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Example 1 with AvroName

use of com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroName in project avro-util by linkedin.

the class AvscWriter method aliasesToJson.

protected void aliasesToJson(Schema schema, List<AvroName> extraAliases, G gen) throws IOException {
    Set<String> userDefinedAliases = schema.getAliases();
    // could be null
    Set<String> allAliases = userDefinedAliases;
    if (addAliasesForAvro702 && extraAliases != null) {
        allAliases = new HashSet<>();
        if (userDefinedAliases != null) {
        for (AvroName extraAlias : extraAliases) {
    if (allAliases == null || allAliases.isEmpty()) {
    AvroName name = AvroName.of(schema);
    // "context" namespace for aliases is the fullname of the names type on which they are defined
    // except for the extra alias. scenarios where extraAlias is used are those where the "effective"
    // name of this schema (or its correct form) is different to its full name, so we want
    // to very explicitly use the fullname of the alias for those.
    String referenceNamespace = name.getSpace();
    // add yet more aliases to account for those!
    for (String s : allAliases) {
        AvroName alias = new AvroName(s, null);
        if (addAliasesForAvro702 && extraAliases != null && extraAliases.contains(alias)) {
            // always emit any avro-702 related aliases as fullnames
        } else {
            String relative = alias.getQualified(referenceNamespace);
Also used : AvroName(com.linkedin.avroutil1.compatibility.backports.AvroName)

Example 2 with AvroName

use of com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroName in project avro-util by linkedin.

the class AvscSchemaWriter method emitSchemaAliases.

protected void emitSchemaAliases(AvroNamedSchema schema, AvscWriterContext context, AvscWriterConfig config, AvroName extraAlias, JsonObjectBuilder output) {
    List<AvroName> aliases = schema.getAliases();
    int numAliases = (extraAlias != null ? 1 : 0) + (aliases != null ? aliases.size() : 0);
    if (numAliases == 0) {
    JsonArrayBuilder arrayBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder();
    if (aliases != null) {
        for (AvroName alias : aliases) {
    if (extraAlias != null) {
    output.add("aliases", arrayBuilder);
Also used : AvroName(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroName) JsonArrayBuilder(javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder)

Example 3 with AvroName

use of com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroName in project avro-util by linkedin.

the class AvscSchemaWriter method pathForSchema.

protected Path pathForSchema(AvroSchema maybeNamed) {
    if (!(maybeNamed instanceof AvroNamedSchema)) {
        return null;
    AvroNamedSchema namedSchema = (AvroNamedSchema) maybeNamed;
    AvroName name = namedSchema.getName();
    if (!name.hasNamespace()) {
        return Paths.get(name.getSimpleName() + "." + AvscFile.SUFFIX);
    String fullname = name.getFullname();
    String[] parts = fullname.split("\\.");
    String[] pathParts = new String[parts.length - 1];
    for (int i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
        if (i == parts.length - 1) {
            pathParts[i - 1] = parts[i] + "." + AvscFile.SUFFIX;
        } else {
            pathParts[i - 1] = parts[i];
    return Paths.get(parts[0], pathParts);
Also used : AvroName(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroName) AvroNamedSchema(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroNamedSchema)

Example 4 with AvroName

use of com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroName in project avro-util by linkedin.

the class AvscParser method parseSchemaName.

private AvroName parseSchemaName(JsonObjectExt objectNode, AvscFileParseContext context, AvroType avroType) {
    Located<String> nameStr = getRequiredString(objectNode, "name", () -> avroType + " is a named type");
    Located<String> namespaceStr = getOptionalString(objectNode, "namespace");
    String name = nameStr.getValue();
    String namespace = namespaceStr != null ? namespaceStr.getValue() : null;
    AvroName schemaName;
    if (name.contains(".")) {
        // the name specified is a full name (namespace included)
        context.addIssue(AvscIssues.useOfFullName(new CodeLocation(context.getUri(), nameStr.getLocation(), nameStr.getLocation()), avroType, name));
        if (namespace != null) {
            // namespace will be ignored, but it's confusing to even list it
            context.addIssue(AvscIssues.ignoredNamespace(new CodeLocation(context.getUri(), namespaceStr.getLocation(), namespaceStr.getLocation()), avroType, namespace, name));
        // TODO - validate names (no ending in dot, no spaces, etc)
        int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
        schemaName = new AvroName(name.substring(lastDot + 1), name.substring(0, lastDot));
    } else {
        String inheritedNamespace = namespace != null ? namespace : context.getCurrentNamespace();
        schemaName = new AvroName(name, inheritedNamespace);
    return schemaName;
Also used : CodeLocation(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.CodeLocation) AvroName(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroName)

