use of com.laytonsmith.persistence.ReadOnlyException in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class Manager method refactor.
public static void refactor() {
pl("This tool allows you to granularly move individual keys from one datasource to another." + " Unlike the merge tool, this works with individual keys, not necessarily keys that are" + " within a particular data source. There are three required inputs, the transfer key pattern," + " the input configuration file, and the output configuration file. Data is transferred from" + " one configuration to the other, that is, it is added in the new place, and removed in the old place." + " This tool is more complicated" + " than the merge tool, so consider using the other tool for simple tasks.\n\n");
pl("Would you like to continue? [" + GREEN + "Y" + WHITE + "/" + RED + "N" + WHITE + "]");
String choice = prompt();
if ("Y".equals(choice)) {
String filter;
File input;
File output;
while (true) {
while (true) {
pl("What keys are you interested in transferring? The filter should be in the same format as the persistence.ini file, i.e." + " \"storage.test\" or \"storage.test.**\". If a wildcard is used, multiple keys may be moved, otherwise, only one will" + " be.");
filter = prompt();
File def = MethodScriptFileLocations.getDefault().getPersistenceConfig();
while (true) {
pl("What is the input configuration (where keys will be read in from, then deleted)? Leave blank for the default, which is " + def.toString() + ". The path should be relative to " + jarLocation.toString());
String sinput = prompt();
if ("".equals(sinput.trim())) {
input = def;
} else {
File temp = new File(sinput);
if (!temp.isAbsolute()) {
temp = new File(jarLocation, sinput);
input = temp;
if (!input.exists() || !input.isFile()) {
pl(RED + input.toString() + " isn't a file. Please enter an existing file.");
} else {
while (true) {
pl("What is the output configuration (where keys will be written to)? The path should be relative to " + jarLocation.toString());
String soutput = prompt();
if ("".equals(soutput.trim())) {
pl(RED + "The output cannot be empty");
} else {
File temp = new File(soutput);
if (!temp.isAbsolute()) {
temp = new File(jarLocation, soutput);
output = temp;
if (!output.exists() || !output.isFile()) {
pl(RED + output.toString() + " isn't a file. Please enter an existing file.");
} else {
pl("The filter is \"" + MAGENTA + filter + WHITE + "\".");
pl("The input configuration is \"" + MAGENTA + input.toString() + WHITE + "\".");
pl("The output configuration is \"" + MAGENTA + output.toString() + WHITE + "\".");
pl("Is this correct? [" + GREEN + "Y" + WHITE + "/" + RED + "N" + WHITE + "]");
if ("Y".equals(prompt())) {
pl(YELLOW + "Now beginning transfer...");
URI defaultURI;
try {
defaultURI = new URI("file://persistence.db");
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
throw new Error(ex);
ConnectionMixinFactory.ConnectionMixinOptions mixinOptions = new ConnectionMixinFactory.ConnectionMixinOptions();
try {
DaemonManager dm = new DaemonManager();
PersistenceNetwork pninput = new PersistenceNetwork(input, defaultURI, mixinOptions);
PersistenceNetwork pnoutput = new PersistenceNetwork(output, defaultURI, mixinOptions);
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(DataSourceFilter.toRegex(filter));
Map<String[], String> inputData = pninput.getNamespace(new String[] {});
boolean errors = false;
int transferred = 0;
int skipped = 0;
for (String[] k : inputData.keySet()) {
String key = StringUtils.Join(k, ".");
if (p.matcher(key).matches()) {
pl(GREEN + "transferring " + YELLOW + key);
// from the input network
if (pnoutput.getKeySource(k).equals(pninput.getKeySource(k))) {
// Don't transfer it if it's the same source, otherwise we would
// end up just deleting it.
try {
pnoutput.set(dm, k, inputData.get(k));
try {
pninput.clearKey(dm, k);
} catch (ReadOnlyException ex) {
pl(RED + "Could not clear out original key for the value for \"" + MAGENTA + StringUtils.Join(k, ".") + RED + "\", as the input" + " file is set to read only.");
errors = true;
} catch (ReadOnlyException ex) {
pl(RED + "Could not write out the value for \"" + MAGENTA + StringUtils.Join(k, ".") + RED + "\", as the output" + " file is set to read only.");
errors = true;
} else {
pl(YELLOW + StringUtils.PluralTemplateHelper(transferred, "%d key was", "%d keys were") + " transferred.");
pl(YELLOW + StringUtils.PluralTemplateHelper(skipped, "%d key was", "%d keys were") + " skipped.");
if (errors) {
pl(YELLOW + "Other than the errors listed above, all keys were transferred successfully.");
} else {
pl(GREEN + "Done!");
pl(GREEN + "If this is being done as part of an entire transfer process, don't forget to set " + output.toString() + " as your main Persistence Network configuration file.");
} catch (IOException | DataSourceException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Manager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
use of com.laytonsmith.persistence.ReadOnlyException in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class Manager method cleardb.
