    if (arrayStack.size() != 1) {
        throw new ConfigCompileException("Mismatched square brackets",;
    if (parens != 0) {
        throw new ConfigCompileException("Mismatched parenthesis",;
    if (bracketCount != 0) {
        throw new ConfigCompileException("Mismatched curly braces",;
    Stack<List<Procedure>> procs = new Stack<>();
    procs.add(new ArrayList<Procedure>());
    optimizeAutoconcats(tree, compilerErrors);
    optimize(tree, procs, compilerErrors);
    link(tree, compilerErrors);
    checkLabels(tree, compilerErrors);
    checkBreaks(tree, compilerErrors);
    if (!compilerErrors.isEmpty()) {
        if (compilerErrors.size() == 1) {
            // Just throw the one CCE
            for (ConfigCompileException e : compilerErrors) {
                throw e;
        } else {
            throw new ConfigCompileGroupException(compilerErrors);
    tree = parents.pop();
    return tree;
Also used : CLabel(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CLabel) IVariable(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.IVariable) Variable(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Variable) CSymbol(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CSymbol) CPreIdentifier(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CPreIdentifier) IVariable(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.IVariable) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Token(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Token) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString) ConfigRuntimeException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigRuntimeException) ConfigCompileException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigCompileException) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString) EmptyStackException(java.util.EmptyStackException) Target(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Target) CSlice(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CSlice) KeywordList(com.laytonsmith.core.compiler.KeywordList) FunctionList(com.laytonsmith.core.functions.FunctionList) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) CDecimal(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDecimal) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Compiler(com.laytonsmith.core.functions.Compiler) CFunction(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CFunction) CDouble(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble) URISyntaxException( ProgramFlowManipulationException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ProgramFlowManipulationException) ConfigCompileException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigCompileException) DataSourceException(com.laytonsmith.persistence.DataSourceException) NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException) EmptyStackException(java.util.EmptyStackException) IOException( ConfigRuntimeException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigRuntimeException) ConfigCompileGroupException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigCompileGroupException) Stack(java.util.Stack) CInt(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) Construct(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct) CKeyword(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CKeyword) ConfigCompileGroupException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigCompileGroupException) FileOptions(com.laytonsmith.core.compiler.FileOptions)

Example 4 with CDouble

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class ObjectGenerator method location.

 * Gets a Location Object, optionally with yaw and pitch, given a MCLocation
 * @param l
 * @param includeYawAndPitch
 * @return
public CArray location(MCLocation l, boolean includeYawAndPitch) {
    CArray ca = CArray.GetAssociativeArray(Target.UNKNOWN);
    Construct x = new CDouble(l.getX(), Target.UNKNOWN);
    Construct y = new CDouble(l.getY(), Target.UNKNOWN);
    Construct z = new CDouble(l.getZ(), Target.UNKNOWN);
    Construct world = new CString(l.getWorld().getName(), Target.UNKNOWN);
    ca.set("0", x, Target.UNKNOWN);
    ca.set("1", y, Target.UNKNOWN);
    ca.set("2", z, Target.UNKNOWN);
    ca.set("3", world, Target.UNKNOWN);
    ca.set("x", x, Target.UNKNOWN);
    ca.set("y", y, Target.UNKNOWN);
    ca.set("z", z, Target.UNKNOWN);
    ca.set("world", world, Target.UNKNOWN);
    if (includeYawAndPitch) {
        // guarantee yaw in the 0 - 359.9~ range
        float yawRaw = l.getYaw() % 360.0f;
        if (yawRaw < 0.0f) {
            yawRaw += 360.0f;
        Construct yaw = new CDouble(yawRaw, Target.UNKNOWN);
        Construct pitch = new CDouble(l.getPitch(), Target.UNKNOWN);
        ca.set("4", yaw, Target.UNKNOWN);
        ca.set("5", pitch, Target.UNKNOWN);
        ca.set("yaw", yaw, Target.UNKNOWN);
        ca.set("pitch", pitch, Target.UNKNOWN);
    return ca;
Also used : CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) Construct(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct) CDouble(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString)

Example 5 with CDouble

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class ObjectGenerator method vector.

 * Gets a vector object, given a Vector and a Target.
 * @param vector the Vector
 * @param t the Target
 * @return the vector array
public CArray vector(Vector3D vector, Target t) {
    CArray ca = CArray.GetAssociativeArray(t);
    // Integral keys first
    ca.set(0, new CDouble(vector.X(), t), t);
    ca.set(1, new CDouble(vector.Y(), t), t);
    ca.set(2, new CDouble(vector.Z(), t), t);
    // Then string keys
    ca.set("x", new CDouble(vector.X(), t), t);
    ca.set("y", new CDouble(vector.Y(), t), t);
    ca.set("z", new CDouble(vector.Z(), t), t);
    return ca;
Also used : CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) CDouble(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble)


CDouble (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble)11 CArray (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray)8 CInt (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt)8 CString (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString)7 Construct (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct)7 CBoolean (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CBoolean)4 CFunction (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CFunction)3 CNull (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull)3 IVariable (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.IVariable)3 ConfigCompileException (com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigCompileException)3 CLabel (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CLabel)2 CResource (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CResource)2 CVoid (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CVoid)2 Variable (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Variable)2 CRECastException (com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CRECastException)2 ConfigCompileGroupException (com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigCompileGroupException)2 ConfigRuntimeException (com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigRuntimeException)2 ProgramFlowManipulationException (com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ProgramFlowManipulationException)2 FunctionList (com.laytonsmith.core.functions.FunctionList)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2