Example 5 with AvroName

use of com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroName in project avro-util by linkedin.

the class AvscParser method parseNamedSchema.

private AvroNamedSchema parseNamedSchema(JsonObjectExt objectNode, AvscFileParseContext context, AvroType avroType, CodeLocation codeLocation, JsonPropertiesContainer extraProps) {
    AvroName schemaName = parseSchemaName(objectNode, context, avroType);
    List<AvroName> aliases = parseAliases(objectNode, context, avroType, schemaName);
    // technically the avro spec does not allow "doc" on type fixed, but screw that
    Located<String> docStr = getOptionalString(objectNode, "doc");
    String doc = docStr != null ? docStr.getValue() : null;
    boolean namespaceChanged = false;
    // check if context namespace changed
    if (!context.getCurrentNamespace().equals(schemaName.getNamespace())) {
        namespaceChanged = true;
    AvroNamedSchema namedSchema;
    switch(avroType) {
        case RECORD:
            AvroRecordSchema recordSchema = new AvroRecordSchema(codeLocation, schemaName, aliases, doc, extraProps);
            JsonArrayExt fieldsNode = getRequiredArray(objectNode, "fields", () -> "all avro records must have fields");
            List<AvroSchemaField> fields = new ArrayList<>(fieldsNode.size());
            for (int fieldNum = 0; fieldNum < fieldsNode.size(); fieldNum++) {
                // !=null
                JsonValueExt fieldDeclNode = (JsonValueExt) fieldsNode.get(fieldNum);
                JsonValue.ValueType fieldNodeType = fieldDeclNode.getValueType();
                if (fieldNodeType != JsonValue.ValueType.OBJECT) {
                    throw new AvroSyntaxException("field " + fieldNum + " for record " + schemaName.getSimpleName() + " at " + fieldDeclNode.getStartLocation() + " expected to be an OBJECT, not a " + JsonPUtil.describe(fieldNodeType) + " (" + fieldDeclNode + ")");
                TextLocation fieldStartLocation = Util.convertLocation(fieldDeclNode.getStartLocation());
                TextLocation fieldEndLocation = Util.convertLocation(fieldDeclNode.getEndLocation());
                CodeLocation fieldCodeLocation = new CodeLocation(context.getUri(), fieldStartLocation, fieldEndLocation);
                JsonObjectExt fieldDecl = (JsonObjectExt) fieldDeclNode;
                Located<String> fieldName = getRequiredString(fieldDecl, "name", () -> "all record fields must have a name");
                JsonValueExt fieldTypeNode = getRequiredNode(fieldDecl, "type", () -> "all record fields must have a type");
                Located<String> locatedDocField = getOptionalString(fieldDecl, "doc");
                String docField = locatedDocField == null ? null : locatedDocField.getValue();
                SchemaOrRef fieldSchema = parseSchemaDeclOrRef(fieldTypeNode, context, false);
                JsonValueExt fieldDefaultValueNode = fieldDecl.get("default");
                AvroLiteral defaultValue = null;
                if (fieldDefaultValueNode != null) {
                    if (fieldSchema.isResolved()) {
                        LiteralOrIssue defaultValurOrIssue = parseLiteral(fieldDefaultValueNode, fieldSchema.getSchema(), fieldName.getValue(), context);
                        if (defaultValurOrIssue.getIssue() == null) {
                            defaultValue = defaultValurOrIssue.getLiteral();
                    // TODO - handle issues
                    } else {
                        // TODO - implement delayed default value parsing
                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("delayed parsing of default value for " + fieldName.getValue() + " TBD");
                LinkedHashMap<String, JsonValueExt> props = parseExtraProps(fieldDecl, CORE_FIELD_PROPERTIES);
                JsonPropertiesContainer propsContainer = props.isEmpty() ? JsonPropertiesContainer.EMPTY : new JsonPropertiesContainerImpl(props);
                AvroSchemaField field = new AvroSchemaField(fieldCodeLocation, fieldName.getValue(), docField, fieldSchema, defaultValue, propsContainer);
            namedSchema = recordSchema;
        case ENUM:
            JsonArrayExt symbolsNode = getRequiredArray(objectNode, "symbols", () -> "all avro enums must have symbols");
            List<String> symbols = new ArrayList<>(symbolsNode.size());
            for (int ordinal = 0; ordinal < symbolsNode.size(); ordinal++) {
                JsonValueExt symbolNode = (JsonValueExt) symbolsNode.get(ordinal);
                JsonValue.ValueType symbolNodeType = symbolNode.getValueType();
                if (symbolNodeType != JsonValue.ValueType.STRING) {
                    throw new AvroSyntaxException("symbol " + ordinal + " for enum " + schemaName.getSimpleName() + " at " + symbolNode.getStartLocation() + " expected to be a STRING, not a " + JsonPUtil.describe(symbolNodeType) + " (" + symbolNode + ")");
