use of in project liliths-throne-public by Innoxia.
the class DebugDialogue method clothingCollage.
private static String clothingCollage() {
clothingCollageSB = new StringBuilder("<div style='position:inline-block;width:90vw;float:left;'>");
for (AbstractClothingType c : ClothingType.getAllClothing()) {
AbstractClothing ac = AbstractClothingType.generateClothing(c);
clothingCollageSB.append("<html><div style='width:10vw;height:10vw;float:left;all: unset;'>" + ac.getSVGString() + "</div></html>");
return clothingCollageSB.toString();
use of in project liliths-throne-public by Innoxia.
the class CharacterInventory method isAbleToUnequip.
private boolean isAbleToUnequip(AbstractClothing clothing, boolean unequipIfAble, boolean automaticClothingManagement, GameCharacter characterClothingOwner, GameCharacter characterRemovingClothing, boolean continuingIsAbleToEquip) {
if (!continuingIsAbleToEquip) {
if (clothing.isSealed()) {
equipTextSB.append("Your " + clothing.getName() + " can't be removed because " + (clothing.getClothingType().isPlural() ? "they are" : "it is") + " <b style='color:" + Colour.SEALED.toWebHexString() + ";'>sealed</b>!");
blockingClothing = clothing;
return false;
} else if (!continuingIsAbleToEquip) {
clothingToRemove.put(clothing, DisplacementType.REMOVE_OR_EQUIP);
// Check for access needed: TODO check this works
for (BlockedParts bp : clothing.getClothingType().getBlockedPartsList()) {
// Keep iterating through until until we find the BlockedParts that corresponds to equipping (if not found, carry on, as this clothing doesn't need any access in order to be equipped):
if (bp.displacementType == DisplacementType.REMOVE_OR_EQUIP)
if (bp.clothingAccessRequired == null) {
// This clothing doesn't need any access in order to be equipped, so just carry on.
} else {
// This clothing has access requirements in order to be equipped. Check each piece of equipped clothing to see if it's blocking the access required:
for (AbstractClothing equippedClothing : clothingCurrentlyEquipped) {
if (equippedClothing != clothing)
for (BlockedParts bpEquipped : equippedClothing.getClothingType().getBlockedPartsList()) {
for (ClothingAccess caBlocked : bpEquipped.clothingAccessBlocked) {
if (bp.clothingAccessRequired.contains(caBlocked) && !equippedClothing.getDisplacedList().contains(bpEquipped.displacementType) && !isDisplacementAvailableFromElsewhere(equippedClothing, caBlocked)) {
if (bpEquipped.displacementType != DisplacementType.REMOVE_OR_EQUIP) {
// If clothingToRemove already contains this clothing, it's just going to be easier to remove the clothing fully than perform multiple displacements:
if (!clothingToRemove.containsKey(equippedClothing))
if (!equippedClothing.getDisplacedList().contains(bpEquipped.displacementType)) {
// Not already displaced:
if (automaticClothingManagement)
clothingToRemove.put(equippedClothing, bpEquipped.displacementType);
else {
equipTextSB.append("Your <b style='color:" + Colour.GENERIC_BAD.toWebHexString() + ";'>" + equippedClothing.getName() + "</b> " + (equippedClothing.getClothingType().isPlural() ? "are" : "is") + " preventing you from being able to unequip your " + clothing.getName() + "!");
blockingClothing = equippedClothing;
return false;
} else {
