use of com.liferay.faces.alloy.component.button.Button in project liferay-faces-alloy by liferay.
the class PopoverRenderer method encodeAlign.
protected void encodeAlign(ResponseWriter responseWriter, Popover popover, boolean first) throws IOException {
encodeNonEscapedObject(responseWriter, ALIGN, "", first);
String for_ = popover.getFor();
encodeClientId(responseWriter, NODE, for_, popover, true);
UIComponent forComponent = popover.findComponent(for_);
if (forComponent != null) {
if (forComponent instanceof Button) {
Button button = (Button) forComponent;
if ((button.getOnclick() == null) && (button.getOnmouseover() == null)) {
logger.warn("Popover [{0}] is *for* button [{1}] but the button does not have an onclick or onmouseover attribute.", popover.getClientKey(), for_);
use of com.liferay.faces.alloy.component.button.Button in project liferay-faces-alloy by liferay.
the class InputDateTimeRenderer method encodeMarkupEnd.
public void encodeMarkupEnd(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent) throws IOException {
ResponseWriter responseWriter = facesContext.getResponseWriter();
String clientId = uiComponent.getClientId(facesContext);
String inputClientId = clientId.concat(INPUT_SUFFIX);
BrowserSniffer browserSniffer = BrowserSnifferFactory.getBrowserSnifferInstance(facesContext.getExternalContext());
InputDateTime inputDateTime = (InputDateTime) uiComponent;
InputDateTimeResponseWriter inputDateTimeResponseWriter = getInputDateTimeResponseWriter(responseWriter, inputClientId, isNative(browserSniffer, inputDateTime));
super.encodeMarkupEnd(facesContext, uiComponent, inputDateTimeResponseWriter);
// Determine whether or not the text input is enabled.
boolean disabled = inputDateTime.isDisabled();
// If the "showOn" attribute indicates that a button is to be rendered and the component is not being rendered
// for a mobile browser, then render the button.
String showOn = inputDateTime.getShowOn();
if (("both".equals(showOn) || "button".equals(showOn)) && !isNative(browserSniffer, inputDateTime)) {
ApplicationFactory applicationFactory = (ApplicationFactory) FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.APPLICATION_FACTORY);
Application application = applicationFactory.getApplication();
// Create an icon component that is to remain detached from the component tree.
Icon icon = (Icon) application.createComponent(Icon.COMPONENT_TYPE);
String buttonIconName = getButtonIconName();
// Create a button component that that is also to remain detached from the component tree.
Button button = (Button) application.createComponent(Button.COMPONENT_TYPE);
List<UIComponent> buttonChildren = button.getChildren();
// If the component is enabled, then
if (!disabled) {
if ("button".equals(showOn)) {
String buttonClientId = getButtonClientId(facesContext, inputDateTime);
} else {
// If the both the button and the input are supposed to trigger the datePicker, set the button's
// onclick to focus and click the input.
String onClick = BUTTON_ON_CLICK_EVENT.replace("{0}", inputClientId);
// Invoke the button's renderer so that it renders itself and its child icon.
// If the component is enabled, then create the boundingBox and contentBox of the picker.
if (!disabled) {
responseWriter.startElement("div", uiComponent);
String boundingBoxClientId = clientId.concat(BOUNDING_BOX_SUFFIX);
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id", boundingBoxClientId, null);
responseWriter.startElement("div", uiComponent);
String contentBoxClientId = clientId.concat(CONTENT_BOX_SUFFIX);
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id", contentBoxClientId, null);
// Finish the encoding of the outermost </div> element.