            String defaultSymbol = null;
            Located<String> defaultStr = getOptionalString(objectNode, "default");
            if (defaultStr != null) {
                defaultSymbol = defaultStr.getValue();
                if (!symbols.contains(defaultSymbol)) {
                    context.addIssue(AvscIssues.badEnumDefaultValue(locationOf(context.getUri(), defaultStr), defaultSymbol, schemaName.getSimpleName(), symbols));
                    // TODO - support "fixing" by selecting 1st symbol as default?
                    defaultSymbol = null;
            namedSchema = new AvroEnumSchema(codeLocation, schemaName, aliases, doc, symbols, defaultSymbol, extraProps);
        case FIXED:
            JsonValueExt sizeNode = getRequiredNode(objectNode, "size", () -> "fixed types must have a size property");
            if (sizeNode.getValueType() != JsonValue.ValueType.NUMBER || !(((JsonNumberExt) sizeNode).isIntegral())) {
                throw new AvroSyntaxException("size for fixed " + schemaName.getSimpleName() + " at " + sizeNode.getStartLocation() + " expected to be an INTEGER, not a " + JsonPUtil.describe(sizeNode.getValueType()) + " (" + sizeNode + ")");
            int fixedSize = ((JsonNumberExt) sizeNode).intValue();
            Parsed<AvroLogicalType> logicalTypeResult = parseLogicalType(objectNode, context, avroType, codeLocation);
            if (logicalTypeResult.hasIssues()) {
            namedSchema = new AvroFixedSchema(codeLocation, schemaName, aliases, doc, fixedSize, logicalTypeResult.getData(), extraProps);
            throw new IllegalStateException("unhandled: " + avroType + " for object at " + codeLocation.getStart());
    if (namespaceChanged) {
    return namedSchema;
Also used : AvroSyntaxException(com.linkedin.avroutil1.parser.exceptions.AvroSyntaxException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JsonPropertiesContainer(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.JsonPropertiesContainer) AvroNamedSchema(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroNamedSchema) JsonArrayExt(com.linkedin.avroutil1.parser.jsonpext.JsonArrayExt) AvroEnumSchema(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroEnumSchema) AvroFixedSchema(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroFixedSchema) AvroLiteral(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroLiteral) JsonNumberExt(com.linkedin.avroutil1.parser.jsonpext.JsonNumberExt) CodeLocation(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.CodeLocation) SchemaOrRef(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.SchemaOrRef) AvroName(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroName) JsonValue(javax.json.JsonValue) AvroRecordSchema(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroRecordSchema) AvroLogicalType(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroLogicalType) JsonObjectExt(com.linkedin.avroutil1.parser.jsonpext.JsonObjectExt) JsonValueExt(com.linkedin.avroutil1.parser.jsonpext.JsonValueExt) TextLocation(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.TextLocation) AvroSchemaField(com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroSchemaField)


AvroName (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroName)7 AvroName (com.linkedin.avroutil1.compatibility.backports.AvroName)3 CodeLocation (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.CodeLocation)3 AvroEnumSchema (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroEnumSchema)2 AvroFixedSchema (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroFixedSchema)2 AvroNamedSchema (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroNamedSchema)2 AvroRecordSchema (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroRecordSchema)2 TextLocation (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.TextLocation)2 AvroSyntaxException (com.linkedin.avroutil1.parser.exceptions.AvroSyntaxException)2 JsonArrayExt (com.linkedin.avroutil1.parser.jsonpext.JsonArrayExt)2 JsonValueExt (com.linkedin.avroutil1.parser.jsonpext.JsonValueExt)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 JsonArrayBuilder (javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder)2 JsonValue (javax.json.JsonValue)2 Avro702Data (com.linkedin.avroutil1.compatibility.backports.Avro702Data)1 AvroLiteral (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroLiteral)1 AvroLogicalType (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroLogicalType)1 AvroSchemaField (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroSchemaField)1 AvroType (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.AvroType)1 JsonPropertiesContainer (com.linkedin.avroutil1.model.JsonPropertiesContainer)1