use of com.liferay.ide.service.core.job.BuildWSDDJob in project liferay-ide by liferay.
the class BuildWSDDHandler method executeServiceBuild.
protected IStatus executeServiceBuild(IProject project) {
IStatus retval = null;
try {
new BuildWSDDJob(project).schedule();
retval = Status.OK_STATUS;
} catch (Exception e) {
retval = ServiceCore.createErrorStatus("Unable to execute build-wsdd command", e);
return retval;
use of com.liferay.ide.service.core.job.BuildWSDDJob in project liferay-ide by liferay.
the class BuildWSDDActionHandler method run.
protected Object run(Presentation context) {
Element modelElement = context.part().getModelElement();
IFile file = modelElement.adapt(IFile.class);
if (FileUtil.exists(file) && ServiceUIUtil.shouldCreateServiceBuilderJob(file)) {
new BuildWSDDJob(file.getProject()).schedule();
return null;