if (isAbleToUnequip(equippedClothing, false, automaticClothingManagement, characterClothingOwner, characterRemovingClothing, true)) {
// Can be removed:
clothingToRemove.put(equippedClothing, DisplacementType.REMOVE_OR_EQUIP);
} else {
equipTextSB.append("</br>Your " + clothing.getName() + " can't be unequipped because your " + equippedClothing.getName() + " " + (equippedClothing.getClothingType().isPlural() ? "are" : "is") + " in the way.");
blockingClothing = equippedClothing;
return false;
if (continuingIsAbleToEquip)
return true;
if (!automaticClothingManagement && clothingToRemove.size() != 1) {
equipTextSB.append("Before your " + clothing.getName() + " " + (clothing.getClothingType().isPlural() ? "are" : "is") + " able to be removed, " + Util.clothesToStringList(clothingToRemove.keySet()) + " need" + (clothingToRemove.size() > 1 ? "" : "s") + " to be removed.");
for (AbstractClothing c : clothingToRemove.keySet()) if (c != clothing) {
blockingClothing = c;
return false;
// If you want to unequip this clothing now:
if (unequipIfAble) {
// Sort clothing to remove in zLayer order(so you take off your
// shirt before removing bra etc.):
List<AbstractClothing> tempClothingList = new ArrayList<>();
tempClothingList.sort(new ClothingZLayerComparator());
// Description of each clothing item that is removed/displaced:
for (AbstractClothing c : tempClothingList) {
equipTextSB.append((equipTextSB.length() == 0 ? "" : "</br>") + (clothingToRemove.get(c) == DisplacementType.REMOVE_OR_EQUIP ? (// (
c == clothing ? // (
c.onUnequipApplyEffects(characterClothingOwner, characterRemovingClothing, false) : // (
c.onUnequipText(characterClothingOwner, characterRemovingClothing, false)) : // (;
c.getClothingType().displaceText(characterClothingOwner, characterRemovingClothing, clothingToRemove.get(c), false)));
// if(c==clothing)
// unequipTextSB.append("</br>"+(isInventoryFull()?characterClothingOwner.droppedItemText(clothing):characterClothingOwner.addedItemToInventoryText(clothing)));
// Actually unequip the clothing:
// If it was displaced, clear it's displacements:
List<AbstractClothing> clothingToBeReplaced = new ArrayList<>();
clothingToBeReplaced.sort(new ReverseClothingZLayerComparator());
if (!clothingToBeReplaced.isEmpty() && !continuingIsAbleToEquip) {
equipTextSB.append("</br>You replace " + (characterClothingOwner.isPlayer() ? "your" : characterClothingOwner.getName() + "'s") + " " + Util.clothesToStringList(clothingToBeReplaced) + ".");
// Check for clothing sets:
if (clothing.getClothingType().getClothingSet() != null) {
clothingSetCount.put(clothing.getClothingType().getClothingSet(), clothingSetCount.get(clothing.getClothingType().getClothingSet()) - 1);
clothingCurrentlyEquipped.sort(new AbstractClothingRarityComparator());
return true;
use of in project liliths-throne-public by Innoxia.
the class CharacterInventory method recalculateMapOfDuplicateClothing.
private void recalculateMapOfDuplicateClothing() {
clothingInInventory.sort(new InventoryClothingComparator());
for (AbstractClothing clothing : clothingInInventory) {
if (!clothingDuplicates.containsKey(clothing))
clothingDuplicates.put(clothing, 1);
clothingDuplicates.put(clothing, clothingDuplicates.get(clothing) + 1);
use of in project liliths-throne-public by Innoxia.
the class CharacterInventory method calculateClothingPostTransformation.
