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Example 11 with CInt

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class ArrayHandlingTest method setUp.

public void setUp() {
    fakePlayer = StaticTest.GetOnlinePlayer();
    commonArray = new CArray(Target.UNKNOWN, new CInt(1, Target.UNKNOWN), new CInt(2, Target.UNKNOWN), new CInt(3, Target.UNKNOWN));
Also used : CInt(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt) CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) CommandHelperEnvironment(com.laytonsmith.core.environments.CommandHelperEnvironment) Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 12 with CInt

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class Scoreboards method getTeam.

static CArray getTeam(MCTeam team, Target t) {
    CArray to = CArray.GetAssociativeArray(t);
    to.set("name", new CString(team.getName(), t), t);
    to.set("displayname", new CString(team.getDisplayName(), t), t);
    to.set("prefix", new CString(team.getPrefix(), t), t);
    to.set("suffix", new CString(team.getSuffix(), t), t);
    to.set("size", new CInt(team.getSize(), t), t);
    CArray ops = CArray.GetAssociativeArray(t);
    ops.set("friendlyfire", CBoolean.get(team.allowFriendlyFire()), t);
    ops.set("friendlyinvisibles", CBoolean.get(team.canSeeFriendlyInvisibles()), t);
    if (Static.getServer().getMinecraftVersion().gte(MCVersion.MC1_8)) {
        ops.set("nametagvisibility", new CString(team.getNameTagVisibility().name(), t), t);
    if (Static.getServer().getMinecraftVersion().gte(MCVersion.MC1_9)) {
        ops.set("collisionrule", new CString(team.getOption(MCOption.COLLISION_RULE).name(), t), t);
        ops.set("deathmessagevisibility", new CString(team.getOption(MCOption.DEATH_MESSAGE_VISIBILITY).name(), t), t);
    to.set("options", ops, t);
    CArray pl = new CArray(t);
    for (String entry : team.getEntries()) {
        pl.push(new CString(entry, t), t);
    to.set("players", pl, t);
    return to;
Also used : CInt(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt) CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString)

Example 13 with CInt

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class Interpreter method doBuiltin.

public boolean doBuiltin(String script) {
    List<String> args = StringUtils.ArgParser(script);
    if (args.size() > 0) {
        String command = args.get(0);
        command = command.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        switch(command) {
            case "help":
                pl("Shell builtins:");
                pl("cd <dir> - Runs cd() with the provided argument.");
                pl("s - equivalent to cd('..').");
                pl("echo - Prints the arguments. If -e is set as the first argument, arguments are sent to colorize() first.");
                pl("exit - Exits shellMode, and returns back to normal mscript mode.");
                pl("logout - Exits the shell entirely with a return code of 0.");
                pl("pwd - Runs pwd()");
                pl("help - Prints this message.");
                return true;
            case "cd":
            case "s":
                if ("s".equals(command)) {
                if (args.size() > 1) {
                    pl(RED + "Too many arguments passed to cd");
                    return true;
                Construct[] a = new Construct[0];
                if (args.size() == 1) {
                    a = new Construct[] { new CString(args.get(0), Target.UNKNOWN) };
                try {
                    new, env, a);
                } catch (CREIOException ex) {
                    pl(RED + ex.getMessage());
                return true;
            case "pwd":
                pl(new Cmdline.pwd().exec(Target.UNKNOWN, env).val());
                return true;
            case "exit":
                // We need previous code to intercept, we cannot do this here.
                throw new Error("I should not run");
            case "logout":
                new Cmdline.exit().exec(Target.UNKNOWN, env, new CInt(0, Target.UNKNOWN));
                // won't actually run
                return true;
            case "echo":
                // TODO Probably need some variable interpolation maybe? Otherwise, I don't think this command
                // is actually useful as is, because this is not supposed to be a scripting environment.. that's
                // what the normal shell is for.
                boolean colorize = false;
                if (args.size() > 0 && "-e".equals(args.get(0))) {
                    colorize = true;
                String output = StringUtils.Join(args, " ");
                if (colorize) {
                    output = new Echoes.colorize().exec(Target.UNKNOWN, env, new CString(output, Target.UNKNOWN)).val();
                return true;
    return false;
Also used : CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString) Echoes(com.laytonsmith.core.functions.Echoes) CInt(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt) Construct(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct) Cmdline(com.laytonsmith.core.functions.Cmdline) CREIOException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CREIOException)