public static void cleardb() {
try {
pl(RED + "Are you absolutely sure you want to clear out your database? " + BLINKON + "No backup is going to be made." + BLINKOFF);
pl(WHITE + "This will completely wipe your persistence information out. (No other data will be changed)");
String choice = prompt();
if (choice.equals("YES")) {
pl("Positive? [YES/No]");
if (prompt().equals("YES")) {
p("Ok, here we go... ");
Set<String[]> keySet = persistenceNetwork.getNamespace(new String[] {}).keySet();
DaemonManager dm = new DaemonManager();
for (String[] key : keySet) {
try {
persistenceNetwork.clearKey(dm, key);
} catch (ReadOnlyException ex) {
pl(RED + "Read only data source found: " + ex.getMessage());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} else if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
pl("No, you have to type YES exactly.");
} catch (DataSourceException | IOException ex) {
pl(RED + ex.getMessage());
use of com.laytonsmith.persistence.ReadOnlyException in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class Manager method hiddenKeys.
public static void hiddenKeys() {
String action;
while (true) {
pl(WHITE + "Would you like to \"" + GREEN + "view" + WHITE + "\" or \"" + RED + "delete" + WHITE + "\" the hidden keys (default: view)? [view/delete]");
action = prompt();
if ("".equals(action)) {
action = "view";
if ("view".equals(action) || "delete".equals(action)) {
} else {
pl(RED + "Invalid selection.");
File configuration = MethodScriptFileLocations.getDefault().getPersistenceConfig();
while (true) {
pl("Currently, " + configuration.getAbsolutePath() + " is being used as the persistence config file, but you may" + " specify another (blank to use the default).");
String file = prompt();
if ("".equals(file)) {
} else {
File f = new File(file);
if (f.exists()) {
configuration = f;
} else {
pl(RED + "The file you specified doesn't seem to exist, please enter it again.");
pl(YELLOW + "Using " + configuration.getAbsolutePath() + " as our Persistence Network config.");
File workingDirectory = MethodScriptFileLocations.getDefault().getConfigDirectory();
while (true) {
pl("Currently, " + workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " is being used as the default \"working directory\" for the" + " persistence config file, but you may specify another (blank to use the default).");
String file = prompt();
if ("".equals(file)) {
} else {
File f = new File(file);
if (f.exists()) {
workingDirectory = f;
} else {
pl(RED + "The file you specified doesn't seem to exist, please enter it again.");
pl(YELLOW + "Using " + workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " as our Persistence Network config working directory.");
try {
DataSourceFilter filter = new DataSourceFilter(configuration, new URI("sqlite://persistence.db"));
ConnectionMixinFactory.ConnectionMixinOptions options = new ConnectionMixinFactory.ConnectionMixinOptions();
Set<URI> uris = filter.getAllConnections();
boolean noneFound = true;
int runningTotal = 0;
for (URI uri : uris) {
DataSource ds = DataSourceFactory.GetDataSource(uri, options);
Map<String[], String> db = ds.getValues(ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);
Map<String[], String> map = new HashMap<>();
DaemonManager dm = new DaemonManager();
try {
for (String[] key : db.keySet()) {
if (!filter.getConnection(key).equals(uri)) {
map.put(key, db.get(key));
if ("delete".equals(action)) {
ds.clearKey(dm, key);
runningTotal += map.size();
} catch (ReadOnlyException ex) {
pl(RED + "Cannot delete any keys from " + uri + " as it is marked as read only, so it is being skipped.");
if ("delete".equals(action)) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// Ignored
if (!map.isEmpty()) {
noneFound = false;
if ("view".equals(action)) {
pl("Found " + StringUtils.PluralTemplateHelper(map.size(), "one hidden key", "%d hidden keys") + " in data source " + MAGENTA + uri.toString());
for (String[] key : map.keySet()) {
pl("\t" + GREEN + StringUtils.Join(key, ".") + WHITE + ":" + CYAN + map.get(key));
if (ds.hasModifier(DataSource.DataSourceModifier.READONLY)) {
pl(YELLOW + "This data source is marked as read only, and the keys cannot be deleted from it by this utility.");
if (noneFound) {
pl(GREEN + "Done searching, no hidden keys were found.");
} else {
if ("delete".equals(action)) {
pl(GREEN + "Done, " + StringUtils.PluralTemplateHelper(runningTotal, "one hidden key was", "%d hidden keys were") + " deleted.");
} else {
pl(GREEN + "Found " + StringUtils.PluralTemplateHelper(runningTotal, "one hidden key", "%d hidden keys") + " in total.");
} catch (URISyntaxException | IOException | DataSourceException ex) {
pl(RED + ex.getMessage());
use of com.laytonsmith.persistence.ReadOnlyException in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class Manager method merge.
