use of com.linkedin.coral.common.HiveMetastoreClient in project coral by linkedin.
the class TestUtils method initializeViews.
* Initializes the tables used in Coral-Pig unit tests
* @throws HiveException
* @throws MetaException
public static void initializeViews(HiveConf conf) throws HiveException, MetaException, IOException {
String testDir = conf.get(CORAL_PIG_TEST_DIR);
System.out.println("Test Workspace: " + testDir);
FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(testDir));
Driver driver = new Driver(conf);
HiveMetastoreClient hiveMetastoreClient = new HiveMscAdapter(Hive.get(conf).getMSC());
hiveToRelConverter = new HiveToRelConverter(hiveMetastoreClient);
// Views and tables used in unit tests
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS pig"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS functions"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pig.tableA(a int, b int, c int)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pig.tableB(a int, b int)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pig.tableLeft(a int, b int, c int)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pig.tableRight(d int, e int)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pig.tablestruct(a int, b struct<b0:int>, c struct<c0:struct<c00:int>>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pig.tablemap(m1 map<string,int>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pig.tablecast(i int, bi bigint, fl float, do double, str string, boo boolean)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pig.tablenull(nullablefield string, field string)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS functions.tablefields(i_1 int, i0 int, i1 int, i2 int, i3 int, fl1 double, fl2 double, fl3 double, str string, substr string, exstr string, bootrue boolean, boofalse boolean, bin binary)"));
use of com.linkedin.coral.common.HiveMetastoreClient in project coral by linkedin.
the class TestUtils method initializeViews.
public static void initializeViews(HiveConf conf) throws HiveException, MetaException, IOException {
String testDir = conf.get(CORAL_SPARK_TEST_DIR);
System.out.println("Test Workspace: " + testDir);
FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(testDir));
Driver driver = new Driver(conf);
HiveMetastoreClient hiveMetastoreClient = new HiveMscAdapter(Hive.get(conf).getMSC());
hiveToRelConverter = new HiveToRelConverter(hiveMetastoreClient);
run(driver, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo(a int, b varchar(30), c double)");
run(driver, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bar(x int, y double)");
run(driver, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS complex(a int, b string, c array<double>, s struct<name:string, age:int>, m map<int, string>, sarr array<struct<name:string, age:int>>)");
run(driver, "CREATE FUNCTION default_foo_dali_udf_LessThanHundred as 'com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDF'");
run(driver, "CREATE FUNCTION default_foo_dali_udf2_GreaterThanHundred as 'com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDF2'");
run(driver, "CREATE FUNCTION default_foo_dali_udf3_GreaterThanHundred as 'com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDF2'");
run(driver, "CREATE FUNCTION default_foo_dali_udf3_FuncSquare as 'com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUdfSquare'");
run(driver, "CREATE FUNCTION default_foo_dali_udf4_GreaterThanHundred as 'com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDF2'");
run(driver, "CREATE FUNCTION default_foo_dali_udf5_UnsupportedUDF as 'com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUnsupportedUDF'");
run(driver, "create function default_foo_lateral_udtf_CountOfRow as 'com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDTF'");
run(driver, "create function default_foo_duplicate_udf_LessThanHundred as 'com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDF'");
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS foo_view", "AS", "SELECT b AS bcol, sum(c) AS sum_c", "FROM foo", "GROUP BY b"));
run(driver, "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS foo_v1");
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS foo_v1 ", "AS ", "SELECT DATE '2013-01-01', '2017-08-22 01:02:03', CAST(123 AS SMALLINT), CAST(123 AS TINYINT) ", "FROM foo", "LIMIT 1"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS foo_bar_view", "AS", "SELECT foo_view.bcol, bar.x", "FROM foo_view JOIN bar", "ON bar.y = foo_view.sum_c"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS foo_dali_udf", "tblproperties('functions' = 'LessThanHundred:com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDF',", " 'dependencies' = 'ivy://com.linkedin:udf:1.0')", "AS", "SELECT default_foo_dali_udf_LessThanHundred(a)", "FROM foo"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS foo_dali_udf2", "tblproperties('functions' = 'GreaterThanHundred:com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDF2',", " 'dependencies' = 'com.linkedin:udf:1.0')", "AS", "SELECT default_foo_dali_udf2_GreaterThanHundred(a)", "FROM foo"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS foo_dali_udf3", "tblproperties('functions' = ", "'FuncSquare:com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUdfSquare GreaterThanHundred:com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDF2',", " 'dependencies' = 'ivy://com.linkedin:udf:1.1 ivy://com.linkedin:udf:1.0')", "AS", "SELECT default_foo_dali_udf3_FuncSquare(a), default_foo_dali_udf3_GreaterThanHundred(a) ", "FROM foo"));
// foo_dali_udf4 is same as foo_dali_udf2, except we add extra space in dependencies parameter
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS foo_dali_udf4", "tblproperties('functions' = 'GreaterThanHundred:com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDF2',", " 'dependencies' = ' ivy://com.linkedin:udf:1.0 ')", "AS", "SELECT default_foo_dali_udf4_GreaterThanHundred(a)", "FROM foo"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS foo_dali_udf5", "tblproperties('functions' = 'UnsupportedUDF:com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUnsupportedUDF',", " 'dependencies' = 'com.linkedin:udf:1.0')", "AS", "SELECT default_foo_dali_udf5_UnsupportedUDF(a)", "FROM foo"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS foo_lateral_udtf", "tblproperties('functions' = 'CountOfRow:com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDTF')", "AS", "SELECT a, t.col1 FROM complex LATERAL VIEW default_foo_lateral_udtf_CountOfRow(complex.a) t"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS named_struct_view", "AS", "SELECT named_struct('abc', 123, 'def', 'xyz') AS named_struc", "FROM bar"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS duplicate_column_name"));
run(driver, "CREATE TABLE duplicate_column_name.tableA (some_id string)");
run(driver, "CREATE TABLE duplicate_column_name.tableB (some_id string)");
run(driver, "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS duplicate_column_name.view_namesake_column_names AS " + "SELECT a.some_id FROM duplicate_column_name.tableA a LEFT JOIN (SELECT trim(some_id) AS SOME_ID FROM duplicate_column_name.tableB) b ON a.some_id = b.some_id WHERE a.some_id != ''");
// Views and tables used in FuzzyUnionViewTest