Example 14 with CInt

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class ObjectGenerator method fireworkEffect.

public MCFireworkEffect fireworkEffect(CArray fe, Target t) {
    MCFireworkBuilder builder = StaticLayer.GetConvertor().GetFireworkBuilder();
    if (fe.containsKey("flicker")) {
        builder.setFlicker(Static.getBoolean(fe.get("flicker", t), t));
    if (fe.containsKey("trail")) {
        builder.setTrail(Static.getBoolean(fe.get("trail", t), t));
    if (fe.containsKey("colors")) {
        Construct colors = fe.get("colors", t);
        if (colors instanceof CArray) {
            CArray ccolors = (CArray) colors;
            if (ccolors.size() == 0) {
            } else {
                for (Construct color : ccolors.asList()) {
                    MCColor mccolor;
                    if (color instanceof CString) {
                        mccolor = StaticLayer.GetConvertor().GetColor(color.val(), t);
                    } else if (color instanceof CArray) {
                        mccolor = color((CArray) color, t);
                    } else if (color instanceof CInt && ccolors.size() == 3) {
                        // Appears to be a single color
                        builder.addColor(color(ccolors, t));
                    } else {
                        throw new CREFormatException("Expecting individual color to be an array or string, but found " + color.typeof(), t);
        } else if (colors instanceof CString) {
            String[] split = colors.val().split("\\|");
            if (split.length == 0) {
            } else {
                for (String s : split) {
                    builder.addColor(StaticLayer.GetConvertor().GetColor(s, t));
        } else {
            throw new CREFormatException("Expecting an array or string for colors parameter, but found " + colors.typeof(), t);
    } else {
    if (fe.containsKey("fade")) {
        Construct colors = fe.get("fade", t);
        if (colors instanceof CArray) {
            CArray ccolors = (CArray) colors;
            for (Construct color : ccolors.asList()) {
                MCColor mccolor;
                if (color instanceof CArray) {
                    mccolor = color((CArray) color, t);
                } else if (color instanceof CString) {
                    mccolor = StaticLayer.GetConvertor().GetColor(color.val(), t);
                } else if (color instanceof CInt && ccolors.size() == 3) {
                    // Appears to be a single color
                    builder.addFadeColor(color(ccolors, t));
                } else {
                    throw new CREFormatException("Expecting individual color to be an array or string, but found " + color.typeof(), t);
        } else if (colors instanceof CString) {
            String[] split = colors.val().split("\\|");
            for (String s : split) {
                builder.addFadeColor(StaticLayer.GetConvertor().GetColor(s, t));
        } else {
            throw new CREFormatException("Expecting an array or string for fade parameter, but found " + colors.typeof(), t);
    if (fe.containsKey("type")) {
        try {
            builder.setType(MCFireworkType.valueOf(fe.get("type", t).val().toUpperCase()));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            throw new CREFormatException(ex.getMessage(), t, ex);
Also used : CInt(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt) MCColor(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCColor) CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) Construct(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct) MCFireworkBuilder(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCFireworkBuilder) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString) CREFormatException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CREFormatException) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString)

Example 15 with CInt

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class ObjectGenerator method itemMeta.