public String calculateClothingPostTransformation(GameCharacter character) {
tempSB = new StringBuilder();
List<AbstractClothing> clothingToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
for (AbstractClothing c : clothingCurrentlyEquipped) {
// Race:
if (c.getClothingType().getSlot().slotBlockedByRace(character) != null) {
transformationIncompatible(character, c, clothingToRemove, c.getClothingType().getSlot().getCannotBeWornDescription(character));
// Piercings:
} else if (c.getClothingType().getSlot() == InventorySlot.PIERCING_EAR && !character.isPiercedEar()) {
transformationIncompatible(character, c, clothingToRemove, "Your ears are no longer pierced, so you can't wear the " + c.getName() + "!");
} else if (c.getClothingType().getSlot() == InventorySlot.PIERCING_LIP && !character.isPiercedLip()) {
transformationIncompatible(character, c, clothingToRemove, "Your lips are no longer pierced, so you can't wear the " + c.getName() + "!");
} else if (c.getClothingType().getSlot() == InventorySlot.PIERCING_NIPPLE && !character.isPiercedNipple()) {
transformationIncompatible(character, c, clothingToRemove, "Your nipples are no longer pierced, so you can't wear the " + c.getName() + "!");
} else if (c.getClothingType().getSlot() == InventorySlot.PIERCING_NOSE && !character.isPiercedNose()) {
transformationIncompatible(character, c, clothingToRemove, "Your nose is no longer pierced, so you can't wear the " + c.getName() + "!");
} else if (c.getClothingType().getSlot() == InventorySlot.PIERCING_PENIS && !character.isPiercedPenis()) {
if (character.getPenisType() == PenisType.NONE)
transformationIncompatible(character, c, clothingToRemove, "You no longer have a penis, so you can't wear the " + c.getName() + "!");
transformationIncompatible(character, c, clothingToRemove, "Your penis is no longer pierced, so you can't wear the " + c.getName() + "!");
} else if (c.getClothingType().getSlot() == InventorySlot.PIERCING_STOMACH && !character.isPiercedNavel()) {
transformationIncompatible(character, c, clothingToRemove, "Your navel is no longer pierced, so you can't wear the " + c.getName() + "!");
} else if (c.getClothingType().getSlot() == InventorySlot.PIERCING_TONGUE && !character.isPiercedTongue()) {
transformationIncompatible(character, c, clothingToRemove, "Your tongue is no longer pierced, so you can't wear the " + c.getName() + "!");
} else if (c.getClothingType().getSlot() == InventorySlot.PIERCING_VAGINA && !character.isPiercedVagina()) {
if (character.getVaginaType() == VaginaType.NONE)
transformationIncompatible(character, c, clothingToRemove, "You no longer have a vagina, so you can't wear the " + c.getName() + "!");
transformationIncompatible(character, c, clothingToRemove, "Your vagina is no longer pierced, so you can't wear the " + c.getName() + "!");
return tempSB.toString();
use of in project liliths-throne-public by Innoxia.
the class CharacterInventory method getNextClothingToRemoveForCoverableAreaAccess.
public SimpleEntry<AbstractClothing, DisplacementType> getNextClothingToRemoveForCoverableAreaAccess(CoverableArea coverableArea) {
AbstractClothing clothingToRemove = null;
DisplacementType displacement = null;
List<AbstractClothing> zLayerSortedList = new ArrayList<>(clothingCurrentlyEquipped);
zLayerSortedList.sort(new ClothingZLayerComparator().reversed());
outerloop: for (AbstractClothing clothing : zLayerSortedList) {
for (BlockedParts bp : clothing.getClothingType().getBlockedPartsList()) if (bp.blockedBodyParts.contains(coverableArea) && !clothing.getDisplacedList().contains(bp.displacementType)) {
if (!isCoverableAreaExposedFromElsewhere(clothing, coverableArea)) {
// this clothing is blocking the part we want access to, so make that our starting point:
clothingToRemove = clothing;
displacement = bp.displacementType;
break outerloop;
if (clothingToRemove == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no clothing covering this part!");
boolean finished = false;
while (!finished) {
finished = true;
outerloop2: for (BlockedParts bp : clothingToRemove.getClothingType().getBlockedPartsList()) {
if (bp.displacementType == displacement) {
for (ClothingAccess ca : bp.clothingAccessRequired) {
for (AbstractClothing clothing : zLayerSortedList) {
if (clothing != clothingToRemove) {
for (BlockedParts bpIterated : clothing.getClothingType().getBlockedPartsList()) {
if (bpIterated.clothingAccessBlocked.contains(ca) && !clothing.getDisplacedList().contains(bpIterated.displacementType)) {
if (!isCoverableAreaExposedFromElsewhere(clothing, coverableArea)) {
// this clothing is blocking the clothing we wanted to displace, so now we re-start by wanting to displace this new clothing:
clothingToRemove = clothing;
displacement = bpIterated.displacementType;
finished = false;
break outerloop2;
return new SimpleEntry<AbstractClothing, DisplacementType>(clothingToRemove, displacement);