use of com.laytonsmith.core.environments.GlobalEnv in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class CommandHelperInterpreterListener method execute.
public void execute(String script, final MCPlayer p) throws ConfigCompileException, ConfigCompileGroupException {
TokenStream stream = MethodScriptCompiler.lex(script, new File("Interpreter"), true);
ParseTree tree = MethodScriptCompiler.compile(stream);
GlobalEnv gEnv = new GlobalEnv(plugin.executionQueue, plugin.profiler, plugin.persistenceNetwork, CommandHelperFileLocations.getDefault().getConfigDirectory(), plugin.profiles, new TaskManager());
CommandHelperEnvironment cEnv = new CommandHelperEnvironment();
Environment env = Environment.createEnvironment(gEnv, cEnv);
try {
MethodScriptCompiler.registerAutoIncludes(env, null);
MethodScriptCompiler.execute(tree, env, new MethodScriptComplete() {
public void done(String output) {
output = output.trim();
if (output.isEmpty()) {
Static.SendMessage(p, ":");
} else {
if (output.startsWith("/")) {
// Run the command
Static.SendMessage(p, ":" + MCChatColor.YELLOW + output);;
} else {
// output the results
Static.SendMessage(p, ":" + MCChatColor.GREEN + output);
}, null);
} catch (CancelCommandException e) {
} catch (ConfigRuntimeException e) {
ConfigRuntimeException.HandleUncaughtException(e, env);
Static.SendMessage(p, MCChatColor.RED + e.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
Static.SendMessage(p, MCChatColor.RED + e.toString());
Logger.getLogger(CommandHelperInterpreterListener.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
use of com.laytonsmith.core.environments.GlobalEnv in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class AliasCore method alias.
* This is the workhorse function. It takes a given command, then converts it into the actual command(s). If the
* command maps to a defined alias, it will run the specified alias. It will search through the global list of
* aliases, as well as the aliases defined for that specific player. This function doesn't handle the /alias command
* however.
* @param command
* @return
public boolean alias(String command, final MCCommandSender player) {
if (scripts == null) {
throw ConfigRuntimeException.CreateUncatchableException("Cannot run alias commands, no config file is loaded", Target.UNKNOWN);
boolean match = false;
try {
// actually add the player to the array.
if (player != null && player instanceof MCPlayer && echoCommand.contains(((MCPlayer) player).getName())) {
// we are running one of the expanded commands, so exit with false
return false;
for (Script s : scripts) {
try {
if (s.match(command)) {
if (Prefs.ConsoleLogCommands() && s.doLog()) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("CH: Running original command ");
if (player instanceof MCPlayer) {
b.append("on player ").append(((MCPlayer) player).getName());
} else {
b.append("from a MCCommandSender");
b.append(" ----> ").append(command);
Static.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, b.toString());
GlobalEnv gEnv = new GlobalEnv(parent.executionQueue, parent.profiler, parent.persistenceNetwork, MethodScriptFileLocations.getDefault().getConfigDirectory(), parent.profiles, new TaskManager());
CommandHelperEnvironment cEnv = new CommandHelperEnvironment();
Environment env = Environment.createEnvironment(gEnv, cEnv);
try {
ProfilePoint alias = env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetProfiler().start("Global Alias - \"" + command + "\"", LogLevel.ERROR);
try {, env, new MethodScriptComplete() {
public void done(String output) {
try {
if (output != null) {
if (!output.trim().isEmpty() && output.trim().startsWith("/")) {
if (Prefs.DebugMode()) {
if (player instanceof MCPlayer) {
Static.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "[CommandHelper]: Executing command on " + ((MCPlayer) player).getName() + ": " + output.trim());
} else {
Static.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "[CommandHelper]: Executing command from console equivalent: " + output.trim());
if (player instanceof MCPlayer) {
((MCPlayer) player).chat(output.trim());
} else {
Static.getServer().dispatchCommand(player, output.trim().substring(1));
} catch (Throwable e) {
player.sendMessage(MCChatColor.RED + e.getMessage());
} finally {
} finally {
} catch (ConfigRuntimeException ex) {
ConfigRuntimeException.HandleUncaughtException(ex, env);
} catch (Throwable e) {
// This is not a simple user script error, this is a deeper problem, so we always handle this.