public Construct itemMeta(MCItemStack is, Target t) {
    if (!is.hasItemMeta()) {
        return CNull.NULL;
    } else {
        Construct display, lore;
        CArray ma = CArray.GetAssociativeArray(t);
        MCItemMeta meta = is.getItemMeta();
        if (meta.hasDisplayName()) {
            display = new CString(meta.getDisplayName(), t);
        } else {
            display = CNull.NULL;
        if (meta.hasLore()) {
            lore = new CArray(t);
            for (String l : meta.getLore()) {
                ((CArray) lore).push(new CString(l, t), t);
        } else {
            lore = CNull.NULL;
        ma.set("display", display, t);
        ma.set("lore", lore, t);
        ma.set("enchants", enchants(meta.getEnchants(), t), t);
        ma.set("repair", new CInt(meta.getRepairCost(), t), t);
        // Version specific ItemMeta
        if (Static.getServer().getMinecraftVersion().gte(MCVersion.MC1_8)) {
            Set<MCItemFlag> itemFlags = meta.getItemFlags();
            CArray flagArray = new CArray(t);
            if (itemFlags.size() > 0) {
                for (MCItemFlag flag : itemFlags) {
                    flagArray.push(new CString(, t), t);
            ma.set("flags", flagArray, t);
            if (Static.getServer().getMinecraftVersion().gte(MCVersion.MC1_11)) {
                ma.set("unbreakable", CBoolean.get(meta.isUnbreakable()), t);
        // Specific ItemMeta
        if (meta instanceof MCBlockStateMeta) {
            MCBlockState bs = ((MCBlockStateMeta) meta).getBlockState();
            if (bs instanceof MCShulkerBox) {
                MCShulkerBox mcsb = (MCShulkerBox) bs;
                MCInventory inv = mcsb.getInventory();
                CArray box = CArray.GetAssociativeArray(t);
                for (int i = 0; i < inv.getSize(); i++) {
                    Construct item = ObjectGenerator.GetGenerator().item(inv.getItem(i), t);
                    if (!(item instanceof CNull)) {
                        box.set(i, item, t);
                ma.set("inventory", box, t);
            } else if (bs instanceof MCBanner) {
                MCBanner banner = (MCBanner) bs;
                CArray patterns = new CArray(t, banner.numberOfPatterns());
                for (MCPattern p : banner.getPatterns()) {
                    CArray pattern = CArray.GetAssociativeArray(t);
                    pattern.set("shape", new CString(p.getShape().toString(), t), t);
                    pattern.set("color", new CString(p.getColor().toString(), t), t);
                    patterns.push(pattern, t);
                ma.set("patterns", patterns, t);
                MCDyeColor dyeColor = banner.getBaseColor();
                if (dyeColor != null) {
                    ma.set("basecolor", new CString(dyeColor.toString(), t), t);
            } else if (bs instanceof MCCreatureSpawner) {
                MCCreatureSpawner mccs = (MCCreatureSpawner) bs;
                ma.set("spawntype", mccs.getSpawnedType().name());
        } else if (meta instanceof MCFireworkEffectMeta) {
            MCFireworkEffectMeta mcfem = (MCFireworkEffectMeta) meta;
            MCFireworkEffect effect = mcfem.getEffect();
            if (effect == null) {
                ma.set("effect", CNull.NULL, t);
            } else {
                ma.set("effect", fireworkEffect(effect, t), t);
        } else if (meta instanceof MCFireworkMeta) {
            MCFireworkMeta mcfm = (MCFireworkMeta) meta;
            CArray firework = CArray.GetAssociativeArray(t);
            firework.set("strength", new CInt(mcfm.getStrength(), t), t);
            CArray fe = new CArray(t);
            for (MCFireworkEffect effect : mcfm.getEffects()) {
                fe.push(fireworkEffect(effect, t), t);
            firework.set("effects", fe, t);
            ma.set("firework", firework, t);
        } else if (meta instanceof MCLeatherArmorMeta) {
            CArray color = color(((MCLeatherArmorMeta) meta).getColor(), t);
            ma.set("color", color, t);
        } else if (meta instanceof MCBookMeta) {
            Construct title, author, pages;
            if (((MCBookMeta) meta).hasTitle()) {
                title = new CString(((MCBookMeta) meta).getTitle(), t);
            } else {
                title = CNull.NULL;
            if (((MCBookMeta) meta).hasAuthor()) {
                author = new CString(((MCBookMeta) meta).getAuthor(), t);
            } else {
                author = CNull.NULL;
            if (((MCBookMeta) meta).hasPages()) {
                pages = new CArray(t);
                for (String p : ((MCBookMeta) meta).getPages()) {
                    ((CArray) pages).push(new CString(p, t), t);
            } else {
                pages = CNull.NULL;
            ma.set("title", title, t);
            ma.set("author", author, t);
            ma.set("pages", pages, t);
        } else if (meta instanceof MCSkullMeta) {
            if (Static.getServer().getMinecraftVersion().gte(MCVersion.MC1_12_X)) {
                if (((MCSkullMeta) meta).hasOwner()) {
                    MCOfflinePlayer player = ((MCSkullMeta) meta).getOwningPlayer();
                    ma.set("owner", new CString(player.getName(), t), t);
                    ma.set("owneruuid", new CString(player.getUniqueID().toString(), t), t);
                } else {
                    ma.set("owner", CNull.NULL, t);
                    ma.set("owneruuid", CNull.NULL, t);
            } else {
                if (((MCSkullMeta) meta).hasOwner()) {
                    ma.set("owner", new CString(((MCSkullMeta) meta).getOwner(), t), t);
                } else {
                    ma.set("owner", CNull.NULL, t);
        } else if (meta instanceof MCEnchantmentStorageMeta) {
            Construct stored;
            if (((MCEnchantmentStorageMeta) meta).hasStoredEnchants()) {
                stored = enchants(((MCEnchantmentStorageMeta) meta).getStoredEnchants(), t);