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableA(a int, b struct<b1:string>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.union_view", "AS", "SELECT * from fuzzy_union.tableA", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableA"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.union_view_with_more_than_two_tables", "AS", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableA", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableA", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableA"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.union_view_with_alias", "AS", "SELECT *", "FROM", "(SELECT * from fuzzy_union.tableA)", "as viewFirst", "union all", "SELECT *", "FROM (SELECT * from fuzzy_union.tableA)", "as viewSecond"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableB(a int, b struct<b1:string>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableC(a int, b struct<b1:string>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.union_view_single_branch_evolved", "AS", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableB", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableC"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "ALTER TABLE fuzzy_union.tableC CHANGE COLUMN b b struct<b1:string, b2:int>"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableD(a int, b struct<b1:string>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableE(a int, b struct<b1:string>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.union_view_double_branch_evolved_same", "AS", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableD", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableE"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "ALTER TABLE fuzzy_union.tableD CHANGE COLUMN b b struct<b1:string, b2:int>"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "ALTER TABLE fuzzy_union.tableE CHANGE COLUMN b b struct<b1:string, b2:int>"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableF(a int, b struct<b1:string>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableG(a int, b struct<b1:string>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.union_view_double_branch_evolved_different", "AS", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableF", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableG"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.union_view_more_than_two_branches_evolved", "AS", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableF", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableG", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableF"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "ALTER TABLE fuzzy_union.tableF CHANGE COLUMN b b struct<b1:string, b3:string>"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "ALTER TABLE fuzzy_union.tableG CHANGE COLUMN b b struct<b1:string, b2:int>"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableH(a int, b map<string, struct<b1:string>>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableI(a int, b map<string, struct<b1:string>>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.union_view_map_with_struct_value_evolved", "AS", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableH", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableI"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "ALTER TABLE fuzzy_union.tableH CHANGE COLUMN b b map<string, struct<b1:string, b2:int>>"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableJ(a int, b array<struct<b1:string>>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableK(a int, b array<struct<b1:string>>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.union_view_array_with_struct_value_evolved", "AS", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableJ", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableK"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "ALTER TABLE fuzzy_union.tableJ CHANGE COLUMN b b array<struct<b1:string, b2:int>>"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableL(a int, b struct<b1:string, b2:struct<b3:string, b4:struct<b5:string>>>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableM(a int, b struct<b1:string, b2:struct<b3:string, b4:struct<b5:string>>>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.union_view_deeply_nested_struct_evolved", "AS", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableL", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableM"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "ALTER TABLE fuzzy_union.tableL CHANGE COLUMN b b struct<b1:string, b2:struct<b3:string, b4:struct<b5:string, b6:string>>>"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableN(a int, b struct<b1:string>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.tableO(a int, b struct<b1:string>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS fuzzy_union.union_view_same_schema_evolution_with_different_ordering", "AS", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableN", "union all", "SELECT *", "from fuzzy_union.tableO"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "ALTER TABLE fuzzy_union.tableN CHANGE COLUMN b b struct<b2:double, b1:string, b0:int>"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "ALTER TABLE fuzzy_union.tableO CHANGE COLUMN b b struct<b0:int, b1:string, b2:int>"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema_promotion(a int, b array<int>)"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS view_schema_promotion AS SELECT * from schema_promotion"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS view_schema_promotion_wrapper AS SELECT * from view_schema_promotion"));
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "ALTER TABLE schema_promotion CHANGE COLUMN b b array<double>"));
run(driver, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS union_table(foo uniontype<int, double, array<string>, struct<a:int,b:string>>)");
run(driver, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nested_union(a uniontype<int, struct<a:uniontype<int, double>, b:int>>)");
run(driver, "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS view_expand_array_index AS SELECT c[1] c1 FROM default.complex");
run(driver, String.join("\n", "", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS foo_duplicate_udf", "tblproperties('functions' = 'LessThanHundred:com.linkedin.coral.hive.hive2rel.CoralTestUDF',", " 'dependencies' = 'ivy://com.linkedin:udf:1.0')", "AS", "SELECT default_foo_duplicate_udf_LessThanHundred(a), default_foo_duplicate_udf_LessThanHundred(a)", "FROM foo"));
use of com.linkedin.coral.common.HiveMetastoreClient in project coral by linkedin.
the class RelDataTypeToAvroTypeTests method beforeClass.
public void beforeClass() throws HiveException, MetaException, IOException {
conf = TestUtils.getHiveConf();
HiveMetastoreClient metastoreClient = setup(conf);
hiveToRelConverter = new HiveToRelConverter(metastoreClient);
use of com.linkedin.coral.common.HiveMetastoreClient in project coral by linkedin.
the class TestUtils method setup.
public static HiveMetastoreClient setup(HiveConf conf) throws HiveException, MetaException, IOException {
String testDir = conf.get(CORAL_SCHEMA_TEST_DIR);
System.out.println("Test Workspace: " + testDir);
FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(testDir));
driver = new Driver(conf);
HiveMetastoreClient metastoreClient = new HiveMscAdapter(Hive.get(conf).getMSC());
return metastoreClient;