StreamUtils.GetSystemErr().println("An unexpected exception occured: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName());
player.sendMessage("An unexpected exception occured: " + MCChatColor.RED + e.getClass().getSimpleName());
} finally {
match = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
StreamUtils.GetSystemErr().println("An unexpected exception occured inside the command " + s.toString());
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Not only did an error happen, an error happened in our error handler
throw new InternalException(TermColors.RED + "An unexpected error occured in the CommandHelper plugin. " + "Further, this is likely an error with the error handler, so it may be caused by your script, " + "however, there is no more information at this point. Check your script, but also report this " + "as a bug in CommandHelper. Also, it's possible that some commands will no longer work. As a temporary " + "workaround, restart the server, and avoid doing whatever it is you did to make this happen.\nThe error is as follows: " + e.toString() + "\n" + TermColors.reset() + "Stack Trace:\n" + StringUtils.Join(Arrays.asList(e.getStackTrace()), "\n"));
return match;
use of com.laytonsmith.core.environments.GlobalEnv in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class Manager method start.
public static void start() throws IOException, DataSourceException, URISyntaxException, Profiles.InvalidProfileException {
ConnectionMixinFactory.ConnectionMixinOptions options = new ConnectionMixinFactory.ConnectionMixinOptions();
persistenceNetwork = new PersistenceNetwork(CommandHelperFileLocations.getDefault().getPersistenceConfig(), CommandHelperFileLocations.getDefault().getDefaultPersistenceDBFile().toURI(), options);
profiler = new Profiler(CommandHelperFileLocations.getDefault().getProfilerConfigFile());
gEnv = new GlobalEnv(new MethodScriptExecutionQueue("Manager", "default"), profiler, persistenceNetwork, chDirectory, new Profiles(MethodScriptFileLocations.getDefault().getProfilesFile()), new TaskManager());
pl("\n" + Static.Logo() + "\n\n" + Static.DataManagerLogo());
pl("Starting the Data Manager...");
try {
Environment env = Environment.createEnvironment(gEnv, new CommandHelperEnvironment());
MethodScriptCompiler.execute(MethodScriptCompiler.compile(MethodScriptCompiler.lex("player()", null, true)), env, null, null);
} catch (ConfigCompileException | ConfigCompileGroupException ex) {
pl(GREEN + "Welcome to the CommandHelper " + CYAN + "Data Manager!");
pl(BLINKON + RED + "Warning!" + BLINKOFF + YELLOW + " Be sure your server is not running before using this tool to make changes to your database!");
boolean finished = false;
do {
pl(YELLOW + "What function would you like to run? Type \"help\" for a full list of options.");
String input = prompt();
if (input.toLowerCase().startsWith("help")) {
help(input.replaceFirst("help ?", "").toLowerCase().split(" "));
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("refactor")) {
} else if (input.toLowerCase().startsWith("print")) {
print(input.replaceFirst("print ?", "").toLowerCase().split(" "));
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("cleardb")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("edit")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("merge")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("interpreter")) {
new Interpreter(null, System.getProperty("user.dir"));
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("hidden-keys")) {
} else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) {
pl("Thanks for using the " + CYAN + BOLD + "Data Manager!" + reset());
finished = true;
} else {
pl("I'm sorry, that's not a valid command. Here's the help:");
help(new String[] {});
} while (finished == false);
use of com.laytonsmith.core.environments.GlobalEnv in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class RandomTests method testGetValues.
public void testGetValues() throws Exception {
try {
Environment env = Static.GenerateStandaloneEnvironment();
GlobalEnv g = env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class);
ConnectionMixinFactory.ConnectionMixinOptions options;
options = new ConnectionMixinFactory.ConnectionMixinOptions();
options.setWorkingDirectory(new File("."));
PersistenceNetwork network = new PersistenceNetwork("**=json://persistence.json", new URI("default"), options);
ReflectionUtils.set(GlobalEnv.class, g, "persistenceNetwork", network);
Run("store_value('t.test1', 'test')\n" + "store_value('t.test2', 'test')\n" + "store_value('t.test3.third', 'test')\n" + "msg(get_values('t'))", fakePlayer, new MethodScriptComplete() {
public void done(String output) {
}, env);
verify(fakePlayer).sendMessage("{t.test1: test, t.test2: test, t.test3.third: test}");
} finally {
new File("persistence.json").deleteOnExit();
use of com.laytonsmith.core.environments.GlobalEnv in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class CompositeFunction method exec.
public Construct exec(Target t, Environment environment, Construct... args) throws ConfigRuntimeException {
ParseTree tree;
if (!cachedScripts.containsKey(this.getClass())) {
try {
String script = script();
tree = MethodScriptCompiler.compile(MethodScriptCompiler.lex(script, null, true)).getChildAt(0);
} catch (ConfigCompileException | ConfigCompileGroupException ex) {
// This is really bad.
throw new Error(ex);
if (cacheCompile()) {
cachedScripts.put(this.getClass(), tree);
} else {
tree = cachedScripts.get(this.getClass());
GlobalEnv env = environment.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class);
IVariableList oldVariables = env.GetVarList();
IVariableList newVariables = new IVariableList();
newVariables.set(new IVariable(CClassType.get("array"), "@arguments", new CArray(t, args.length, args), t));
Construct ret = CVoid.VOID;
try {
env.GetScript().eval(tree, environment);
} catch (FunctionReturnException ex) {
ret = ex.getReturn();
return ret;