            } else {
                stored = CNull.NULL;
            ma.set("stored", stored, t);
        } else if (meta instanceof MCPotionMeta) {
            MCPotionMeta potionmeta = (MCPotionMeta) meta;
            CArray effects = potions(potionmeta.getCustomEffects(), t);
            ma.set("potions", effects, t);
            if (Static.getServer().getMinecraftVersion().gte(MCVersion.MC1_9)) {
                MCPotionData potiondata = potionmeta.getBasePotionData();
                if (potiondata != null) {
                    ma.set("base", potionData(potiondata, t), t);
            } else if (effects.size() > 0) {
                ma.set("main", ((CArray) effects.get(0, t)).get("id", t), t);
        } else if (meta instanceof MCBannerMeta) {
            MCBannerMeta bannermeta = (MCBannerMeta) meta;
            CArray patterns = new CArray(t, bannermeta.numberOfPatterns());
            for (MCPattern p : bannermeta.getPatterns()) {
                CArray pattern = CArray.GetAssociativeArray(t);
                pattern.set("shape", new CString(p.getShape().toString(), t), t);
                pattern.set("color", new CString(p.getColor().toString(), t), t);
                patterns.push(pattern, t);
            ma.set("patterns", patterns, t);
            MCDyeColor dyeColor = bannermeta.getBaseColor();
            if (dyeColor != null) {
                ma.set("basecolor", new CString(dyeColor.toString(), t), t);
        } else if (meta instanceof MCSpawnEggMeta) {
            MCEntityType spawntype = ((MCSpawnEggMeta) meta).getSpawnedType();
            if (spawntype == null) {
                ma.set("spawntype", CNull.NULL, t);
            } else {
                ma.set("spawntype", new CString(, t), t);
        } else if (meta instanceof MCMapMeta && Static.getServer().getMinecraftVersion().gte(MCVersion.MC1_11)) {
            MCColor mapcolor = ((MCMapMeta) meta).getColor();
            Construct color;
            if (mapcolor == null) {
                color = CNull.NULL;
            } else {
                color = color(mapcolor, t);
            ma.set("color", color, t);
        return ma;
Also used : MCBanner(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.blocks.MCBanner) MCEntityType(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.enums.MCEntityType) MCOfflinePlayer(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCOfflinePlayer) MCFireworkMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCFireworkMeta) CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) MCLeatherArmorMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCLeatherArmorMeta) MCSpawnEggMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCSpawnEggMeta) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString) MCPattern(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCPattern) MCFireworkEffect(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCFireworkEffect) MCPotionMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCPotionMeta) MCMapMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCMapMeta) MCColor(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCColor) MCItemFlag(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.enums.MCItemFlag) MCDyeColor(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.enums.MCDyeColor) MCBookMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCBookMeta) MCBlockStateMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCBlockStateMeta) MCFireworkEffectMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCFireworkEffectMeta) MCBlockState(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.blocks.MCBlockState) MCBannerMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCBannerMeta) MCInventory(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCInventory) MCSkullMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCSkullMeta) MCItemMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCItemMeta) MCPotionData(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCPotionData) MCEnchantmentStorageMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCEnchantmentStorageMeta) CInt(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt) MCCreatureSpawner(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCCreatureSpawner) Construct(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct) MCShulkerBox(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.blocks.MCShulkerBox) CNull(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull)


CInt (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt)20 CArray (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray)17 CString (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString)12 Construct (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct)11 CDouble (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble)8 CNull (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull)5 CBoolean (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CBoolean)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 CFunction (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CFunction)3 Command (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Command)3 IVariable (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.IVariable)3 CRECastException (com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CRECastException)3 ConfigCompileException (com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigCompileException)3 Test (org.junit.Test)3 MCColor (com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCColor)2 CLabel (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CLabel)2 CResource (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CResource)2 Target (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Target)2 Variable (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Variable)2 CommandHelperEnvironment (com.laytonsmith.core.environments.CommandHelperEnvironment)2