public static void merge() {
pl(GREEN + "Transferring a database takes all the keys from a database connection, and puts\n" + "them straight into another database. If there are key conflicts, this tool will prompt\n" + "you for an action.");
ConnectionMixinFactory.ConnectionMixinOptions mixinOptions = new ConnectionMixinFactory.ConnectionMixinOptions();
DataSource source;
DataSource destination;
do {
// the exact same value.
do {
// Get the source connection set up
pl(YELLOW + "What is the source connection you would like to read the keys from?\n" + "(Type the connection exactly as you would in the persistence configuration,\n" + "aliases are not supported)");
String ssource = prompt();
try {
source = DataSourceFactory.GetDataSource(ssource, mixinOptions);
} catch (DataSourceException | URISyntaxException ex) {
pl(RED + ex.getMessage());
} while (true);
do {
// Get the destination connection set up
pl(YELLOW + "What is the destination connection?");
String sdestination = prompt();
try {
destination = DataSourceFactory.GetDataSource(sdestination, mixinOptions);
} catch (DataSourceException | URISyntaxException ex) {
pl(RED + ex.getMessage());
} while (true);
try {
// Run through all the source's keys, and check to see that either the
// destination's key doesn't exist, or the value at that key is the
// exact same as the source's value
boolean acceptAllDestination = false;
boolean acceptAllSource = false;
DaemonManager dm = new DaemonManager();
for (String[] key : source.keySet(ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY)) {
if (destination.hasKey(key)) {
if (!source.get(key).equals(destination.get(key))) {
String data;
// ask.
if (destination.get(key) != null) {
boolean useSource = false;
boolean useDestination = false;
if (acceptAllDestination || acceptAllSource) {
p(RED + "Conflict found for " + StringUtils.Join(key, ".") + ", using ");
if (useSource) {
useSource = true;
} else {
useDestination = true;
pl(" value.");
} else {
pl(BG_RED + BRIGHT_WHITE + "The key " + StringUtils.Join(key, ".") + " has a different value" + " in the source and the destination: " + reset());
pl(WHITE + "Source: " + source.get(key));
pl(WHITE + "Destination: " + destination.get(key));
do {
pl(YELLOW + "Would you like to keep " + CYAN + "S" + YELLOW + "ource, " + "keep " + GREEN + "D" + YELLOW + "estination, keep " + MAGENTA + "A" + YELLOW + "ll " + MAGENTA + "S" + YELLOW + "ource, or keep " + BLUE + "A" + YELLOW + "ll " + BLUE + "D" + YELLOW + "estination?");
pl(WHITE + "[" + CYAN + "S" + WHITE + "/" + GREEN + "D" + WHITE + "/" + MAGENTA + "AS" + WHITE + "/" + BLUE + "AD" + WHITE + "]");
String response = prompt();
if ("AS".equalsIgnoreCase(response)) {
acceptAllSource = true;
useSource = true;
} else if ("AD".equalsIgnoreCase(response)) {
acceptAllDestination = true;
useDestination = true;
} else if ("S".equalsIgnoreCase(response)) {
useSource = true;
} else if ("D".equalsIgnoreCase(response)) {
useDestination = true;
} else {
} while (true);
if (useSource) {
data = source.get(key);
} else if (useDestination) {
data = destination.get(key);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid state, both useSource and useDestination are false");
// Ok, now put the data in the destination
} else {
// Otherwise, just use the data in the source
data = source.get(key);
destination.set(dm, key, data);
} else {
// Else there is no conflict, it's not in the destination.
destination.set(dm, key, source.get(key));
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
} catch (DataSourceException | ReadOnlyException | IOException ex) {
pl(RED + ex.getMessage());
} while (true);
pl(GREEN + "Done merging!");